Me: I have finally decided to do another pure Mimato! ^_^ Well I want to make this a quicky so I don't own Digimon ok...*cry cry cry* Let's begin. Oh and the reason why none of the DD are here to make comments is cause I shot them. Hehe...nah...they are at a party. They might show up.


"Hold on you guys!" Tai held onto a seat in the trolley. Everyone followed his example and held on to a seat in front of them. Sora was next to Tai followed by Kari then T.K. Mimi screamed as the trolley went full speed out of the digital gate. Everyone closed his or her eyes prepared for the worst.

"The gravity is pulling us down rapidly! Prepare for a crash landing!" Izzy screamed to warn his friends. A huge jolt was felt a few seconds later, and Joe went flying to the front of the cart. Everything calmed down, and the children opened their eyes.

"Is everyone ok?" Tai peered at everyone with worry.

"Yeah Tai...I think?" Matt rubbed his head in pain. "Never mind..."

"Ooo...I don't want to go on that ride again!" Mimi got off the aisle and stood up.

"Joe are you ok?" Sora helped the poor boy of the floor.

"Ouch! Yeah I suppose?" Joe fixed his glasses upon his nose.

"Are we back Matt?" T.K tugged at his brother's shirt slightly.

Everyone looked out the window of the trolley and saw people crowding around it. Some people had huge smiles on their faces, others shocked, and most were confused. The children smiled. "We're home!" Kari ran to the front and opened the door. "Mommy!"

"Kari wait!" Tai ran after her and Sora followed.

Izzy picked up his laptop and calmly walked out with Joe not far behind. T.K gleamed at his brother. "We're finally home Matt! Let's go find Mom and Dad!"

"Sure T.K..." Matt walked to the exit with his brother. He took one step to exit the trolley and turned to look one last time inside. To his surprise, he saw Mimi sitting down. She didn't seem to excited to be back. Matt became confused. "Um...T.K?"

"Yeah Matt?"

"You go find Dad and Mom...I'll meet up ok," Matt said silently to where only T.K could hear.

"Um...ok Matt!" The little boy hopped of the trolley and ran through the crowd to search for his parents.

Matt smiled after him and turned his attention back to Mimi. He walked away from the exit and towards her. "Mimi?"

The girl looked up into Matt's azure eyes and tears formed slightly, but she quickly wiped them away. "Yes?"

"Aren't you happy to be back home?" He took a seat beside her. "Are you sad because you lost your hat?" he questioned sarcastically.

Mimi laughed slightly, but it soon faded into nothing. "'s not that."

"What should be more excited than anyone." Matt looked upon her worriedly.

Mimi broke down. She put her face in her hands and bawled out crying. "Oh Matt! I'll never see Palamon again. Plus I'm going to lose all my friends!"

Matt hugged her slightly and let her cry on his chest. "Don't worry Mimi. You still have us..."

"That's what I mean Matt! What if you all forget about me or forget about each other! I know Sora and Tai will stay together. They have been friends forever, but none of us knew each other existed until camp." She laughed slightly. "I can just see the people's faces if Izzy, the computer geek pip squeak, walking up to Tai, the popular one, and they talk like they have known each other forever. We all became so close, yet we're going to split up! I just can't stand that happening!" Mimi curled her knees to her face.

Matt looked bewildered. Mimi was right in certain areas. What would his friends think if they saw him talking to Joe? 'Who cares...I never really had true friends. But, the Digidestined are my true friends.' He unfolded Mimi and made her look at him. He smiled slightly. "Don't worry Meems! On my Crest of Friendship, I promise that all of us will remain together!"

Mimi smiled. Silence passed and she stood up. "Thanks Matt..."

"No problem." A feeling came over Matt. He seemed to be more compassionate towards people now. 'I guess I have digivolved in a way!' he thought with a smile on his face.

" I'm sure I'll see Palamon again. Now that I feel better...I'm going to hit the mall!" Matt laughed out loud. Mimi glanced at him and smiled. "Um...Matt?"

"Yeah Meems?"

Mimi laughed. "I never knew you had a nickname for me!" Matt blushed.

"MATT WAKE UP!" The boy's father shook him hard.

Matt tried to push him away, but his father persisted. He gave up and sat up. His tired eyes turned to the clock at the side of his bed...7:00 A.M!! He glared angrily at his dad. "What? Why did you wake me up so early?"

Mr. Ishida laughed. "Well if you start school today!"

Matt's ice blue azure eyes widened. "Oh God!" He jumped out of bed and rushed to his closet for a shirt. "I forgot!"

This caused is dad to laugh more. "Well hurry up...I need you to cook breakfast." He walked out of Matt's room and to the living room.

Matt slipped on a green sleeveless shirt and blue jeans, ran to the bathroom, brushed is teeth, and fixed his hair. Of all days to sleep had to be today. Matt was a little happy though. When all the digidestined got back home, they all found out that they all go to the same school. Hopefully he would have many classes with his friends. Matt walked to the kitchen and searched for any remaining edible food in the refrigerator. Matt found some eggs and grabbed a pan. "How do you want your eggs Dad?"

Mr. Ishida looked up from his paper and looked at his son. "Um...scrambled." He turned his attention back to the weekly word. Matt cooked the eggs quickly and placed them in front of his father. He raced back to his room and grabbed his bag. He then raced out the front door without so much of a bye to his dad.

