Author's Note: In case I didn't mention this before, this is a SHORT story. My next real story will be Losing His Past. Thanks to all those who reviewed for chapter 1! Note: In this story, the boating school is meant to be like an actual school instead of the small room that normally appears in the episodes.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the student fish and the monster.

tinksbelle85: I'm glad you think this is a great idea! I'm glad you enjoy my writing! Enjoy!

flaming-1251: I'm glad you think this filler is so good. I'm also happy that you think it's funny. I tried to put in a few jokes. I'm glad you gave me your opinions on each story. I am going to do Losing His Past first, so you don't have to wait long. Thanks for reviewing!

ComicCrystal: By all means, write Sponge Kenny! You're the first one to ask, so you get it! Congratulations! Yes, you can still use the same title. Thanks for reviewing!

A. Nonymous: I'm glad you think this story is interesting. I was already near done on this chapter when I read your review, so I couldn't really fit in a description of the monster, but I got that twist you wanted. Congratulations on graduating!

venusgal100: I'm glad you like this. No, Spongebob doesn't always sit in the front. There are a few episodes where he sits in the middle, or even the back of the class. Thanks for reviewing!

Chapter 2

Spongebob stepped down the long, dark hallway. "Relax, Spongebob. It's just a power outage. There is nothing to be afraid of…" Spongebob's thoughts were interrupted by a splashing sound. Spongebob looked down and let a scream escape his lips. For he realized what was making the odd noise. He was walking in a long path of…drool! Spongebob ran in the opposite direction of the moisture, screaming all the way. He took refuge in the storage room.

He was breathing heavily. He now had proof that the monster was out to get him. How long was he going to be able to hide? Then Spongebob became completely quite. He could hear something…something eerie. It was almost like a haunted wind chime. Then, to his horror, Spongebob realized what it was. It was the scales of the beast. The student said that they made an odd sound. Spongebob opened the door to the storage room. He peered down the hallway and saw the shadow of some thing coming down the other hallway.

Spongebob ran with all his might. He knew one place where he could hide out…the basement. He knew it was going to be freaky, with there being no light, but he knew it was the least likely place the monster would go. He quickly approached the stairs. He ran down towards the blackness. With every step the density of the darkness increased. Soon Spongebob found that he was blinded by the darkness. He stumbled down the stairs, and landed painfully on top of objects. (Spongebob couldn't tell what they were). With more horror, he heard yet again, a terrible noise. It was the sound of approaching footsteps. The monster knew he was down here! Spongebob gathered himself, and started to sprint blindly through the darkness. He occasionally stumbled over a box or object.

The footsteps were coming nearer. Spongebob was running for his life, when the worst possible thing could happen. His shirt snagged on a pointy object. Spongebob tried to escape, but it was hooked tightly. He could not move, only desperately try to free himself. It was no use. The darkness was against him, and forbid Spongebob from finding the tangle. Frantic, Spongebob now tried to rip his shirt. He would do anything to free himself. It was no use; the cloth would not tear. Spongebob could hear the awful footsteps grow nearer. He started to go through a spasm of fear. He knew this was the end. He could hear the dripping of the slobber, the chiming of the scales, and the heavy breathing that cried out for a kill.

All hope was lost, as Spongebob heard the footsteps stop right in front of him. Spongebob could feel the presence of the monster. All of a sudden, a blinding light hit Spongebob at full force. He raised his hand in front of his eyes to block the light. His eyes adjusted slowly to the new comfort. He could see the blurry figure of something…he couldn't tell exactly what. Soon the light dimmed, and Spongebob saw what was in his presence.

It was the janitor. He held a flashlight in his hands.

"What are you doing down here?" asked the janitor.

Spongebob didn't believe what he saw.

"You? But the monster, the slobber, the chime…" Spongebob babbled.

"What? Slow down, kid. What are you talking about?"

"There was a monster that was going to eat me! It was drooling! It was making and eerie sound! And it was chasing me!" yelled Spongebob, still a little traumatized.

At this the janitor burst out laughing. Spongebob couldn't help but feel slightly offended. He didn't think his situation was one to be laughed at.

"There is no monster!" explained the janitor. "It was only me!"

Spongebob was taken aback. "You? But how?"

"The drool you saw was only water. I was mopping the floors."

"But what about the chime?" inquired Spongebob.

The janitor held out a ring of keys. It looked like there was one for every door to the school. The janitor shook the key chain, and the same ghostly chime Spongebob heard came from them.

"I guess that explains everything…" said Spongebob. "Except for the fact that you were chasing me!"

"Simple coincidence," said the janitor. "While I was mopping the lights went out. I headed for the storage room to get a flashlight. I then made my way to the basement so I could check out the fuse box."

A look of realisation appeared on Spongebob's face. He then started to laugh at the phoney incident. It turned out that the monster was just a harmless prank.


The janitor was able to turn the lights back on. He unlocked the door so Spongebob could go home. The next day, things were back as they should be. Spongebob aced his pop quiz. As for the student fish, he failed miserably.


Author's Note: Don't miss my next story, Losing His Past.