I'm sorry dear readers. First of all, I'm sorry that this took so long. Also, I know that I had said that there would be at least 2 more chapters, but I downsized it to one for a few reasons. First, I found that I really didn't feel like trying to stretch this stuff out. And second, I'm about to try out for yet another show (Jesus Christ Superstar baby!) and it is going to really take a lot out of me. Not only will the play itself be time commanding, but my parents and advisor (kind of a homeroom teacher at my school) are demanding me to stay on top of my work in order to stay in the show, so this leaves very little free time left and I really don't want to delay any more chapters so here you go! I hope you like it.

Also, because this is the last chapter and I'm gonna need to get rid of review replies to make room for new stories, I've decided to do review replies from the last chapter here and then post all of the other ones at the end.


Kathy L.: Thanks for your review! I'm really glad you liked that chapter.

JennyWren: Aw, thanks! Ya, I felt really out of season posting it. Its kinda funny that now I posting the chapter that takes place after Christmas during the Christmas season. Christmas fluff is always good. Also, if you want more, I am currently writting an E/M Christmas one shot that you might like. Btw, I love your story If I Never Knew You. Its wonderful! Thanks so much for all of your reviews!

Soprano of the Labyrinth: Yay! I'm glad you liked it anyway. And yes, you will find out everything you need to know about their baby in this chapter. Thanks so much for being an ever faithful reviewer!

ThePhantomsShadow: I'm glad you liked my early Christmas chapter. Wow, your Aunt seems a little anxious to get into the Christmas spirit. Thats funny. Thanks for all of your lovely reviews!

Rising Twilight: Yay, I'm glad you liked Erik's little song. I'm actually singing it for this little voice concert-ish thing I'm doing for my voice teacher so the song was kinda in my head at the time. I'm so happy that the Christmas season is here b/c I absolutely love making cookies, decorating the tree and all the good stuff you mentioned in your review! Praise 101.9 for continuous Christmas! Though this story is ending, there are still many stories that I have yet to start. If you are into some more Christmas fluff, I am currently about half way done a little E/M one shot called Secret Santas. Thanks for all of your reviews!

darklady5289: I'm glad you liked that chapter! Don't worry, Erik and Meg are safe at last. I don't have the heart to put them through anything else. Thanks for all of your support and reviews!

Nameless Waif: Yay! Yes, you never ever fail to review. And I don't blame you for all of those Romeo and Juliet quotations. It happens. Btw, that show was AMAZING! I saw it twice and both times I could hear people crying. I was like YES! You did an awesome job. When you came out I was like YES! I KNOW HER! Besides, if I make Jesus Christ Superstar, I'll be going around singing that until March. Yay for Christmas songs and 101.9 continuous Christmas! I would love to see Erik singing 'John Jacob Jingle-heimer Smith'. That would be too funny. And I'm glad you picked up on the whole revelation thing. Thats kinda what the last two chappies have been trying to say so YAY! As for the dying Christmas Tree, I thought that it was entirely appropriate for Meg's depressed mood and I'm glad that it made you feel better. Ignore Christmas movies and tv shows. Those people are too perfect to be real anyway. If the sky was orange, I'm not entirely sure that I would want to know what squirells would taste like. As for the music question, thats by far the best philosophical question I've heard ever! I like it! But poor Erik would be sad. Anyway, I shall see you in Geometry!

22. Renaissance.

It was a new year, full of new promises, new beginnings, and new life. New Year's Eve had a different significance this year. To many, it had always just been a new year, but after everything that had happened, a new year took on new meaning. Last year was dead, and with it I dug the grave to bury all that I wanted to leave behind with it. By no means was it near full, but I was beginning to live again.

When warmer weather finally set in, I realized what I missed about the surface. I missed the sunlight, fresh air, the beauty of flowers and a bright, lovely day. Returning to a world of beauty and danger was something that I desired and feared at the same time. I had stayed by Erik's side the whole time and kept to the park instead of the streets. I felt better that day than I had in a long time. Resting on the lush grass while bathed in sunlight and the warmth of Erik's arm helped me remember the wonderful things about the surface world. Together we were learning how to leave the sanctuary of our underground world to return to the light.

As I began to quiet my fear of the world, we soon got in the habit of taking a walk in the park on Sundays, enjoying the soft song of the birds and watching the busy city bustle by from one spot of peace. I was so caught up in it that I did not see an ecstatic figure waving and coming towards me.

