"Where is your brother Legolas?" Thranduil asked angrily.

It was early in the morning, and the trial was about to begin. Vicara, Drulas, and Art all stood in chains in the middle of the large room waiting to be judged. Thranduil, Legolas, and a few advisors all sat before the three, waiting for Mertose to come and fill the empty seat. The King's patience was wearing thin as the hour grew later and later.

Kitbellwen sat next to her father off to the side grinning as if it was her wedding day. Mertose's tardiness made her slightly curious, but she didn't think it was anything to stress over.

"There you are son! I was beginning to worry," Thranduil said standing and gesturing Mertose to sit.

All three heads of the imprisoned friends turned sharply to look behind them. Their eyes grew and mouths dropped when they say the humble guard walking in. Mertose stared back at them for a moment, a sadness gleaming in his eyes. Vicara quickly found her hands to be very interesting while the other two continued to follow the prince with their eyes. When Mertose finally found his seat, the trail began.

First, the advisors told what they were charged with. Stealing, disturbing the public, and living outside the kingdom's boundaries without permission. Next was the decision of their punishment. Some suggested more jail time, physical punishment, even death. As they continued to ponder and argue, Mertose sat there, not speaking, just staring at a defeated Vicara.

"What causes a person to steal?" the prince suddenly asked.

Everyone in the room, including Vicara, looked at him with questioning and bewildered looks.

"What was that Mertose?" asked his father.

"What causes a person to steal?" he repeated still staring at the golden haired elf.

"A desire to do evil, I would say." said one advisor.

"To make others miserable," said another.

"To feed their greed," said a third.

"Perhaps," replied Mertose, "But no. To survive, to feed themselves, to try and make their life normal with something they could never buy."

"Are you actually justifying stealing my lord?"

"Only the type that is misunderstood," Mertose suddenly stood up and walked over to the three shackled elves, "Let me ask you my lady," he spoke to Art, "why did you steal?"

"Well, honestly, your highness," Art finally said after being tongue tied for awhile, "I never stole anything. I was always too afraid to and Drulas never wanted me in any danger anyway," she blushed at what she confessed.

"Ah, so you are actually innocent," Mertose smiled.

"She still lived outside the boundaries my lord," proclaimed an advisor.

"So she did, but do not others live outside our boundaries? Other elves, men, dwarves?"

The advisor fell silent, seemingly pondering his words. Mertose moved on to Drulas, who looked completely furious. Mustering up his courage the prince asked.

"Now, why did you steal?"

Drulas didn't answer; the advisors began to murmur among themselves. But the elf was suddenly jabbed in the ribs by Artellwen and was given a look that said you better answer.

"I stole to feed the ones I love and trust," he said looking straight into Mertose's eyes.

"Another innocent elf, who was just trying to survive," Mertose proclaimed.

Then Mertose stood in front of Vicara. Without realizing, he tenderly pushed back a few strands of hair away from her face. She slowly looked up at him, tears forming in her eyes. Kitbellwen shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she watched. Mertose leaned a bit closer to her and whispered.

"I'm going to get you all out of this. You must trust me!"

"How can I trust you?" she whispered back.

"You can't," Mertose grinned, "you just have to believe that my words are true."

Vicara blinked a few times, but then the corners of her mouth twitched slightly upwards.

"Besides," he added quickly, "I love you."

"Son? What are you discussing with her?" asked a suspicious Thranduil.

"What possessed her to steal," he answered his father, never taking his blue eyes off her shocked brown ones.

"And?" inquired the King.

"Other people's judgment of her looks, and who they think she is."

"How is that a reason?" asked an advisor.

"It's not!" cried Kitbellwen who didn't like where this was going, "My lords," she continued respectfully, "Just because these three stole for their, so called, survival, doesn't mean they did something good. Stealing is stealing, and you are right my lord, stealing just because you're different is not a good reason to be freed," she finished smugly.

"I had to-" Vicara tried to explain.

"Quiet you!" Kitbellwen cut her off quickly.

