Chapter 6: Relationships

I looked at him. His eyes were brimmed with hope. "I love you too." I said breathlessly, he reached over and kissed my head.

"That's good to hear."

We took a seat at a table, as there were small circular tables instead of the long house ones. I looked around trying to spot Harry and Ron, making sure they hadn't seen me. I breathed easier seeing as they were on the other side of the room and were deeply in a conversation with each other, their dates talking as well.

Professor Dumbledore appeared at the front of the Hall, "Welcome Students, to the first ever Christmas Dance. I would like to thank the Prefects, Heads and Teachers on the stunning decorations! Also thank you to the Weasley Brothers for their generous contribution to the snacks! Though be warned on the Canary Creams…you may feel a little feathery." A round of applause went around the room; cheers went up from many of their fans. "Yes thank you all, and may I say that each and every one of you looks your very best! Now it is my pleasure to introduce one of your favorite bands….The Phoenix Core!"

Loud screams from all of the girls came when four guys walked out on stage. They got ready and took their places, waving at people across the room. Their first tune was a slow one, many couples started to dance on the large dance floor.

"Would you like to dance?" Draco asked.

"Sure." I said taking his hand.

We entered the dance floor and I wrapped my hands around his neck, his found their way to my waist. Harry and Padama were sitting, Padama looking very angry. Ron and Luna were dancing as Draco and I were. I had to admit that they were very lovely together.

"Hey Hermione?"


"Do you know what?"

"No, tell me."

I placed my head on his shoulder; he brought my body closer to his. "You are so beautiful."

I blushed. No one had ever told me that in a sincere way. Well my mother, but she's my…well…mother! I hugged him close to me.

"Thank you. Do you know?"

"Know what?"

"That you aren't as bad as you seem."

He smiled. "Thank you."

We danced until the band stopped and everyone clapped. Dumbledore knows how to get some good music!

Draco turned to me, "Do you want a drink?"

"Sure, I'd love one."

He swept away across the floor towards the refreshments. Harry had suddenly spotted me and walked over.

"Ello Hermione! Lovely dance…don't you think?" he said sitting down here Draco had been.

"Yes, it's really exciting!" The Band had just started playing a fast beat song.

"Who are you here with? I didn't see you out there…"

"Really? I was dancing." Draco had spotted Harry and was walking over. I signaled him to stop.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Oh…Just…Stretching, got to get my muscles ready for dancing!" I stretched my elbow. That was the last thing I needed, confrontation.

"Oh, okay. Well hey…I'll see you later then 'Mione!" He walked off.

I sighed. I prayed to god that he wouldn't see me later.

"What was that all about?" Draco said humorously as he returned with the drinks.

"Nothing…Just…doing some stretching." I laughed.

We went back out on the floor and danced a bit, then the music stopped and another slow song started. I took my place close to Draco. His body fit mine perfectly; it was exhilarating. My head was on his shoulder and I looked around. Ron and Luna were laughing; Padama was dancing with some other guy. Harry was…

"Where is Harry!"

"Hermione?" A voice asked behind me.

"Oh shit." I muttered.

I turned around, as I feared, it was Harry. He looked slightly confused and angry.

"Can I help you?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, leave her alone. Come on Hermione." He tried to pull me away. I grabbed onto Draco's arm.

Draco pushed me behind him, "I don't think she wants to go."

"Yes, she does."

"No, Harry I want to stay here." I said softly.

"Hermione, you don't know what your talking about. You're dancing with the enemy. You know…Malfoy…the ferret?" He seemed desperate to get me away from him.

"Potter, why don't you just go?" Draco sneered, ready to throw a punch.

Harry looked at me, then at Draco. His turned and left for his table. "Fine, have fun." He shouted over his shoulder.

"Why he's a little shit, now isn't he?" Draco sighed.

I just went to the table and sat. This was terrible. The first guy I had ever loved and the first friend I ever had, fighting.

"You can't blame him. You were never very…um… polite to us, you know?" I said defensively.


"Well, it doesn't matter now."

"Yes it does."

"Okay…" I was lost in my thoughts.

He grabbed my hand. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

I nodded. We walked out into the garden. It was amazing! Colorful fairies flew from bush to bush, making the whole of the garden seem to be breathing; two fountains were placed around the path filled with red and green flashing koi. The snow settling on the ground gave off reflections of the magic. It was breathtaking.

I shivered, "Hey Draco…?"

"What's up?"

"I've got to tell you something."

His face got worried. "What?"

"Well your diary…" My teeth were chattering together, "…I sort of read it…"

"Really…? That's cool. I didn't exactly put it in the wrong bag you know. I hoped you'd read it, maybe feel the same way?" There was doubt in his voice.

"Of course I do." I hugged him for warmth, "I just don't understand you. You're so damn confusing. First you're an arrogant conniving jerk annoying me and my friends…then next you're the best damn kisser and the sweetest person in the world. Are you under some spell or something!"