"Meg!" it cried and my trance was broken as I saw an old friend rushing at me.

"Camille! It's so good to see you," I exclaimed, embracing her happily.

"Meg it's so good to see you," she smiled, looking down at my growing abdomen.

"You know, I probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't helped me escape. You really did Erik and me a very big favor. So how have you been doing all of this time?"

"Much better thanks to you Meg. I'm free now. I decided to make a new life for myself that night. I'm an honest woman now." The small sparkle of a ring on her hand caught my attention. Her smile widened as she noticed. "I'm engaged. I met Ames not long after the start of the New Year. Erik and you especially inspired me to find a better way to live. I'm happier now than I've been in a very long time."

"I'm happy for you Camille. Neither of us deserved that life. We just had nowhere else to turn at that moment. We are free at last."

Seeing Camille finally free of the brothel's hold with a real life of her own reminded me of myself. We were not bound to misery, only I could seal my own fate. Nothing could last forever. This time of healing that I was going through was not permanent. Again I could feel my mother working. The time had come for me to harness my weaknesses, not only to be happy again, but to finally release the desire I had felt for my husband, a desire that Erik and I had both suppressed to avoid remembrance of that one week. But spring sweet call of life would help to kill the cold memories of winter. No longer would every sweet kiss and touch be tinted with carefully restrained desire. It was time to renew the vows Erik and I had made with our bodies on that first night of marriage.

While Erik was out searching for a house for our future family, a warm draft began gently breathed upon the usually cool cavern. Spring was a time of rebirth, of renaissance. It was time to rise above the winter, to give into the desires that had been carefully harbored for too long.

A carpet of rose petals soon covered the cavern floor as I waited on the bed, resting comfortably in a rather small, blood red nightgown, slyly anticipating his return. At last I heard the gentle rocking of the boat and a sly smile spread across my face as Erik approached. I nearly laughed at the surprised look on his face as he pulled the curtain aside.

"What is all this for?" he asked with a slightly wry smile.

"Surely you can figure that out," I answered coyly. His eyes were intense as I approached him and my heart leapt at the soft sight he emitted as I kissed his throat. An almost inaudible moan escaped his throat as my lips moved up his jaw line and my hands wandered over his chest.

"You are a temptress Meg," he whispered against my lips before they met. "Why do you torture me so?"

"No Erik, no more temptation. I will not deny us this any more."

"Are you sure?"

"I need you Erik. Only you can help me overcome this. I need your touch, I need you. Remind me of what I want, what I've missed for so long."

Erik's eyes lit up with blue fire as the harbored desires were finally allowed to run loose. Slowly, he kissed me again, teasing my tongue with his own and running his talented fingers up my spine and neck, causing me to shiver with delight. His lips moved down to graze my jaw and neck as his hands ran up and down my sides. His sweet touch was so different from the violent grasping, wonderfully different.

As I reached up to take off his jacket, I felt my cheeks grow warm. I felt like a newlywed again as I sought to fight against the joys of the flesh that had been tainted with hateful lust. Bits of clothing slowly fell away with tantalizing caress as we slowly savored our long closeted, marital rights. The final garments were cast aside. Both of us blushed furiously as we lay bare before each other, innocent and defenseless.

I raised my arms up, wrapping them around his neck, bringing him closer. "I've missed you Erik," I whispered as my lips met his and his skin set fire to my own. At last, only one task remained before us. Erik's eyes desperately searched mine and I knew what held him back. He was scared, frightened to revive my worst memories.

"Please Erik, I trust you."

Hesitantly, we came together and familiar, forgotten warmth washed over me. A soft moan escaped my mouth as we began to move in a dance as old as time itself. There had been a moment when I had braced myself, my body almost expecting to be ravished and torn again, yet the gentle movement and rising heat had quickly dissolved it. Those memories would not assault me now amidst soft moans, sweet caresses, and whispers of love as we entwined beneath the sheets.

In the peaceful aftermath, I lay in my husband's arms as his hand gently rested over our growing child. His eyes were kind, yet intense as his breath and lips occasionally kissed my cheek. Lying beside Erik at night was comforting and sweet, but there was a certain kind of intimacy in the contact of bare skin that I had missed.

Lazily I turned to face Erik, smiling upon him as his eyes reflected the dancing candlelight.

"Thank you, Erik."

