The King of… Kittens?
Written by Meli Connor
Disclaimer: Yugioh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi, and are just used in this story for personal amusement.
"Yes, Yugi. I'm sure this will work, so stop worrying. Its distracting me."
"Gomen nasai, but are you SURE its safe?"
"Hai, now silence, aibou. I'm starting…"
Yami was sitting on the floor in Yugis room, in spirit form, while Yugi was standing at the edge of the room. Around Yami were all seven Millennium items.
"I'm finally going to have my own body!" Yami whispered to himself. Then he closed his eyes and started chanting the spell he carefully memorized in Egyptian.
A bright light suddenly came from the items and engulfed Yami as Yugi shielded his eyes, praying to Ra that nothing would go wrong.
Just as suddenly as the light had come, it disappeared, and the room filled with thick smoke. Yugi coughed and moved towards where Yami had been before.
"Yami, are you okay?"
His eyes widened as the smoke cleared to reveal his room, and no Yami.
Yami POV
'Where am I?' Yami thought as he groggily opened his eyes. He raised his head to find himself lying out on the street. /Yugi/ Yami tried to contact his aibou through their mind link, but Yugi didn't answer.
Yami sighed and got up, and then a thought stuck him. He had a body! His own body! He raised his hand to see it, but was surprised at the sight that met his eyes. He had a body all right, but not the one he was expecting.
Tèa was walking home when something caught her eye. A little black kitten was sitting on the sidewalk in front of her, staring at its paw with a perplexed look on its face. She approached it cautiously, but it took no notice of her as it looked down at itself. Tèa had always loved cats, and by the look of this one, it was a stray. She picked it up and the cat started scrambling to get away.
"Its okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." Tèa said as she looked to see that it was a boy. The cat looked up at her, and calmed down and allowed her to stroke it. She thought there was something strangely familiar about its eyes.
"Are you a stray?" She asked, looking for a collar. The cat purred and cuddled up against her arm. She couldn't find any collar.
"Well, Ill bring you home for now, and see if we can find out if you have an owner. If you don't, well, I've always wanted a cat!" She said happily, cradling the cat and resuming her walk home.
Yami POV
'Just my luck. I get turned into a cat. Not only that, it's a baby!' Yami fumed as he was carried in Tèa's arms. 'Well, at least Tèa found me. It could be a lot worse. A kid could have found me. Or Bakura.' Yami shuddered slightly at that thought, having a pretty good idea of what the Tomb Robber would do to a kitten. But he immediately perked up as Tèa scratched him behind his ears. 'Ra, that feels good…' He thought, purring out loud. 'Man!' He thought as he realized how much he was enjoying the treatment. 'I sound like a CAT! NOOOOoooo! I wanna be a human! Not a cat! Why did it have to be a cat? Why couldn't it be something more…fierce.' He calmed down as Tèa scratched him again, and he closed his eyes, realizing how tired he was, and fell asleep in her arms.
'Awww…how cute!' Tèa thought as the kitten fell asleep in her arms. "Now for a name…" She mumbled out loud. "Well, you're a black cat…so how about…" She thought about it, Yami would be a good name for the kitten, considering it was black.
"Yami. Your name is Yami." Tèa said, and Yami opened a sleepy eye with a meow and went back to sleep.
Yami POV
'I'm so lucky!' Yami thought when he got to Tèa's house. She had bought him all kinds of stuff like toys, food, and other cat trinkets. The one thing he did not like was the little pink collar with the bell. No pink, no bells. He tried to get the repulsive thing off, but Tèa stopped him.
"Yami, you have to wear that. I don't want to lose you." She scolded him. Then she walked off to the kitchen and Yami followed curiously.
Tèa fed him and then ate herself. Yami then leapt onto the table and began purring to get her attention. She smiled and scratched him a while behind his ears, then got up and left.