He hugged me tighter, "No…It's just that when I look at you…You see now a days I try to um…look past my family. When I saw you this year I couldn't help it. Then those damn dreams kept coming…"

I smiled, "I had them too you know, and I was getting tired of seeing your face so much."

"Hmm…Well you know now I love you and I'd do anything for you."


"Because, I love you…remember? Love is like that."

"I could so ruin you." I smirked, "Falling for a mudblood."

"Yeah, Father's going to kill me. Though I hope he never gets word."

I didn't say anything. Draco's father had been put in Azkaban because of Harry, Ron and I. I didn't want to make him remember that.

"I Love you." I breathed into his ear.

He brought his face closer to me; I embraced his lips with mine. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue search out for mine. His body was so warm, I felt like I was in paradise. Pulling me closer, he searched my neck, and my shoulder each of his kisses sending chills up and down my back.

"Hey Hermione?" came a voice from a near bush. I pushed Draco away, looking to see the speaker. "It's…Ginny."

I looked around, "Were are you?"

"Over here…by the fountain." A sob came from the bushes.

I ran over to the bushes, grabbing Draco's hand. It was a sad sight. Ginny sat there, alone may I add, sobbing herself to death. I came over and sat with her.

"What happened Ginn?" I comforted. "Was it Neville?"

She shook her head. "Where is he? You want me to take care of it." Draco asked toughly.

"I don't know…He showed up with some….some…girl! Went right bye me…Didn't...Did—", She couldn't finish her sentence because she had already broken down into a hysteria of sobs.

I grabbed her by the arm and stood her up and we all walked up the stairs to the party. The Hall was as loud as before, tons of screaming fans. I led Ginny over to her brother Ron.


He looked up from his dessert, noticing a crying Ginny and Draco sent him into a rage of panic. "What did you do my sister?" he yelled at Draco.

"I didn't do anything to her." Draco yelled defensively.

"Ron…Listen. He was with me, he didn't do anything. Your sister's had her heart broken by Neville." Ginny seemed to fall apart into sobs at the mention of his name.

"Leave her with me, she'll feel better later. I'll see if Luna can help…" Ron said, eyeing us suspiciously. "What were you two doing anyways?"

I drug Draco away from the table, "See you later Ron!"

We walked out of the great hall and out into the corridors. All of the sudden he started leading me, down the corridors, past the statue of the backwards witch, and past the kitchens. Finally he stopped.

"Stay here for a second." He said.


He paced by the door three times, concentrating very hard. I smiled. This was the Room of Requirement. Harry, Ron and I used it in our fifth year. Though I wondered what was going to happen next.

He stopped, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. The room, which before when I had seen it was in the form of my father's old study; paneling, bookshelves and comfy chairs. Now the room was very cozy. The walls were dark velvet, a bed stood over in the corner, and a few chairs were placed in front of a warm fire. Hot chocolate was placed near the fire, steaming slightly.

"Wow!" I said amazingly

"Wow is right." Draco said equally as amazed.

I smiled, "The Room of Requirements…"

Draco mumbled something I couldn't hear, he laughed at himself and smiled sheepishly at me.

"What…?" I asked.

"Nothing…" he said taking my hand, "Nothing."

He sat down in front of the fire place and patted the spot next to him.

"Oh would you like me to join you?"

"No! I was just making sure the floor was sturdy that's all."

"I see…" I laid on the floor next to him, using his lap as a pillow.

"Damn it. Granger you caught me." He sighed, "All I wanted was your company…"

He brought his head towards mine. "Is that all?"

"Of course not." I reached up and kissed him. He shivered.

"There's always more in a relationship…isn't there?" He turned over so I was lying on top of him.

He smiled, "Yes…I won't lie to you Hermione." A chill went down my back. Hearing him say my name always did that to me. It was, as I figure, his blonde-tastic charm. "Relationships require tons of energy, cooking, and sooner or later…great sex."

"Really? I never knew."

"Yes you see; the man in the relationship, me, and the girl in the relationship, you, have to do these things. It's all part of the 'cycle'." I stopped and laid down next to him. He looked me in the eyes, I smiled.

"Sounds pretty good to me." I said. I knew what he was saying, what this meant. I didn't have time for the rational Hermione right now. It was just Hermione working the controls, and she was happy to just be in love.

-sigh- Got to love it. Though this was one of my longest chapters it was the one that I wanted to fit a lot of things in to. I'm not exceptionally great at racy stuff but there MIGHT be some in the next chapter. I'm really just trying to keep the story sort of…happy…I guess…ANYWAYS…If you don't like it…Or you love it. (Yay!) Please Read and Review!

Next Chapter if I get enough reviews…I might answer them...but…Eh…who knows…. –ForgottenInk!