Helo party People! This is my new story! i hope u like! Chapter two IS done but if u want it..i need those reviews baby! onlu kidding! hope you like.. take care...bai!
"Forgoodness sake Weasley. Stop gossiping and get on with your work!" Snapes' voice boomed through out the entire Potions classroom.
The Slytherins snickered as Ginny Weasley whispered a goodbye to Luna, and went to carry on with her own potion.
She sighed heavily as she began to cut up her ingredients on the tabletop, before aimlessly throwing them into her cauldron.
Today had not been a good day. After waking up late that morning, she had hurried to Divinations, where she proceeded to get a detention for being late and, as Professor Treylawny had put it herself, 'Disrupted her inner peace'.
As if that wasn't bad enough, she then broke 3 tea cups and a crystal ball, resulting in yet another detention and having to stay behind after the lesson to clean up the mess she had made, thus, making her late for potions.
Now Snape didn't need a reason deduct house points from Gryffindor, but now that he had one, he decided to anyway.
Upon entering, Ginny had 30 house points taken from her, aswell as having to take up the only empty seat in the room, at the back of the class, and was forced to work on her own, as everybody else already had partners.
So now she was huddled in the corner of the room, glaring daggers at Snape, hoping against hope that doing so would pierce a hole through his head.
Now Ginny wasn't the best at Potions. She knew this, but all it took was for her to simply read the instructions laid before her, in order for her to get the particular potion they happened to be brewing today, Polyjuice, right. And as Ginny was well hidden with in the shadows of the classroom, know one was around to tell her she was doing anything wrong.
She reached across the table to retrieve the last ingredient, evidently the first thing that should have been added to the potion, and began to cut it up.
Once she had, she threw it into the potion.
She then began to clear away her table while she let the potions simmer for a while.
While standing at the sink, washing up her utensils, the entire Classroom was filled with an almighty BANG!
Several people screamed. Everybody looked around for the source of the noise, and their eyes landed on Ginnys cauldron which was now in pieces, and her potion- which was a violent green colour- was splattered all over the nearest walls, and over several of the students faces.
Ginny turned around and found Professor Snape, towering over her. He looked livid. His face was turning an ugly shade of maroon.
"What…." He began, "Did you do!" He hissed.
"N-nothing sir" Ginny stuttered. "I don't know what went wrong." Really she didn't.
"Did you follow the instruction that I wrote done for you on the board" He fumed.
"Y-yes… I think so…" Ginny cowered under is glare.
"Excuse me. You think so. Weasley there is no think so about it. You either did or you didn't. Now tell me, which one is it!"
"Erm…" Ginny's eyes landed on Luna, who was looking almost as scared as Ginny. "Well I erm…. May have got a bit carried away when I was adding the ingredients" She whispered.
"OFCOURSE YOU DID YOU FOOL!" Snape bellowed, making every one in the room jump. "You must have gotten 'carried away' as you put it. Why else would the potion have exploded?" Snape yelled. "Now I'm going to have to send some of my students to the infirmary so the nurse can look at them. Not to mention I'll have to clear this mess up AND invest in a new cauldron."
"Please Sir I-"
"You Miss Weasley are one of the worst Students I have seen when it come to potions since..since….. since Neville Longbottom! Now get out!"
Ginny felt tears prickle behind her eyes. "But sir-"
Ginny didn't have to be told again. She turned, pushed past her fellow students, and ran from the class room.
She ran up flights of stairs and through corridors.
She was fast approaching the Gryffindor common room, when she was suddenly grabbed by someone with in the shadows.
"Get off me" she bellowed, tears still running down her cheeks.
"Whoa whoa Ginny.." Ginny was desperately trying to get free. "Ginny it's me"
Ginny sagged in relief at the kind and familiar voice of her boyfriend. "H-harry?"
Harry laughed. "Yes you silly thing." He turned her around to face him, and instantly began panic. "Oh my gosh Ginny. What on earth is wrong?" He pulled her into hug, and she cried against his shoulder.
"Its….it's…. it was S-Snape!" She bellowed.
