READER'S HINT: I deeply apologize for not posting Sponge Kenny. I had too big of a writer's block. However, I have a lot of great new ideas! I'm not entirely sure that I'm going to make them all into stories…the plots need a bit more work…but I decided it was time to update you guys on the future plans. I'm not going to be writing Sponge Kenny anymore. Anyone who wants the plot can have it; however, I will appreciate it if you tell me first. I plan to write a story called 'Losing His Past'. (Thanks for the title, A. Nonymous!). Anyway, losing his past is a story about Spoangebob. He gets amnesia and forgets who he is! Sandy and Patrick try to restore his memory, but someone might not want it restored… Another idea is 'New Neighbours'. It's a story on how Spongebob, Squidward and Patrick started living with each other. I might make it a one-shot… I'm also thinking about making a sequel to Return Address: None. I'm not promising anything; the plot still needs a lot of work. I also have another idea where Spongebob and Patrick read about Robin Hood, and decide to copy him! Things go from bad to worse as Spongebob and Patrick get carried away… Please send reviews with votes on which story should be first! Also, if you have any suggestions about a title for the Robin Hood story, please let me know! I hope this will keep you guys entertained in the meantime.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who reviewed for chapter 10 and the epilogue of Living Big. I'm really lazy, so I'm not going to name you. You know who you are. Besides, I don't think that anyone reads those anyways… (I know I don't). I hope you enjoy this short story!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the monster and the student fish.

Scary School

It was a normal day at boating school. Mrs. Puff had not yet entered the classroom. Like always, Spongebob was organizing his desk very enthusiastically. All of a sudden, Mrs. Puff walked into the classroom.

"I'm sorry I'm late, class," said Mrs. Puff. "I was caught in traffic, and the horns gave me a migraine, and I got rear-ended about a thousand times and I kept thinking I was going to be doing this the rest of my life and…" The class was looking at Mrs. Puff as though she were insane. "Well, let's just take attendance. Billy?"







There came no reply. "Well," said Mrs. Puff. "I guess she's just sick. Moving on…" Mrs. Puff continued to call out names.

Spongebob sat at his desk, still fiddling with the supplies and papers. The student fish who was sitting besides Spongebob nudged him.

"Hey," said the fish. "Want to know the real reason why Tina isn't here?" Spongebob looked up at the fish with a blank expression as if he just left his own little world.

"Why?" inquired Spongebob.

"Well, Tina was staying here after school to get some work done. She was about to leave, when she noticed that she was locked inside! She tried to escape, but before she could, it got her!"

"It?" asked Spongebob, scared.

"Yah, the…Slobbering School Monster! It leaves a trail of drool wherever he goes. He has armour of scales that shine in the moonlight and make a ghostly chime. The worst part is that he is always hungry."

"Hungry for what?" asked Spongebob, quaking in fear.

"Hungry for students! Just like you!"

Spongebob let out a little squeak of fear.

"Spongebob?" asked Mrs. Puff at the front of the class. "Are you talking while I am? Maybe you should take a seat at the front."

"Yes, Mrs. Puff. Sorry, Mrs. Puff," replied Spongebob. He grabbed his things and headed for the front row.

The student fish laughed to himself. He loved playing practical jokes on that naive twerp.

Spongebob sat down in his new seat.

"Now," said Mrs. Puff. "Let's continue with our class."

The school day went by normally; until near the end of the day.

"I hope you've all been reviewing hard, because it's time for a POP QUIZ!" announced Mrs. Puff

Everyone in the class groaned. Except for Spongebob.

Mrs. Puff grabbed some papers from her desk and started to hand them down the rows. Students started to hand the papers to other students. When Spongebob got his paper, he looked over it very carefully. He put his pencil to his paper, ready to answer the first question.

Ten Minutes Later

Spongebob was still on the first question. He wanted to make sure all of his answers were completely one hundred percent right.

The school bell rang.

"Please hand in your papers, class. The school day is over," said Mrs. Puff. She rose from her desk and exited the classroom. One by one, students started to turn in their quizzes and leave the classroom, but not Spongebob. He had once again fallen into his own little world. Right now, that world was completely focused on answering question one.

The number of students in the room started to decrease rapidly. Finally, all the quizzes had been turned in and their writers had left. All except one. Spongebob was all alone in the classroom. However, he didn't notice. He was too happy that he had moved onto question two.


Spongebob was on question three.


Spongebob was on question six.

3: 40

Question ten.


Question fifteen.


Done. Spongebob put down his pencil. He walked up to the desk with his paper, still unaware that the school was completely deserted. He carefully laid his paper on top of all the others. He turned around to face his desk, when realization suddenly hit him at full force. There was no one in the classroom.

Spongebob panicked, remembering the tale of the Slobbering School Monster. He peered at the clock.

"Oh my gosh! It's five o' clock!" yelled Spongebob in fear. He exited the classroom and sprinted for the school doors. He yanked on them with all his might, but they would not open. "Locked!" Spongebob exclaimed frantically. "But that means I'm trapped in here with…" Spongebob gulped. "The Slobbering School Monster! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!..."

Thirty Minutes Later…

"AAAaaaaaahhhhhhh..." Spongebob ran out of breath. "Okay, Spongebob, you can get through this, you just have to keep your head……that is if the monster doesn't eat it first…"

All of a sudden, all of the lights went out. Spongebob gave another terrified gulp. He was locked inside school with a terrible monster on the loose; and things were only going to go downhill from there.