"I have had enough!" bellowed Mertose, making everyone jump, "I've had enough of your plotting! These three are good people who were shunned by our society and left to fend for themselves! It was hard for them to buy what they needed when no one would let them into their stores! It was hard for them to live in the kingdom when no one wanted them here! And it was hard for them to move completely away since this is the only home they know and love. They've tried to be good citizens, but that wasn't enough. They have to change who they are completely to fit in and be considered one of us! I will not stand for such a thing!"

Suddenly, Mertose pulled out keys from his pocket and unlocked his friend's chains.

"Mertose no!" cried Thranduil, while Legolas just sat back and watched.

"I am just like them father. You shun me and what I want and my opinions aside. I'm not going to be an outsider to you anymore!"

Mertose quickly led the others out, while Thranduil called for guards to stop them. Legolas smiled as he got up and ambled away.

As the four continued to run down a corridor that would eventually lead them out a side door, Mertose's arm was suddenly grabbed and they all stopped.

"I won't let you do this to me!" cried Kitbellwen desperately as her nails dug into Mertose's flesh.

"Keep running, there are horses waiting! Go, I'll catch up!" Mertose yelled.

Art and Drulas soon left, but Vicara remained.

"Kitbellwen we both know we don't love each other," Mertose pleaded.

"Love? You took away my one chance to be someone and make my family proud! Everything I do I fail at. You were going to be my one success. Something my father would praise me for, instead of my sister!"

The other two stared at her completely stunned. Both thought she was making their lives miserable for the fun of it! But that was definitely not the case. Mertose took both her hands in his.

"Kitbellwen, look me in the eyes," she did so, "From now on I don't want you to do things because of your parents or sister. I want you to do them because it's what you love," he glanced at Vicara who smiled, "I want you to promise me now that you'll marry for love, not money or power or praise."

Kitbellwen hesitated a moment, just staring at the prince who was doing everything for the one he loved. Suddenly, the sounds of the guards came from down the hall. Mertoes squeezed the Lady's hands and took off running with Vicara at his heels. Soon they were on horses and riding at full gallop into the thick forest.

Thranduil stood on the balcony with his youngest son staring out at the vast world.

"My lords," said a guard as he stepped onto the balcony, "we lost them in the forest," he proclaimed after some hesitation.

"Of course you did, who do you think taught him how to run and hide from his enemies?" replied the King solemnly, "What have I done?" he sighed bowing his head into his hands.

Legolas placed a comforting hand on his father's shoulder.

"You taught him to be his own leader and not judge others by appearances alone. You taught him to stand up for what he believed in."

"It doesn't really seem like I did though does it?" he retorted looking at his son who gazed back.

"Maybe not, but I know mother would be proud of him."

"Yes, she would. He alone found the truth in their hearts."

"I think we lost them," said Mertose as he and Vicara came up to Drulas and Art.

They were deep in the forest, and Mertose made sure the horses were also equipped with swords. It would take a few days before they would finally leave the forest to freedom.

"Sorry we doubted you Mertose," said Drulas.

"Sorry I lied to you. But if you knew I was a prince, I would have never gotten to know you or save you," he said.

"All is forgiven," said Vicara placing a hand on his arm, "we are all free and can start a new life together."

Art smiled and hugged Drulas who held her tight. Vicara held her hand out to Mertose who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Welcome to our little group," she smiled.

Mertose laughed, then grabbed her hand and pulled her into a kiss. Vicara's eyes widen, but soon she relaxed, closing her eyes, and wrapping her arms around the elf she loved. At the sound of Drulas' unhappy throat clearing, the two separated blushing a little.

"Perhaps we should continue on and get more distance between us and the kingdom," suggested Drulas, the others nodded and the four friends were soon off and free.

Thanduil never saw his son again, and promised not to make the same mistakes with Legolas. He let Legolas be himself and never forced him into marriage. Legolas missed his big brother from time to time, but loved him for what he did and stood for.


A/N: It's over! *dances* hope you enjoyed it and hopefully the ending wasn't too lame. My first fanfiction is done! Now ... on to the next idea swimming in my head!