Harry gritted his teeth. He was pissed at his potions master for making Ginny cry. He hugged her tighter. "Oh Ginny. It's ok. He's just a silly old man with nothing better to do than bully poor innocent students." Harry soothed as he rubbed her back. The tears subsided and Ginny pulled back to look at Harry Properly.
Harry instantly kissed her hard on the lips. "Felling better?" He grinned.
Ginny forced a smiled, before hiding her face in his shoulder again. "Oh Harry, I've had such an awful day. Can we go somewhere please?"
Harry smiled. "Ofcourse. Look it's almost dinnertime. How about we head down to the Great Hall and you can tell me all about your horrible day" He kissed her hair. "Ok?"
Ginny nodded against his shoulder. "Ok" Her voice was muffed by his jumper.
They made their way slowly down to the great hall, Harry hand his arm around Ginny's waste.
Ginny suddenly looked up at him, an eyebrow raised.
"Why were you hiding in the shadow's like that Harry?" She asked.
Harry just laughed.
"Well I knew you were coming, so I thought I'd surprise you"
"Scare me more like!"
Harry laughed again.
Harry pilled a second helping of food onto his plate, as did Ron.
Hermione and Ginny looked thoroughly disgusted.
"Really Ron, Must you eat like that….?" Hermione scrunch up her nose.
Ron grinned at her through a mouth full of food and both Ginny and Hermione gagged.
"Ronald Please…" Hermione huffed. She then looked at Harry, who shoved a fork full of mash and peas into his mouth. "You too Harry, it's disgusting."
Harry simply grunted, making Ginny laugh and frown at the same time.
"Well well well, look who it is. Dumb and Dumber. You two really need to learn some manners. That is so vile" Came the familiar drawl of none other Draco Malfoy.
Harry and Ron had the decency to look sheepish, wiping their faces on their napkins to get rid of the food that lay around their mouths and on their cheeks.
"Go away Malfoy" Hermione sighed. "No one wants you here"
Draco laughed. His two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle laughed stupidly behind him. "Oh please. Like I want to be here anyway. I simply came over here to tell Weasley to meet me in the Dungeons tonight at 9:30. I'm to tutor you on Potion seeing as you really are not that good at the subject."
Ron immediately jumped up. "What. I don't need lessons from you. This is an outrage. I demand to speak to Snape"
Draco sighed. "Calm down Weasel…" Ron actually growled. "I don't mean you"
Ron looked confused. "Then who-"
Draco laughed. "Oh you really are as stupid as you look. If not you… then who do you think… your sister you idiot."
Ron bawkled, as Did Ginny and Hermione. Harry jumped to his feet. "No way. I refuse to leave my girlfriend, alone in a class room, with you!"
"Please Potter. Its not like I want to be alone in a class room with that!" He pointed at Ginny.
Harry began to fume. "And what, may I ask, is wrong with her?" He yelled.
Draco smirked. "What…may I ask… is right with her?"
There was a growl, and suddenly, Harry launched him self over the table, and at Draco. They feel to the floor in a heap, not before Harry started throwing punch after punch at Draco's face. Ginny and Hermione screamed for help. Ron just sat and watched, as smug grin on his face.
The contents of the Great Hall were on their feet to watch.
"You little Shit!" Harry yelled. "You take that back"
Draco spat blood from his mouth onto the cold stone floor. "No!" Was all he said. So Harry carried on with his assault.
"That is enough" Came the sudden, strict voice of Professor McGonagal. "Stop this at once."
Harry rolled off of Draco and got to his feet. Draco was helped up by Crabbe and Goyle.
Ginny ran to Harry and began cleaning off a cut on his face with a tissue.
"Now.." McGonagal began. "What is the meaning of this!"
At once, both Draco and Harry launched into a debate. Harry blamed Draco, and vice Versa.
"Enough… ENOUGH!" McGonagal yelled over the noise.
Both Harry and Draco stopped and looked at her, awaiting their punishment.
"Both of you will serve detention for this!" McGonagal yelled.
Harry and Draco nodded, all the while sending death glares at each other.
"I will owl you both the times. Now go and clean your selves up. In separate bathrooms."
Hermione, Ron and Ginny led Harry away. They were stopped by a voice.
"See you tonight Weasley!"
