Disclaimer: I own nothing J.K Rowling created! I own nothing but the plot so Don't SUE!

A/N: Review! Review! Review! Sorry it took me so long. It just wouldn't rain and I only write when it rains. I've been waiting for weeks! So sad, anyway it rained today it was exciting... R&R and all my replies to my reviews for the last chapter will be at the bottom of this chapter. We'll on with the story...

Chapter 10

I woke up sometime later to the sound of voices. "Father I brought her just like you asked. I got the mudblood. It was so easy…Can we keep her around for a while before we turn her over to the Dark Lord? I have a bit of a score to settle with the mudblood whore." I didn't dare open my eyes, if I did they'd know I was awake and who knows what they'd do with me. I listened hoping to get a few hints as to why I was here, obviously Voldemort wanted me but his motives were unclear, it probably had to do with Harry but even if I was captured Dumbledore would never let Harry come after me. Then again Harry is quite impulsive and he'd blame himself for what had happened. He'd find some way to come rescue me but it would probably be stupid and reckless.

"Well, son I suppose that if you wanted to play with her for a while we could put off giving her to the Dark Lord. It's not as if she'll be going anywhere. But you can't kill her. We need her alive to present to the Dark Lord. More so we need her as live bait. We will present her this evening to him so be prepared." I opened my eyes just slightly so I could see through my eyelashes only to see the swift departure of Lucius Malfoy. I opened my eyes a little more only to see the face of Draco Malfoy pop into view.

"Wake up mudblood. It looks as if I get to have a little fun with you. After all I always get what I want. Now, what shall I do with you? You've embarrassed me far too much to persuade me to let you off without penance. No, this is going to be painful. You're going to remember this day. You can't mess with Malfoy's Granger. You'll always get what's coming to you. Oh, and I have a little surprise for you…" I watched in horror as he went to the closet in the room that we were in. I found I couldn't speak or scream; I had a silencing spell placed on me. I could only watch as I saw Draco Malfoy pull an almost lifeless Blaise Zabini out of the closet. He was so bruised and broken that if I hadn't seen the slight rise and fall of his chest I would have thought he was dead. I saw Draco kick him, "Wake up Zabini. I want you to watch as I beat your little mudblood; maybe I'll even have a little fun with her and see what makes you like her so much. I'll have a little taste, after all she must be good in the sack or you would never have touched her." I saw Blaise's eyes go wide and anger mixed with pure hatred flash through them. We were both doomed. I looked at Blaise hoping my eyes could tell him that it would be o.k. that Malfoy couldn't break me not as long as I had him. I willed him to hold on. I watched as Blaise struggled to get up but he must have had some sort of binding spell placed on him. "Ahh, Zabini what does it feel like to be powerless? You're too beaten to be able to do anything it's completely useless to try." I saw the rage build in Blaise's eyes. I watched as Malfoy took off the binding spell. The only thing I could think was he's far too cocky. I couldn't help but smirk.

"What are you smirking about mudblood? Here I thought you were supposed to be smart. Turns out you're dumb as a post, you should be cowering in fear I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life, then Lord Voldemort will have you. You're going to die." He said as he smirked. I watched as his smirked faded and his face contorted in pain. He fell to the ground and I saw that Blaise had gotten up and stabbed him in the back with what looked like a letter opener. He wasn't dead, merely unconscious. I watched Blaise take a few staggering steps forward and he knelt down to Malfoy's body he pulled what appeared to be Malfoy's wand out of Malfoy's pocket. He mumbled a few incantations and I found that I was able to talk and move. I watched as Blaise fell to the ground moaning in pain.

I didn't know much about healing but I did know a few healing spells, just minor ones for bruises and small cuts. I took Malfoy's wand and began healing what I could. I knew there was probably some internal bleeding and some broken bones but hopefully he'd be able to get up and move some so we could get out of here. I began to talk to him hoping he'd come round. "Blaise you have to get up, we have to get out of here. I know it hurts but we have to go, we have to go now. Sunsets almost here." I watched as his eyelids began to flutter open.

"Hermione…?" I helped him up and he staggered a bit but it looked as if he could walk. I had him put his arm around me so I could hold him steady. I tried to apparate but it seemed as if the Malfoy house had anti-apperation wards placed on it. Bugger. Well this meant we had to get either to a fireplace with floo powder or somehow make it out of the house undetected. I pondered this for a moment before deciding that our best chance would be to make it to a fireplace. I knew this was going to prove to be a problem. Blaise was fading fast. We walked to the door and walked out into the hall. I looked around making sure that there was no one around before trusting my intuition and heading down the hallway to the right. I imagined that we were probably in the dungeon so our best chance would be to find a stairway to the next level where there would presumably be fireplace in a room or something. I saw that Blaises head began to droop. "Come on Blaise I know you can do this we just need to make it a little further." I turned down a corridor on the left and low and behold there was a stairway. The gods must have been with us today. We climbed the stairs and Blaise seemed to be holding on a little.

