What happens when the Fullmetal crew is living a normal life, just like ordinary students in Bradley High? Well…actually a lot.

Rated pg13. I don't know if I need to change it later on, because lots of weird ideas are racing through my head right about now. This is my first FMA fan fic so…flame if you must, I guess.

Your Bearing is missing a Screw


Edward angrily glanced down at his pocket watch.

Hmm. Stupid piece of crap is broken. Maybe the bitch can fix it. Oh crap this thing better be fast…and where the hell is my project? Oh shit, he IS GOING TO KILL ME…what's for breakfast anyway?

"Winry…" Ed moaned, "PLEASE get out of there. Why don't you just EVER FUCKIN LISTEN TO A WORD I'M SAYING!" he raised his voice with every word.

"Well! Yesterday, I was fixing your car BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME TO, and since I'm so NICE I DID IT! AND NOW I HAVE AN OIL STAIN ON MY PANTS!"

Women. And their fucking pants.

"Crap. I give up. I can't DEAL with this anymore. I might as well just go to school NAKED FOR ALL I CARE." Ed screamed back at his angry friend behind the door.

Wow is this possible, he thought, as he heard the doorknob click, the door is opening.

All of a sudden he is on the ground, a pair of jeans in his face, a sneaker that flew in the air and banged him in the eye. Edward groaned from the unexpected pain, and looked up lazily, and found Winry's angry face staring him in the eye.

"Then don't leave your FILTHY clothes in the bathroom." She said calmly, but Ed heard a demonic undertone in there. The same annoying one that Winry always used on him. She stomped angrily down the hallway, not looking once back at Ed.

Edward felt his face heating up with annoyance. Then he overlooked what had just happened. He was actually giggling quietly to himself. Is this the pathetic life I lead every day? Waiting for my so-called roommate to get ready for just ONE day and it takes more then half an hour. Ed started to laugh.

Crap. I'm going crazy.

"So. Got your shoe I see."

A sarcastic tone of voice interrupted his cracked thoughts. Ed turned around, still on the floor, looking up at his brother Alphonse. He was all ready, his light brown hair neatly combed, all of his books in his hands, and holding a muffin in the other.

"Hmm." Ed greedily stared at the pastry in Al's hand. "That muffin. Did granny…bake that…?"

Al slyly grinned, and looked his brother evilly in the eye. He brought the warm muffin to his mouth and took a bite, closing his eyes with pleasure.

"OH YES." He started with his mouth full, "Auntie baked these delicious blueberry muffins in honor for the people that get up early enough to help around in the kitchen." Within a matter of long seconds, his breakfast was gone, and he was licking his fingers; Ed watching with his eyes shaking from anger. Al laughed and walked down the hall, and he unexpectedly turned around, and tossed a piece of poster board at his brother, who was still lazily sitting in front of the bathroom.

"You might need that." Alphonse yelled up the staircase.

Edward looked down at the piece of poster his brother and thrown.

Ha. I think he is the only one I can depend on around here. Except when it comes to food.

Ed grabbed his project, and ran down the hallway shoeless, frantically searching for the other one.


"Mr. Elric."


"Hmm. What a surprise." Roy annoyingly placed his tardy book on the desk. "Alright class, we can get started without him, take out your homework and the Table of Elements that was due today…"

Roy jumped to a sound. The door was just furiously open, and banged quickly shut. He turned his head around and found a panting student in the doorway. Roy sighed, massaging his temples, as if trying to reduce a massive headache.

"Ed, go take a seat."

"Um. Yeah…" Ed started, nearly dropping his books on the ground. He made his way to his lab table, nearly limping, and walking out of line.

"Edward is something the matter. You're walking a little…strange." Roy noticed his unusual walking behavior. The rest of the class started to giggle.

"Eh?" Ed looked down at his feet. Damn it. I put the shoes on the wrong feet. What the hell am I, four.

Edward took a seat on the stool, and shyly placed his feet under the table, and hoping that no one noticed, quickly changed the two shoes. Ed took a glance at his left leg, noticing that it was also responsible for the way he was walking today; he groaned at the inconvenience. He already started to glance at the clock; he was only 6 minutes late.