Harry and Ron gritted their teeth. Hermione scowled. Ginny tried to look anywhere that wasn't at Draco.
Draco smirked at their retreating backs. Tonight would turn out to be interesting.
Later that evening, Ginny and Harry lay huddled on the sofa in the common room.
Ginny was stroking the side of Harry's face, where a bruise was starting to form. "Oh Harry. Look at you. All bruised like this. I'm so sorry"
Harry forced a laugh. "Sorry? What for? He had it coming. Stupid ferret. I wasn't going to let him get away with talking about you like that"
Ginny's heart fluttered.
Hermione and Ron suddenly came bounding into the room, and landed on the sofa next to Ginny and Harry. They too began to snuggle up together.
"I suppose you better be going soon Ginny?" Hermione voiced, as Ron played with her hair.
"Yeah I guess" Ginny sighed.
Hermione smiled sympathetically at her. "Oh Ginny. Why didn't you tell me you were struggling in potions? I could have helped."
Ginny smiled. "I wasn't aware that I was that bad." Ginny sighed. "I guess Snape was just angry that I destroyed his cauldron and assumed that I needed help."
Ron grunted. "Yeah but with Malfoy. I mean… that's got to be the worst punishment ever. Its worse than any detention I've had to endure."
"It's not a detention Ronald." Hermione voiced. "If Ginny needs help than this is the right thing to do. And I hate to say it, but Malfoy is one of the best students when it comes to Potions. I think Ginny is in good hands."
"Good hands!" Ron jumped in. "Hermione do you have any idea what you are saying. This is Malfoy. He cannot be trusted."
"Oh Ronald don't be such a Drama queen, Malfoy isn't going to do anything to Ginny right under Snapes nose is he?" Hermione yelled at he boyfriend. She then turned to Ginny. "Now Ginny. Don't worry. You will be fine. All you have to do is put up with Malfoy for a little while. Just until you can prove to Snape that you are making progress. Now hurry along or you'll be late" She finished with a smile.
Ginny smiled back and made to get up. Not before Harry grabbed her wrist. "Do you want me to walk you there?" He whispered.
Ginny smiled and kissed him on the nose. "No ill be fine. I'll see you all later."
She gave Harry one last kiss goodbye, and waving good bye to Hermione and Ron, left the common room. Little did she know, the next time she saw them all, things would be very different
When Ginny approached the Dungeons, she heard noises coming from inside. Peaking her head around the corner, she saw Malfoy, leaning over a cauldron that was bubbling away a violent shade of red, and he was muttering to him self what to add to the potion next.
Ginny knocked on the door, making Malfoy jump and turned around, almost knocking over the cauldron.
"For goodness sake Weasley. Can't you be a bit more quieter?" He hissed.
Ginny sighed. "I only knocked on the door. You should have been expecting me. It is 9:30 after all"
Draco smirked and looked at his watch. "Actually, it's 9:33, but lets not be picky about it"
Ginny rolled her eyes and entered the classroom. "So.." she began. "What are we going to do?"
Draco waved her off and carried on with his potion.
Ginny looked at him, with a raised eyebrow "Erm, Malfoy, what are you making there?"
"Shush will you. I'm trying to concentrate!"
"Sorry!" Ginny drawled, not sorry at all.
Draco ignored her and carried on. Ginny went and found herself a seat at a table opposite and just watched.
By the time Draco finally added the last ingredient and stood up, looking rather proud of himself, it was almost 10.o.clock, and Ginny was beginning to get agitated.
"Are we actually going to do any studying tonight or not. Because if we aren't then I may aswell leave now." Ginny said, the annoyance clear in her voice.
"Alright women!" Draco almost yelled. "I'm done now. We can do some work. Get over here!"
Ginny huffed, but stood however and approached.
Draco looked at her standing next to him, before indicating to the cauldron. "Do you know what this is?" He said.
Ginny just shrugged, making Draco sigh.
"This…" he began. "Is what is commonly known as.. Veritaserum" he smirked.
Ginny gasped. "What! I thought it was illegal for students to make that potion. Apparently its very hard to make, and can be dangerous!"
