Note: Just a short, one-shot drabble inspired by Jaygoose's fic challenge at Jak Fanfics. I like it enough to post it here, and Veger needs some love, too. Still has HUGE spoilers for the end of Jak 3 (and it probably won't make sense if you haven't finished the game anyways).


"Wait! Could you...leave a light on?"

"Aww, lil' rat face is scard o' th' dark! Innat sweet? Shut yer yap an' get t'sleep."



I hate the dark.

There's always a light on in my councilman's quarters. No one questions it; I'd have anyone who did banished...or worse.

This inky black conjurs nightmares: Metal Heads, animal men, pools of dark light... They leave me cold inside, make my skin crawl, and my fur (foreign, disgusting) stands on end.

I was going to wipe Creation clean, free the universe from these nightmare shadows. I'm vermin cowering in the night, this oaf's new pet.

But am I not still a god?

Perhaps this will work to my advantage. Yes... A little time is all I need.

That's enough; I can close my eyes now. I see the light again, warm, comforting, pure.

I will use that light to rid Creation of all shadows.