" to the gym to receive your proper schedule! Repeat! Report to the gym for your proper schedule!" The announcement echoed in the halls and outside. Mimi grumbled and ran into the big crowd. She wore a blue jean skirt and green shirt and had her hair in a ponytail and wished she hadn't worn her platformed sandals. She entered the gym in anger. With all the people who stepped on her feet, the pain felt like she was walking the Digiworld all over again! Mimi sighed and looked around. In front of her were many lines of students piled on top of one another. Who knew trying to receive your lousy class schedule would be hectic! Mimi pushed her way to the sign with a big 'M' on it, since her name began with an 'M', and stood patiently. But no sooner than she stood, her patience grew very thin. 'This is going to take FOREVER!' Mimi's mind screamed in frustration.

"MIMI!" A girl in a loose dress, brown hair, and brown eyes ran up to the very frustrated Mimi.

Mimi turned around and smiled. "Malany!"

"That's ME!" The girl pointed to herself and giggled. "So Mimi! What did you do over the summer?"
Mimi smiled and thought of her answer, 'Oh nothing much...Some friends and I just got sucked into another world and meet some good and bad monsters called Digimon. We had to save the world and we did. Nothing big!' Mimi giggled at her thought. What would Malany say if she gave that answer? "Um...just stuff. I went to camp."
"Oh bummer! No wonder you weren't at Cheerleading Camp! Hey are you going to try out for the squad this year?" Malany played with her ponytail.
Mimi nodded her head but was stopped for some hands went over her eyes. Mimi became still from shock. She felt some breathe by her ear, and a male voice announced himself, "Guess who?"
Mimi giggled. Only one person had a voice like that. She removed the hands and giggled. "MATT!" She turned around and met his azure eyes with a smile. She launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.

Matt laughed a bit in surprise and hugged her back. "It's nice to see you too Meems!"

Mimi released the hug and giggled again. "It's great to see you Matt! How did you find me?"

Matt smirked. "Well since this line is for the students with their name starting with 'M' kind of narrowed down my options on where to look." He put his hands in his pockets and laughed.

Mimi slapped her head, "Oh yeah!"

Malany raised an eyebrow. "You're friends with Matt, Mimi?"

Mimi nodded her head. "Yep! We met at camp and well...lets just say that it is like we have known each other for a long time." Mimi looked at Matt and gleamed. "Right Matt!"

He looked at her and nodded. "Right Meems. Hey...have you seen Tai, Sora, Izzy...anyone?"

Mimi looked down and shook her head. "Sorry, but no. I haven't talked to any of them in a long time...ever since we returned from the Digiw..." Mimi stopped and blinked a few times at her mistake. Malany was still with her. " camp."


"Hey! Move up!" A student behind them screamed with anger. Matt and Mimi realized that the line had moved a great deal. They shrugged and walked forward.

"I'll get my schedule first Mimi...ok?" Malany looked at her still a little confused. No one has ever become good friends with Matt! He was the cutest guy in school and had popularity written all over him. Malany couldn't see how Mimi could have become so close to him. Mimi turned to her friend and nodded at Malany's offer.

"So Meems...what did you do for the rest of the summer?" Matt had his face forward and looked around for the others.

Mimi sighed, "Nothing, charity, and I worked at homeless shelters for..." Matt's weird gaze stopped her. "What?" She looked at him like there was nothing wrong.

"Mimi..." He was in shock. " worked at homeless shelters and charity!"

Malany stood in front of the two getting her schedule and had a greater shock than Matt. 'Mimi working! Homeless shelters at that! What the hell changed her so much?' Malany grabbed the sheet of paper with her classes on it and turned back to Mimi. "Your turn Mimi!"

"Alright..." She stepped forward and in within two minutes, she got her schedule. "Your turn Matt!"

Matt still had a surprised look on his face. It soon faded and he stepped forward. After they got their schedules, Matt and Mimi pushed their way out of the crowds. Matt looked back at Mimi. "Why?"

Mimi grew a strange and clueless look. "Why what?"

"Why were you working over the summer?"

Mimi laughed. "I don't know...I felt like I still had a duty as the Guardian of Sincerity."

Matt smiled. Mimi sure had changed. "Yeah I guess..."

Malany stood behind them. "Excuse me...what are you two talking about?"

Matt and Mimi laughed. "Nothing's like a secret between Matt, me, and a few others."

"Few others?"

"Yeah...lets see. Um...there is Tai, Sora, Joe, Izzy, T.K, and Kari!"

Malany shrugged. "Alright...whatever. I'll see you around Mimi!" She waved bye and left.

"Let's go find the others...ok Meems?" Mimi laughed loudly. Matt frowned, "What?"

"I see you still have that nickname for me!" Matt blushed and turned away.


The two turned sharply to the sound of their names. Sora was running at full speed with Tai not trailing far behind. "Sora!" Mimi waved high in the air.

Sora ran up and gave Mimi a hug forcefully. Tai on the other hand had to stop and catch his breath so he fell onto the floor. "Sor...a ...geez...why'!" Mimi giggled while Matt helped Tai off the floor.

Sora stood back and looked at Mimi. "Hey! Your not wearing pink!" She smiled. " have the same colors as Matt!"

"Hey...I haven't noticed before!" Mimi glanced down at herself.

Matt smiled. "No wonder it was so hard for me to find you Meems! You weren't wearing pink!"

Tai smirked. "Meems?" Matt turned and blushed again.

"I think it is a cute nickname Tai!" Sora punched the boy in the shoulder, signaling for him to shut his mouth. "So! Let's compare our schedules!" Sora reached in her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with her classes on it. "I already know that I have three classes with lets see..." She grabbed everyone's sheet and looked them over.

"Well..." Tai looked over her shoulder...
Me: Sorry to leave you at such a cliffhanger...but this is a practice fic. I'll put up Chapter 2 if I get enough reviews. Thanks for reading this fic! ^_^