My face contorted, wincing with pain as another contraction tore through my body. For hours now I had been laying on a hospital bed, gasping in agony as I had been like this and again I grasped Erik's hand, desperate for any form of release. At last, after nine months, the arrival of our son had come, yet I wished that there were a much less painful way of greeting him.

"That's it Meg, give me your pain. You're doing fine, dear."

"What's your definition of fine!" I growled, frustrated with labor. Yet another contraction pierced me and I could not help but notice that they were coming with greater frequency. I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to fight back and be strong. I was glad that Erik was there. After all, this was his child too and I needed him to be here now more than ever.

"She's nearly ready now," the nurse said and my mind gave a cry of joy. Gradually the contractions built up to a climax and I wondered if I would survive the ordeal.

"Push Meg!" Erik instructed as my grip on his hand tightened.

I pushed with all of my strength, groaning in frustration as I fell back again.

"I can see the baby's head," the nurse cried.

"You're nearly there dear, push harder," Erik said.

"I'M TRYING!" I cried out. Erik certainly had an easy job right now.

I pushed and pushed again, feeling as though I was no closer to the end of the delivery then when I started. Tears streamed down my face as contractions ripped my body apart.

"Almost there Meg, just one more push!" Erik cried.

In my last attempt, I screamed as I pushed one last time. In a second heaven and hell seemed to flash before my eyes. There was one moment of ethereal silence before a baby's cry pierced the room. My son was here at last. I breathed a sigh of relief and fell back onto the bed as tears and sweat dripped down my face. Erik's grip on my hand soon matched mine from before and he graciously kissed my cheek.

"You were wonderful darling. Rest, love."

It was not long after our son was cleaned off and wrapped into a blanket before he was placed into my arms. When I first held him, all of the frustration and pain I underwent in his delivery no longer mattered as he stole my breath away. Here he was, a living, breathing creation of our love.

Hesitantly I saw Erik lean over. "Is he… alright?"

"See for yourself," I whispered happily.

More tears fell as Erik's own eyes softened and grew moist as he looked into the bundle of blankets. A small, perfect, pink little face with wisps of blond hair lay wrapped within his swaddling cloth. For a brief moment, his eyes opened for the first time, revealing bright, dazzling blue orbs nearly identical to his father's.

"He's beautiful Erik. Do you want to hold him?"

"Are you sure? What if I hurt him?"

"He's your son Erik. He trusts you."

Carefully I passed the little boy into Erik's waiting arms. My heart swelled with pride as he held his son for the first time. Tears proceeded to spill over his cheeks as the tiny babe curled up in his arms. Erik turned to me, looking as though he could burst with happiness.

"Never… never had I ever thought that this would happen. Meg…" he whispered before tears choked his voice and kissed my cheek.

"It's alright dear, I know."

Not long after our first son, Christian Giry was born, my little family settle into a house just outside Rouen. Though it was hard for me to leave Paris, my home and my beginnings, we also left behind our sufferings, pain, and worst memories. It has been six years since then. I know that my memories of the brothel will never truly leave me, for there are still rare nights when I awake to those nightmares, but they are only the shadows of a long forgotten past.

Our new home was a decent sized house with four bedrooms, leaving enough room for a family. Though we were not able to get an organ like the one left underneath the Opera, Erik was more than delighted to have a fine grand piano sit in the foyer. Christian soon found a love for music as well as his father taught him.

As I fed Madeline, our eight-month-old daughter, I listened to Erik teach Christian how to play "Ode to Joy". The poor boy was getting frustrated as he tried to conquer the eighth notes.

"I can't get it father! My fingers won't listen to me!"

"I know it's difficult, but practice makes perfect. Just give it one more try."

His little face scrunched up with determination and concentration. Christian began the song again, determinedly keeping up with the tapping noise Erik made to keep him on tempo. Triumphantly, he finished the song.

"I did it!"

"See, I knew you had it in you," Erik said, proudly hugging his son before Christian scurried off to play outside.

"Well done, Maestro," I applauded.

"I knew he had it in him. He just needed to try a little harder," he replied, picking Madeline up and gently swinging her around, causing her to giggle with delight before sitting down besides me.

"To think that you were afraid to have children. They love you Erik, and so do I."

"None of this would be possible without you Meg. You've given me happiness that I never even dreamed possible."

"It's strange how fate works. We saved each other Erik. Look how far we've come. Happiness is ours forever."