When we got up we realized we'd just made it in what looked to be Lucius's study. Luckily he wasn't there and there was a fireplace in the corner. I set Blaise down and scoured the room for floo powder. I managed to find some in his desk. Just as I'd gotten to Blaise I heard talking outside the room and I heard the door handle begin to twist. I grabbed Blaise and dragged him to the fireplace. I threw the floo powder in as fast as I could. I yelled Hogsmeade as loud as I could just as Lucius walked in with a look of confusion that quickly turned into a look of anger. We disappeared just as he started to come toward us.

We both rolled out in what looked to be the Three Broomsticks. People gave us funny looks but it seemed as if no one cared that much. I knew we didn't have much time Lucius would be here shortly. I quickly grabbed hold of Blaise and apperated to the gates of Hogwarts. I held on to Blaise and practically dragged him along on our way to the school. I was really struggling when I heard someone swoop down beside us. It was Ron; he must have been a Quidditch practice because he had his gear on. "Ron, we…have…to get…to…the school. Lucius Malfoy, Blaise needs help." I said panting. He seemed to somewhat understand what I was saying because he nodded and pulled Blaise onto his broom. He yelled for one of the other guys to come over and get me and I watched him fly over to the school. I only hoped that we weren't to late. My mediocre skills at healing couldn't have helped Blaise much.

Ginny came down beside me and I got on the broom. She flew me to the door to Hogwarts and we ran into the school to the Infirmary. I could see that Madame Promfrey was giving her undivided attention to Blaise and I sighed with some relief. I prayed silently that he would be o.k, that we'd made it in time. I was taken from my thoughts when I felt Dumbledore's hand upon my shoulder. He looked down at me with kind eyes. "Lucius Malfoy," I said and he seemed to understand because he turned around and left hopefully to make sure Lucius Malfoy did not get into Hogwarts. My last thought was that I hoped everything turned out o.k. After that I let the darkness consume me.

A/N: Here's my replies to my reviewers for the last chapter...

mrsbnm-of09: All was explained in this chapter...

Professor Jaida: Sorry my update took so long, hope this puts you out of your misery.

knivesgirl346: We'll you were entirely right about Draco...He's bad news, he'll get his though. Anyway I'm glad you like my story and I'm sorry I took so long to update. I wouldn't rain and I've been so busy with school. I actually got a break this weekend so I was pretty happy.

miko101: Oh, I think that you might have to rethink feeling sorry for Blaise. But you'll see when you read. Sorry I didn't update so soon after my cliffie. But, I'll try to be more regular at updating, it's just been a little hard lately.

Moony's-Wolf: Haha, you were correct in your assumptions good job!

Draco'sBrokenAngel: Here's where you get to find out. I hope you liked it.

witchyinuyashagirl: Sorry bout the huge monolouge. It was critical to the story though. I couldn't have them be mad at each other forever. Anyway this chapters pretty actiony.

Gywnn-Potter: You're correct it was Malfoy! I hope everything you wanted got explained in this chapter...Voldies not going to be very happy now...

blondestbrunette: This chapter explains everything I'm glad you like it!

seamusismyprince: Correct! Here's the next update!

rock-the-casbah18: I'm glad you liked my other story! I'm glad you like my stories enough to be on your favorite authors list! Thanks so much for reviewing.

lilpuppy3: You are entirely right!

padfootedmoony: Excellent deduction skills. Of course it wasn't Blaise, he wouldn't have called Hermione..Granger.

c-dog: Yes, it twas Malfoy: Blaise is not a jerk. I thought about having him be the bad guy but I decided against it since it is a Blaise/Hermione story.

amrawo: I'm glad you like my story. It's exciting everytime I hear that...makes me think I'm doing a good job lol. Thanks for reviewing.

Lucyferina: Yes it was an interesting end. Anyway I hope it stays interesting.

SugaAngel86: Glad you like the story thanks for reviewing! You'd have to read this chapter to find out so I hoped you liked it.

chavela2: Glad you think my stories good! Hoped you liked this chapter!

L'acqua: Heres the next update I hope you didn't go insane with the wait. Glad you like my writing style!

Jen: I know but I told you it just wasn't raining and then it did and then you get this chapter! Happy now lol? I'll see you at school on Monday compadre!

omg: haha! hope you found out in this chapter. I think it explained everything. Glad you like it though.

FarDeep: You are correct. I'll have to think about a sequel with Blaise...Good idea though. We'll see. That's cool that i'm your first review since you deleted your stories though. Thats exciting! Thanks for reviewing!