Slightly annoyed, Yami followed her. When he walked into the room, he looked around. 'So this is Tèa's room? …cool.' He jumped onto her bed where she was lying and snuggled next to her.
Tèa jumped slightly when she felt Yami snuggle against her. She turned and smiled at the small cat and stroked him. He snuggled closer, purring loudly, and they both fell asleep like that.
Yugi POV
Yugi knocked on the door of his best friend's house the next day. He knew he needed her help if he were to find out what had become of Yami. He hadn't been able to sleep last night, he was worrying so much.
Yugi jumped slightly as he heard a sound from inside the house, and a sleepy voice called out.
"Hai? Who is it?"
"Tèa, its me, Yugi."
"Yugi?" The door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Tèa. "What are you doing here, its six in the morning!"
"I know Tèa, but I need your help!" Yugi said desperately.
"Well, come in." She said, moving aside to allow Yugi to enter.
Yami POV
I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. Tèa groaned and got up to answer, so I went back to sleep. Later, I heard voices in the hall, coming towards the room, and I raised my head to see a confused looking Tèa followed by a worried looking Yugi. At the sight of Yugi, I jumped off the bed and ran to him, rubbing on his leg, meowing, to get his attention. He picked me up and cuddled me as I continued meowing, trying to make him understand what had happened.
"I didn't know you had a cat Tèa. What's its name?" Yugi said while scratching me behind the ears, and I couldn't help but purr at the action.
"I found him yesterday. He didn't have a collar so I brought him home. His names Yami." Yugi raised an eyebrow, and Tèa hastily added, "For his dark fur."
"Well speaking of Yami," Yugi said while sitting down at a chair. "I came here to talk about something that happened yesterday."
"What happened?" Tèa asked. She hoped that it was nothing bad. She would never admit to her friends, but she had always had a crush on the dark spirit, but never acted on it, because she figured he wouldn't be interested in her. And also, he didn't have his own body. The only times she saw him was when he possessed Yugi, and she didn't want to use him just to see Yami.
"Well, we were doing something that was supposed to get him his own body." Yugi said.
"Really? Did it work?" Tèa said excitedly.
"No. It didn't. And worse, Yami disappeared." Yugi said, sounding like he was on the verge of tears.
Tèa gasped. "You mean, he's gone? Dead?"
"I don't know. That's why I came to you, Tea. I need to figure out what happened."
Yami POV
I listened to their conversation, but barely heard it due to the fact that Yugi was distracting me by scratching my ears. I shook my head and jumped off his lap to get a hold of myself, then tried to get my hikari to notice me again. /YUGI! HELLO/ I screamed at him through mind speech, but we must have gotten cut off, because he didn't seem to notice a thing. I grew frustrated and scratched him.
"YEOWW!" Yugi screamed as I did so, and glared at me, while I sat innocently, hoping he wouldn't kill me for that. I yelped as I felt hands clamp around me and lift me up. I turned my head to see Tèa frowning at me, and suddenly I felt very ashamed, and meowed an apology.
"Yami," She scolded. "What was that for?" She turned to Yugi who was nursing his scratch. "Gomen nasai, Yugi. I don't know what came over him. He seemed to like you a minute ago."
"Its okay, Tèa. I might have scratched him the wrong way." Yugi said. "What was his name again?"
Yugi came over to look at me, staying at a safe distance. "I'm sorry, Yami." He said in a soothing voice, and I mewed at him, willing him to understand that I was HIS Yami, not just a little kitten.
"Why does it seem like I've seen him before?" Yugi whispered, but Tèa and me still caught it.
/Its because I am your Yami/ I yelled at him in mind speech, but he didn't hear it.
"I'm not sure, I've noticed that myself." Tèa answered him. "Something about his eyes…"
"Yeah…" Yugi whispered. "Whose eyes are those?"
It hit them both at the same time, and they looked at me in scared confusion.
"Yami?" They said in unison.
So...did you like my school assignment? Reviews! And Ideas!