I don't need to friggin be here…just a waste of time…he began to yawn.

"Edward." A stern voice broke the silence.

"Yes…! Mr. Mustang." Ed quickly said, as though memorized by thought. All he was thinking about was trying to get back to sleep.

"I asked you a question. Name the alkali metal with an atomic mass of 6.941 amu."

"Oh…Lithium. Sir…" Edward said without difficulty.

"Now see class, that is why we all must study as much as Mr. Elric here." Roy started, making his way towards the white board, more snickers arising from the class; Edward hid himself face down upon the table and sighed.

PERFECT thing to say Roy. Some friend you are.

"Anyway sorry but, we have two boards of notes to take," Roy paused after hearing the snickers turning to groans. He ruffled his jet-black hair in annoyance, and laughed.

"Oh come on you guys," he started, "Chemistry isn't going to teach itself you know."

Wow did I doze off for that long? I just remember changing my shoes and then nothing. I didn't even hear him ask me that. Crap, everyone is still staring at me. I'm not THAT smart. Fucking bastards.

Edward started doodling crude drawings in the margin of his notebook paper. A poorly drawn stick figure with endless amounts of hair jetting out from all directions….an evil, sly smile across the round face…and then a bomb crashing in from out of nowhere.

Heh. Bastard didn't know what was coming to him.

"Very nice…very nice…." As the teacher was observing everyone's piece of work, she paused.

"Excellent job hun. You're getting an A plus on this piece of work, no doubt."

"Eh heh…thanks granny…" Winry said quietly under her breath, not taking her eyes off of her work. She swatted a piece of annoying blonde hair that came in to her face.

"By the way," Pinako whispered in her grand daughters ear, "Ed's been limping a little lately. Make sure to check his leg after school."

"OKAY," Winry stated quickly, with an embarrassed flush on her cheeks, "I REALLY have to screw in this…screw! Okay?"

Pinako laughed, "Fine, I'll go help the guys over there," she grinned, and walked to the other side of the garage.

Winry opened her tool case, searching for her socket wrench, keeping her face down low. Winry quickly found it and took it out; it was broken. She swept her falling bandana back on to the top of her head, trying to be quiet. All of a sudden, a hand holding a small, silver spring appeared in her face. Her eyes widened with surprise.

"Here, I think you might need this." A handsome voice interrupted her thoughts.

Winry slowly looked up, and found her face to face with someone unfamiliar. He had bright, short blonde hair, his bangs swept off to the side. They covered one eye; he looked so mysterious. And he was tall. Tall and lean, with a hell of a smile.

"Um…do I know you…?" Winry started, feeling a smile grow on her jaw.

He laughed, "My name is Russell Tringum. I'm new here. I noticed that the bearing in your wrench was missing a spring, so you can have this."

"Oh…" Winry dreamily dozed off, but shut her eyes abruptly and got back to reality, taking the spring gently from his hand. "Right! Of course, haha silly me, anyways, um, welcome to Bradley!"

Wow that was the GAYEST thing I have ever said. Ever.

Russel grinned, and turned his head, observing the garage.

"Say, are you the only girl in this class?" he asked questioningly.

"Ah…yeah, actually I am…" Winry said embarrassingly, looking down at the engine she was trying to fix.

"Well, hey I think that's pretty cool. I mean, knowing a girl that likes to fix cars and machines like that." Russel smiled. He had perfect straight, white teeth.

Oh my God, this guy is awesome.

"Really! Oh my God that it the first time someone ever said that to me! I mean hey, I don't want to brag or anything but I can fix a car that's been through hell's highway!" she sighed, and then quietly groaned, finally realizing what she said. She nervously grinned, darting her eyes anywhere away from his.

"Wow. I think THAT is amazing. So what's your name anyway?"

She gulped silently, "Winry Rockbell. Yeah, the teacher, she's um, my grandmother…yeah." She glanced over to her short grandmother hiding in her office, trying to take a smoke without the students witnessing her.


God, am I boring him to death? Damn, think of something to ask him!

"So um, how are you liking the junior year so far…?" Winry asked to break the silence, toying the wrench from hand to hand nervously.

"Junior? Heh, um, actually I'm a sophomore."

