A/N: Hello, kiddies. This is my first Naruto fanfic. I hope you like it. As always, reviews are very much wanted, and flaming will result in many third degree burns on my already small ego. Don't hurt it too much…

Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Naruto. Get it through your head.

And off to the story we go…

In all his dreams, it all came back to that point, that person, the apex of his focus, the crossroads of his thoughts converged on this.

Walking down the gravelly hill, he walked without that usual spring, his face gloomy, like that storm that had ravaged his village of Konoha. A small fly buzzing around a birds nest chose the adolescent's nose as a perch, only to be shooed away half-heartedly by a reluctant hand, which was accompanied by a weary heart. His garb had changed for this day, and he was decked out in a black kimono, the same one that he had worn to the funeral of Sandaime. The black garment fluttered slightly in the wind, marking the mournful setting for the day.

Fifteen years since the day he had been born. Fifteen years since that incident, his incident. The hatred welled up inside, and a shot of red chakra flared from his being. He didn't see why they averted their eyes in shame, or openly glared, unloading hate onto him, glares sucked in by his frame, his body taking in all the invisible blows. He kept his head down, thinking about his return as he kicked a pebble. After all this time, they still hated him for being alive. They despised him for being their savior. Their murderous intent focused on their hope, their protector. Ero-Sennin had warned him about their reaction to his return, but he wouldn't hear any of it. After all, he had proved himself as a worthy Konoha shinobi, honorable and full of good deeds done in the past. His list of vanquished enemy nins who posed a threat was greater than any chuunins, anyways. It was three years ago that he had saved the town from Sabaku no Gaara, and inadvertently made himself a frieand that day. Ever since, Gaara had changed, and their second meeting was much less tense, as they knew each other's pain. A year and a half had passed since Sasuke had been rescued by Naruto from Orochimaru's darkness. The fight had been long and bloody, but the power trip laid in Sasuke's head had been forcibly removed. Granted, it was his second attempt, and The Valley Of The End had yet to recover from this fresh set of craters.

And yet, they still hated him. His name, Uzumaki, had gone from the revered 4th Hokage to this evil demon child. He had walled himself inside since his return, not meething anyone besides Ero-Sennin. Their hair had grown to the same shape, albeit different colors. Naruto was still the shocking blonde he always was. He was so absorbed in himself that he didn't notice the group of Konoha-nins walking up towards him. As he looked up, finally, both parties gasped in shock.

The five nins, Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hinata, Tenten, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke, were trying to enjoy the beautiful day despite the glumness surrounding them on all sides. They did dress for the occasion, and their garb was also all black. Sasuke had recently been released from his probation, and had definitely changed his outlook for the better. Just three months ago, he had finally come to terms with his feelings, a month ago, had finally told Sakura everything.


Sasuke sat in a tree, tossing a rock up and down, a morose look on his face. Why couldn't he just say it? He felt that same helplessness, that same weakness. He clammed up now in front of her, like a fish out of water. He threw the rock at the ground, making a furrow in it. It was just his luck that he was waiting by the bridge. The old Team 7 bridge. The bridge she walked by every day. Damn it all, he would tell her. As if on cue, he saw the very object of his affections. Damn it, I needed more time to plan this! Sasuke, was, to put it in blunt terms, screwed.

Sakura trudged along, thoughts full of rage and annoyance. That stupid stupid alarm clock just HAD to go off late, and now she was late. Late as hell, to say it truthfully. Tsunade-sama would kill her. Kill her dead, she would. If only something would go right today, damn it! Inner Sakura was up and ready to kick the next dumb shit's ass that annoyed her. Until she thought of Sasuke. Now, she knew how mad she was supposed to be at him, but, he was Sasuke. Her only love, not that he cared. He was so unfeeling, the bastard! But, she couldn't hate him. Ah well, she was pissed anyways. Ambling along, she failed to notice the boy sitting in the tree. She just ambled on, muttering oaths and curses under her breath.

Sasuke frowned. She had walked right by the damn tree? Christ, this would be hard to tell. He was weak, it was only denial that held him back. God damn his weakness. He had to fight it!


Sakura almost fell over with disbelief. "Sasuke-kun?"


"Well, what? You know, I'm late for my lesson with Tsunade-sama."


"Ok, fine, whatever." Sakura started to walk away, a puzzled and annoyed expression on her face.

Damn it! "Wait, Sakura!"

"What! What is it?"

"I just wanted to say that, uhh… how should I put this… hmm…"

Sakura did a double take. Sasuke stuttering? What the fuck was going on. He had never stammered or stuttered. Ever. What the fuck was going on.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for lying."

Sakura frowned. "Lying? About what?"

Sasuke went a deep shade of red, unaccustomed to being assailed like this by his own emotions. "W-well, I-I really like you, Sakura…"

Sakura's eyes went wide, and her jaw slackened. Had he? He hadn't, had-OHMYGODOHMYGOD Hell Yes!

"I know, I-I've been mean to you, no, evil to you. I know that you don't love me bac-"

Sakura didn't care what he had to say next, and muffled his lips with hers.


Hinata smiled to herself. They had been inseparable after that. Neji and Tenten too, after the first mission to bring back Sasuke failed. But there was no one to love Hinata. No one would ever love her.