Firefairy032003 Here is another chapter for you all I hope you all enjoyed it, thanks again KiWingz…


It has been two weeks since the incident with Serenity and those two fucked up losers. Seto was watching his angel sleeping quietly, it was night time and everyday after college and work, Seto would immediately go to her. She would either be asleep or awake, but she only did it because she wanted to get better, Seto was always concerned for her.

Seto took out the small, black box from the inside of his black trench coat pocket and opened it. There was a small silver ring and in the center of the ring was a cross, but this cross looked wicked. And in the center of the cross, there were three stones. In between the two sapphires, was a single emerald. It was like Seto's embrace holding Serenity protectively.

When he had left home that night, he went to a jewelry store. He looked at so many rings, but none of them caught his attention. So he asked the manager if they could make rings with customer's request, and the manager said no, but since it was Seto Kaiba, the manager said yes.

Serenity moaned a little and slowly opened her eyes. Seto quickly closed his right hand, that way Serenity won't notice. Seto still hasn't told Serenity that he loves her, but he wanted to do it after she had gotten better.

However, Seto was always there for her whenever she needed something, but she would tell him not to do it, but Seto did it anyway. She thanked Seto for everything. 'Seto?' she said quietly as she sat up slowly.

'Yes? What is it? Is there anything I can do?' Seto said quickly as he got up, as she gave him a gentle smile and shook her head from side to side.

'No, thank you, I'm alright for now.' she said gently as she leaned back against the pillows.

'Serenity I want to talk to you about something.' Seto said sitting beside her.

'Yes Seto?' she asked him nicely as she took the Blue Eyes White Dragon plushie that Seto had given her and put it in her lap, wrapping her hands around it.

'When you and I first met, I was a total jerk to you, but you have been so nice, kind and caring towards me. Why do this? I mean, I was a cold-heartless monster, but you never argued back. I was just wondering why?' Seto asked her wanting to know the truth.

'Because, I... I'm… nice to people. There's no point in fighting, even though we may have some disagreements. And I... I…' she started to say, but looked down.

'But you what?' Seto asked her worried as he had gently put his hand underneath her chin.

'I... I shouldn't say it and if I do,.. you might kick me out.' she said shakily as a tear fell from her right eye.

'What is it?' Seto asked her in concern.

'I love you.' she said quietly as I let go from her face,

I getting up and she put her face in her hands.

'Don't do that.' I said gently to her as I got on one knee and took the box out from my coat pocket.

'Huh?' she asked confused as she wiped her eyes and turned to me and gasped in surprise.

'Serenity... will you marry me?' I said opening the box slowly as I revealed the ring to her.

She gasped and put her hands to her mouth. 'Seto! I will marry you!' she exclaimed happily, jumping out of bed excitedly and pounced on Seto.

Seto smiled and grabbed her, Seto picked her up, never realizing how short she really was. Serenity hugged him and cried happy tears on his shoulder.

'I love you too.' Seto said happily as he gave Serenity a kiss on her right wet cheek.

Serenity smiled and found his lips, they kissed and held each other. Seto slowly slid the ring on her second finger from her pinky of her left hand. She smiled and gave Seto a deep kiss as he kissed her back, Seto felt as completed as Serenity did….

Years later... Seto and Serenity had finished college and Serenity had a masters degree in art and Seto had a doctors degree in business. Serenity worked for Seto as his new Vice President of Kaiba corp.

Her degree meant a great deal to the company, as she now did computer graphics. As for Seto, he did computer graphics too, but he also built advanced duel disks, Kaiba Land, and Kaiba Land Water Park…

As for the rest gang… Yugi was the only one of them who had finished college and had became an archeologist just like his grandfather. He still plays Duel Monsters today. Yugi broke up with Tea because she slept with many men and Yugi had caught her sleeping with one of them…

Joey, Tristan and Duke were now in prison for many other crimes that they had pursed together along with various attempts of theft and assault on Seto Kaiba…

Tea dropped out of high school in her senior year and had became a prostitute and a stripper, after losing contact with the rest of the gang since they looked down on her career decisions...

And after a year of working along side Seto as his vice president Serenity was pregnant with their first child. She had decided to name it Angel since she had found out that it was a girl.

Two years after Angel had turned one years old Serenity was pregnant again, though this time it was a boy so she named it after Seto.

Firefairy032003 End of epilogue I hope you all have enjoyed this fic and I'd like to thank all if those who have reviewed you've all made this fic that much better and special thanks to KiWingz. Soon I'll have another Seto/Serenity fic posted on here but don't know when yet, though hopefully you'll all like it as much as you liked this one.