What the hell.

"Sophomore…!" she nearly choked, but quickly stopped herself, "Wow…um…that's shocking…?" she eyed him up and down, hoping he wouldn't notice. This sophomore was REALLY tall. And he had a handsome face, and a great smile…

Oh crap I'm getting the hots for a guy that's younger then me. Gross…

"WELL! This was fun and all, but this engine REALLY needs to be..!"

No, stupid it's fine, keep talking! There's nothing wrong with the engine.

"…oiled! It needs to be oiled!" she nervously laughed.

What the hell are you TALKING about? Her conscience asked. Winry looked up to Russell who was still grinning, and he was looking in to her eyes. He had dark beautiful eyes…

"Sure, you can get your oiling done," he started to turn around, and ever so quickly, Winry noticed a wink.

Oh God, she eyed the back of him. Levis…

"Mr. Armstrong bragged on about how the famous artwork was passed down for GENERATIONS," Alphonse did his famous impression of the overly obsessed art teacher.

Ed laughed, pizza still in his mouth, "I told you not to apply for drawing and painting, Mr. Armstrong is friggin nuts! He's as big as a house, yet he's in the arts department, its insane."

It was around 11:45 and the last lunch was being served. Edward, Alphonse, and Winry were sitting outside at the picnic table, quickly finishing their lunches.

"Yeah, well I don't care about the teacher really, I just wanna try and learn how to draw, you know? Like how mom did, she always had these nice paintings…" Al trailed off slowly. An uncomfortable silence settled between the two brothers; Al nervously took a long sip from his chocolate milk.

Edward paused and placed the slice of pepperoni pizza down upon the tray. Then a smile broke through the frown, "Yeah. She was a nice painter. But I think you're still better in the science field. I tried the arts," he laughed, "AND I SUCK."

Al laughed. He looked over and noticed Winry wasn't eating her salad. He picked up the spork near her napkin and poked her annoyingly in the shoulder.


"Huh?" she sighed, "Oh, nothing." She was staring through the glass window on the side of the school.

The brothers exchanged confused looks.

"Um, he didn't ask you anything, what the hell is wrong with you today. Still upset about your stupid pants."

Winry glanced over to Ed. He was surprised not to see an angry glare, but more of a glassy eyed looked, as if she just woke up from some sort of drugged dream.

"Jesus, I'm not going to even bother." Edward shook his head, and started to pick up his tray and leave the table. Alphonse wondered what was going on inside her head. Then again, he never understood girls. They were just overall weird. Like the pants incident that morning.

"Hey Al, did you see a new guy in any of your classes?"

"Eh?" Alphonse pondered for a brief moment, "Hmm….actually yes, there's this new guy in my biology honors class, what's his name…" Al trailed off slowly, his face breaking out in to glee.

"HA! This is priceless." Alphonse laughed, "You think he's hot or something, don't you. Got a thing for tall men, now do we now?" He grinned.

Winry's dreamy expression all of a sudden broke out into rage and confusion, "What! I never said that! Russell isn't that tall!"

Oh God…

Al laughed, "Wow, and all this time I thought you had something for Ed."

"One more crack like that, and I SMACK YOU IN THE FACE!" she screamed angrily grasping the plastic spork in her clenched fist.

Al giggled off in to silence, "Well fine then," he grabbed the vanilla pudding that Winry left, "Fix the quad and I won't say anything."


"Thanks!" he grinned, and walked off with his tray, leaving Winry at the table. She sighed, looking back through the glass window to her side, watching Russell alone at the table.

Hmm, must suck being a new kid. You should go talk to him, her conscience was asking.


Why the hell not?

He's a sophomore that's why, I don't need to go and get a reputation ruined now.

What, like it's not been ruined enough.

Shut up, that's over. I forget about the past, unlike you, you stupid bitch.

Hey, you were the one that told me he had a nice ass.

Winry banged her fists against the wooden table, awakening the argument between herself. She forcefully grabbed her salad tray and made her way to the building, frowning the whole way.

Well, was the first chapter ok? I'll have chapter two up later, please R&R! sorry if its crappy though O.o Just to inform, this story will be long if you want to continue