Yuya's Love Chain

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Samurai Deeper Kyo.

Author's Note: Hello readers, I hope that you'll enjoy reading this story. "Baby Blues" and "Bundle of Joy", I'm going to put that story on hold. I'll try working on them when I have time since I'm experiencing writer's block. Anyway, I'm just going to start a new with this story. I'm not really sure where this story is going to go so please bare with me.

Summary: An old enemy has been resurrected but he seemed to take interest in a certain blond haired bounty. What chaos will ensue?

Chapter 1

It was another day of traveling with the group consists of Yuya, Kyo, Yukimura, Sasuke, Akira, Hotaru, Shinrei, Shindara, Koutaro and Benitora. As usual, Benitora was slapped by Yuya for being a pervert and Sasuke's taunting does not make the situation any better and he was sent off by Kyo to buy more sake. A 3 day walks to the nearest village from where they are.

Yuya was getting irritated by the minute. Not only had Kyo disrespected her in front of the group but he also ignored her pleas to make a camp for the night and the boy's chitter chatter behind her, does not help make her situation any better. So, in other words, her pleas fell silent upon deaf ears. She was too caught up with her thoughts that she did not notice Kyo had stopped and bumped into him. Rubbing her sore nose, she was about to shout at him but when she noticed his rigid posture and the silence that fell upon the group, she knew something was wrong. Out of nowhere, thousands of arrows came raining down on them from the sky. She was too shock to realize the danger and was rooted to the spot. Suddenly, she was covered by a black cloak and was lifted into the air and landed a few feet away from the battle field.

"Yuya san, are you alright?"

She looked up fearfully at Shindara and nodded her head. She scanned her surroundings and spotted the others. She sighed in relief when she saw that the guys are unharmed. When she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the intruder, her eyes widened in fear. Someone familiar was standing right across from them, someone that looked like….

"Basara," Kyo growled but the name was loud enough to be heard by the others.

Yuya felt shivers ran down her spines and she also felt that something bad was about to happen sooner or later.

"So nice of you to remember Demon Eyes Kyo and I see that you got your body back. And what's this? New additional comrades to add to your little group," Basara mocked.

"Enough with the chit-chat. Give me the girl and I'll leave in peace or else….," he let the sentence hanged but he knew that Kyo and the others could recognize the threat.

Immediately, she felt Shindara's body went tense and his grip tightened around her. She hissed in pain but other than that she kept quite. Shindara knew something was about to happen when he heard Basara's threat so; he quickly covered Yuya with his cloak when Basara was distracted and tightened his grip on her. She hissed in response but he was relieved that she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut and recognize the danger.

"Hmmm… I know she's here somewhere. I can smell her fear," Basara said while notching his bow.

Shinrei and Akira immediately went for attack. Shinrei used his water dragon attacks while Akira used his ice attacks. Just as those attacks were to hit its target, a black shield was formed around Basara and it totally devoured both their attacks. Everyone stood shell shocked, and then unexpectedly, both attacks were deflected back to its owners. Shinrei was hit by his own attacks as well as Akira but he managed to dodge it. Hotaru went to aid for his brothers but was stopped by Koutaro.

"Don't make any sudden move to attack him. He's stronger now than he was before, so if you value your life, you would be smart enough to stay put," Koutaro whispered while eyeing Basara.

Hotaru looked at his brothers then back at Koutaro and nodded his head. Sasuke decided to tend to Akira's and Shinrei's injuries with Yukimura's help. After helping Sasuke tend to their injured comrades, Yukimura, being the sly one in the group decided to make a conversation.

"A beautiful day, isn't it?"

Kyo gave him a are-you-crazy-look, Sasuke swore but not loud enough to be heard and the others looked at him like he has a grown another head (except for Yuya).

"Indeed, but if you choose not to give the girl, I'll make sure to make your day a living hell," Basara said and averted his attention to Shindara.

"Nice to see you again Shindara. Tell me, have you seen Miss Yuya?"

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, even Shindara.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Shindara replied coolly and unconsciously tightened his grip a little more on Yuya.

Yuya on the other hand was too busy panicking to even notice. She felt like a plump mouse being cornered by a snake ready to strike its snack. Her heart pounded so hard on her chest that it was painful to breath.

Why was he here?

What does he want with me?

Why was he alive?

Isn't he dead?

So many questions left unanswered. So many questions running through her head making her dizzy and with Shindara's death grip on her body do not help her situation. It was suddenly hard to breath and she fought the urge to go unconscious but she just can't help it.

"Shindara… Shindara," those were her last words before she went unconscious.

To Be Continued….

yami1: Phew! That's over. I think this is the longest chapter that I've ever written. Anyway, before you leave, don't forget to give me lots of feed backs. I need to know how I did on this story.

Next Chapter: Hishigi, Fubuki and Tokito made their appearance.