Draco smirked again. "Yes, well. That is true. But when Professor Snape just leaves the recipe just lying around for any one to see, one would think he didn't care if any one tried to make it"
Ginny gasped again. "He left it lying around? Well that's not very professional."
Draco coughed. "Yes, well. When I say he left it lying around, I mean I found it in his quarters hidden inside a secret compartment under his bed..ahem"
Ginny scowled. "Malfoy. You went through Snapes quarters to find the recipe for an Illegal potion! That's awful. Not to mention you are putting us both at risk by making it. I should tell on you, you know"
"Yes you should" Draco smirked. "But I know you are not going to. Besides, the reason I wanted to show you this was because, you said so yourself. This potions is extremely hard to do. There fore, if I can do it, which, obviously I can, it shows that you Weasley, are in good hands. I know my stuff" he finished with a smug grin.
Ginny laughed. "What ever Malfoy. Now that you're done showing off. Shall we begin…?"
Draco smirked. "Ofcourse Ma'am. I'd be happy to" He then performed a bow, to which Ginny scowled.
20 minutes later found Ginny standing over a cauldron, with a book on the table infront of her and Draco sat to one side watching.
"What is the point of this Malfoy. I know how to make a simple sleeping draught."
Draco smirked. "I'm sure you do. But this is for me to see how good you are at following instructions. Severus told me that is why you blew up your cauldron today. Because you didn't follow instructions properly.." He smirked again.
"What ever. This is stupid." Ginny hissed. However carried on.
Another 20 minutes passed, to which both Draco and Ginny stayed silent. At one potion Draco got up to look into the cauldron. Ginny watched him as he tilted his head to one side, took a closer look, then nodded his head to tell her that she was doing well so far, before sitting back down, and began picking at his nails.
Finally, Ginny was finished. She stepped back and indicated to Draco to take a look at it.
He stood up and approached. He took one look inside at the potion bubbling light blue, before looking at Ginny's face and smiling. Really smiling.
"Well well well. I guess you can follow instructions properly." He then smirked. "Well done Weasley" He said curtly. "You did well today, but this is only the beginning. This was one of the simplest potions you can produce. We're a long way off from letting you any where near the likes of veritaserum."
Ginny shrugged. "Yeah well… I wasn't intending on making that Potion Malfoy. Only you are silly enough to do that!"
"Whatever!" Draco smirked. "Let's clear up shall we?"
Ginny began to clear away her utensils, while Draco cleared away the books they had used.
Suddenly, Draco stopped next Ginny's cauldron, something inside, caught his eye.
"Erm… Weasley…. What was the last ingredient you added?" He said.
Ginny turned away from the sink, saw Draco looking into her cauldron, and walked over.
"Erm… I can't really remember. Why?"
Draco looked up at her, then back into the cauldron. "Because you see, a simple sleeping draught is not meant to do that!"
Ginny looked to where Draco was pointing and gasped. He potions was starting to turn a violent shade of purple, and began to bubble and fizz.
"Oh my gosh" Ginny's hands flew to her mouth.
Draco suddenly flipped open a book to the page they had been using. The then skimmed the recipe, right to the last ingredient.
"Did you add, 'Squid ink' last?" He asked, staring her in the eye.
Ginny panicked. "Erm… I'm not sure….maybe…"
Draco slammed the book shut. "Either you did or you didn't Weasley. Now which one is it!" he fumed. Ginny was suddenly reminded of Snape.
"Erm…. No… no I don't think I did"
Draco's eyes bulged. "What did you add last!" He tried to remain calm.
Ginny racked her brain… "Erm.. erm…" All the while, the potion was becoming more and more violent, spitting purple liquid onto their clothes and the floor.
"Hurry up Weasley! We haven't got all day. What was it!" Draco yelled.
"It was… it was….."
"FROG EYES. IT WAS FROG EYES!" Ginny yelled.
Suddenly, Draco's face began to turn deathly pale. Ginny panicked. "What! What is it? What's wrong!" She yelled.
Draco shook his head. Took one last look at the violently bumbling and now hissing potion before he uttered one word.
"Shit!" Was all he said, before the cauldron exploded into a million pieces.
Draco and Ginny were thrown against the far wall, and both fell into unconsciousness.