Summer camp from Hell

Chapter 1 Arrivals and Plans

Disclaimer: Roses are red violets are blue, I don't own InuYasha so boo hoo hoo.

This is my third story everyone! I know the writing isn't that great but I promise it will get better. I hope you like it. Just in case anyone was wondering I am completely qualified to write about softball and baseball. I've been playing for 6 years now so I know a thing or two about these sports. Try to guess who Tom really is! Well hope you enjoy! Oh yeah and please review and tell me what you all think. Questions, comments, ideas, suggestions, etc. I want to know how to get better so help me out! Criticism is welcomed as long as it's not mean. Now! On with the story!

Two girls made their way through the hoard of gawking boys, to find the sign-in table. Kagome pushed her way past an extremely large fellow desperately trying to stay with her friend Yumi.

How had two girls managed to wind up at a baseball camp consisting solely of boys? Well Kagome Higurashi, jersey number 15, position: pitcher, batting average of at least 4 home-runs a game. Yumi Futami, jersey number 4, position: catcher, batting average of 5 home-runs a game. Both girls were the top players in the every softball league they had come up against. They were miles ahead of the other girls. After conquering the entire sport of softball, they decided that their next challenge would be baseball. With the bigger, stronger boys of Lake Green baseball summer camp.

The school nurse elbowed her way to reach the girls who were trapped among leering males. She was quite old but she is still full of pep. She pushed one last boy in the stomach, finally reaching her targets. She grabbed both girls wrists and marched over to the sign in table. She sat down at her chair and composed herself to listen to the two girls stories.

"Now tell me first why you are here." she spoke quite calmly despite the fact that they could barely hear each other from all the noise the other boys were making, all bustling to sign in and receive their cabins. Both girls said at the same time,

"We want to play baseball"

Kagome started in first,

"Well you see what happened was..." Yumi cut in to finish her sentence,

"We needed a challenge and Lake Green is supposed to be where the best players come to practice during the summer. Since we already moved on from softball."

"Ladies there are no other girls here you will be the only ones beside myself. These boys can get..." The old woman paused as a tall boy spit clear across the table to hit a patch of grass on the other side. "Well as you can see this is no place for two young girls to be."

Kagome spoke up again, "It's not in the rules that girls aren't allowed to come. I've checked it many times. It doesn't specify only boys, it says players who want to train and have fun during the summer, can come. No boys or girls, players." Kagome finished.

The old lady interjected her, "Well you see baseball is mostly a mans sport, I really don't think you can keep up with these boys. She pointed to the same large boy from before, that guy for instance, his legs are bigger than your waist. She gestured toward Yumi. Yumi blushed at the comment but held her ground.

"Trust me I've checked the camp rules many times and there doesn't say anywhere that girls aren't allowed in." Yumi confidently said.

The old lady leaned back in her chair clearly pondering whether she should let them stay or not. Since there was no rules against it she would have to let them stay. If not that would be discriminating against females. A court lawsuit would not look good on the camps clean record. The old woman sighed obviously defeated by Kagome and Yumi. She picked up her clipboard and asked "So ladies your cabin will be number 14."

An hour later Kagome unpacked her clothes into the dresser, while Yumi did the same. Cabin number 14 was at the very far end, with it's neighbors of four boys. The cabins that were next to each other would also be on the same teams. So that meant that the surly looking boys, who had long since unpacked, glaring at the girls through their window, would be on the same team. The first boy a tall and thin, but muscular male with silver hair, and cute little doggy ears on his head, growled deep in his throat. His name was InuYasha. To him living next door to a bunch of woman who would also be on his team, was downright despicable. He wanted strong men who had as much muscle as they did testosterone(which was a lot). Not some silly little girls, who should be playing softball with the other silly little girls, no matter how fine they looked. When the one with straight black hair, bent over to open a dresser drawer. Or how sexy looking the same girl looked when she folded her cute little panties and bras. Damn. Girls on his team! NO freaking way in hell.

The two others that sat with him, personally had no objection to girls on the team. Miroku stood beside his best friend, peering into the other cabin. Both girls looked downright hot to him. Woman were woman. No it's and or butts about it. Girls equal sexy. This was how Miroku's mind worked.

The third member of their group, Kouga, stared intently on the girl with straight black hair. She was extremely beautiful, and the sight of her caught his breath. Another girl appeared next to the black haired one. This new one had long curly hair, a thin almost anorexic looking frame, and shapely legs. He almost fell over at the sight of this one. Whowee! Damn was she a babe!

Both girls chatted on the bed, about endless topics. Soon the boys grew tired of watching them talk and went to join the fourth and final member of their group who sat contentedly on his bed cleaning his second basemen's glove. His name was Tom. An unusual name for someone of Japan. He was the really quiet member of the group who wore a ball cap at all times. He was very thin for a boy but extremely strong. His silence didn't stop the boys from yammering on about the two "foxes" next door. Well it was mostly Kouga and Miroku, Miroku more than Kouga. While they talked InuYasha studied Tom. The thing was that Tom was the newcomer to the group. InuYasha, Miroku and Kouga had been coming to the camp for quite some time. For a guy Tom had some really girly features. He was feminine looking alright. When he finally spoke up he said "It's time for lunch." His voice sounded as if he were trying to force it lower, when it wasn't. InuYasha didn't puzzle over it for very long, many guys still had that girlish squeak to their voices even though they were teenagers already. He figured Tom didn't want them to hear his real voice which was probably higher than your normal teenage boy. But in the meantime, they all trooped out to lunch.

As the boys came out of their cabin the girls came out theirs. An awkward silence stretched as each person measured the other one up. Miroku was checking out Kagome's body. Kagome on the other hand tucked a strand of her straight black hair behind her ear, and surveyed Inuyasha. The man definitely had looks going for him. He had golden eyes, and long silver hair, and much to her surprise white fuzzy doggy ears on his head. He had on jeans and an old red uniform from a past team he had played on. Yumi was curiously glancing between Kouga, Miroku and Tom. There was something about Tom that seemed very familiar. Eerily familiar. Kouga spoke up first, "I'm Kouga, that's InuYasha, Miroku and that's Tom," he pointed to each person as he said they're name.

All was quiet as yet again each person sized the others up. InuYasha broke the frosted quiet. "I don't want you girls on our team, all you'll do is mess us up. So if you stay out of the way then everything will be fine." InuYasha had decided that now was a good time for a "welcome" to the new girls. With that he smirked and continued his saunter down the path. Miroku and Kouga shrugged and followed.

Yumi glared after them with a look of pure loathing on her face. "Well! Can you believe that? The nerve of him! We'll show them! We can be much better than them!" Growling slightly the two girls marched after.

In the cafeteria...

InuYasha grabbed a tray and proceeded to pile food on his plate. His meal consisted mainly of meat. In his idea 'a manly lunch'. Slightly having to push and shove his way through the crowd, InuYasha finally found a table that was free. He thunked his dish down and plopped into the seat. Shortly following him was his two friends, Miroku and Kouga, and also the new guy Tom. The four of them discussed the positions each of them would be playing for the summer season.

It was basically the same as last year. InuYasha as first base, and backup pitcher. Miroku as any outfield position, because he was the master at running after pop flies that could turn into home runs if you're not careful. Kouga played as catcher and third base. One of the best because of his quick glove. And of course as mentioned before Tom played second base. Little do they know that soon two girls would compete for their places.

As the conversation to turned to the major leagues, a slim creature stepped inside the cafeteria. Unsurely at first, but gaining confidence as another slim creature stopped inside. All the raucous noise and chatter died down, as all eyes were torn away from food and friends to stare at the two newcomers. As fast as the talking had deceased, it started back up again, only in harsh whispers and undertones. Many pointed, whistled, and gave out wolf howls. (Which Kouga found very offensive for some reason.)

InuYasha didn't even turn around because he knew what he would see. His two new team mates. He didn't even notice as they picked up trays and carefully chose food for their lunch. And somehow his eyes specifically ignored them as they sat down at his lunch table.

After about five minutes of being stared at, most of the boys turned their attention back to their friends and their food. Although many hungryeyed stares continued to rain down on Kagome and Yumi. They ignored them, and began to eat.

Yumi stared down at her dish. This food seemed so...inedible! The chicken was painfully undercooked and not seasoned at all. The mashed potatoes were so lumpy, and rough it tasted like cloth! Eating the peas were the worst, they were either cooked way too long, or they weren't even cooked at all, because when she tried to eat them it felt like she was trying to grind up gravel. Both girls pushed their plates away at the same time.

Meanwhile on the other side of the table, InuYasha, Kouga and Miroku dug in with a wild ferocity. Tom picked at his food, as if he weren't hungry. Nobody noticed that the two girls hadn't touched anything on their plates. Well that is except Miroku...

"Hey are you going to eat that?" he asked, completely oblivious to the fact that the females looked about to barf, from the eating habits of the males.

"No! Go ahead, knock yourself out." Yumi answered sarcastically, with a pure disgusted look on her face. Miroku grabbed the plates and put them between himself and the other boys, so that they could all dig in. Now, however Yumi and Kagome were positively green. Quietly they excused themselves and headed for the door.

"That was the grossest thing I've ever seen in my entire life!" Yumi shouted out once they had gotten out of the building.

"I know right? I mean jeez they will feed you again later and tomorrow too!" Kagome joined in.

"So you wanna get some batting practice in while we have all this free time?" Yumi asked.

"Yeah I've been really wanting to hit something since I got here. First that guy! Umm what was his name? The team captain... Oh yeah! InuYasha! That guy was a complete jerk! Talk about a cold reception!" Kagome said in frustration.

"Seriously he was rude, but ummm ya know they all were kinda cute, especially the one in the brown jersey, I think it was Kouga right? Yeah he had sexy teeth!" Yumi exclaimed sighing dreamily. Both girls cracked up and headed towards the batting cage.

RING The signal to tell them that lunch was over rang loud as all the boys headed back to their cabins to relax. InuYasha, Kouga, Miroku, and Tom made their way through the throng of hustling boys.

"So about the chicks, are they going to stay or what?" Kouga asked just as they were turning onto the path that lead them past the batting cage to their cabins.

" I say we find a way to get rid of them. This camp is for boys and they don't belong here whether they're good at the game or not." InuYasha smirked saying evilly.

"Um, well what if those girls make our team better? Maybe we should let them stay." Tom quipped up, trying to keep his voice low but it still sounded quite fake. All heads turned to stare in bewilderment and wonder at the new guy. Was he crazy?

"Hell freaking no, are you crazy?" InuYasha voiced the thoughts that all of them were thinking. "Anyways I have a great plan." InuYasha whispered his plan with the utmost look of malice on his face. The plan was discussed all the way until the boys reached the batting cage where four mouths dropped open in shock. There the chicks batted at balls that came in at over 80 mph. Most of which had somehow made their way through the metal cage and onto the field beyond. Those swings must have been pretty powerful to cause such a dent in metal. The males all thought to themselves, they were really going to have to try hard to get these girls to leave! They might make them look bad! This was going to be summer camp from hell.