Well, I hoped you liked it please, please review because I would love you all if I made 200 reviews! And now, here is a cheesy little poem that I wrote one day out of boredom that I though summarized this story.

The Nothing I've Become

When everything I've worked for
is stolen in a flash,
my mother stressed and dying,
my happiness in ash.

Turned away to darkness.
Sold my body to live.
Made a vow to kill one man:
Don't forget and don't forgive.

Imprisoned by a phantom,
taken away from light.
Death becomes my only way
to escape unending night.

Once so cold and brutal,
now so warm with love.
The angel thought to be from hell
is a cherub from above.

When body, heart, soul and mind
at last unite as one,
two heart have found salvation
from the nothing we'd become.

Well, now that Nothing I've Become is over, I do have some projects I want to work on. The next thing I post will probably be an R/M story I've been working on called Collide. However, if I make Jesus Christ Superstar, this story might not even begin posting until Christmas break or even as late as March when the show will be over. However, on a lighter note, I have been working on a Christmas E/M one shot (no lemons this time either!) called Secret Santas, which should be up before the holidays end. Thanks for your support!

Review Replies

Chapter 15

ThePhantomsShadow: Yay! I'm so glad you liked that one. I worked so hard on that one. I revised bits of it forever. I was really trying to get it as romantic and sensual as possible so I'm glad you thought it was like that! Yes, school is annoying, but I actually have good classes too. Junior year has been fun so far. Thanks for your review!

Emily singing reflection: Haha, ya, this one was a little more intimate that my last lemon, but I decided to take advantage of that M rating. I'm glad you liked it though! Don't worry, I should be safe with this one. I've been basically saving everything on the website so there is no track of it on the computer and even if my parents do know that I have a account, they don't know my penname or password, so I'm safe. Thanks for your review!

scorpiogirl16: Boz! (glomps) Yay, I'm glad you liked it, but what did you have against my "god you are exquisite" line! I was proud of that one! eh, nevermind. you'll probably be happy about chapter 16, even though it is a bit more low key.

HPROXMYSOX: YAY! Omg I'm so glad you liked it! I'm flattered! I'm just happy you got that effect because I really really wanted to show how much they love each other and make it as romantic and sensual as possible. Thanks so much for your review!

Chapter 16 Replies

ThePhantomsShadow: Yes, little phantom baby is on the way. I mean, after Meg and Erik have been together for nearly every night after they've been married, how could she possibly not get pregnant. But of course, as you've found out, things have taken a very nasty turn for them.

Emily singing reflection: Don't worry, no one is going to die. And I'm sorry I made you worry about them so much. Well, now you have found out what happens. I'm sorry its not very happy. But things will get better ;) . I'm glad you like my story so much, especially since I wasn't very happy about chapter 16 and 18, but I think that 18 is better.

meeka: haha yes! can't wait until I get to that stuff. Erik would be such an awesome father (and of course an even better lover). Thanks for your review.

Darth Squishy: Ya, i know that chapter wasn't so great. I was just kinda doing whatever for that one and just kinda did whatever. but don't worry, things get so much better in chapter 18.

RoseDesEnfers: Aw, really! (blushes) I'm flattered, especially since I wasn't really happy with that one. Thanks for your review.

I Love Gerry: Yay! I'm glad you still liked that chapter. I've been having issues lately about trying to make stuff longer. Thanks for your review.

FFAMasquerade2005: I'm glad you still thought it was good. I'm sorry these have been so short but I just haven't been able to think of enough stuff. I hope you liked my little evil surprise.

Charity: Ya, I suppose it's a little soon, but then again, Erik and Meg have been together for like every single night and more than that so there is like no possible way for Meg not to get pregnant. Thanks for your review.

Nameless Waif: Ya, I suppose that the whole morning sickness thing was a little obvious. I think that the only person who could possibly be oblivious to it was and is Erik. And Erik does indeed get happier, even though he does get murderous after Meg gets taken away.

Chapter 17 Replies

ThePhantomsShadow: Yes, I am terribly mean to Meg. Life really has its ups and downs for her. However, despite the fact that she is getting treated like dirt, she is not really alone (hint). I was actually considering making Erik her first client, but I figured that it is going to take him a little time to figure out what really happened and then find the right whorehouse, so, for the time being, Meg is just gonna have to suffer. I'm glad you liked that chapter. Thanks for your review!

Darth Squishy: Hehe, I get it! Well, there are some surprises still left. I hope that one was a little better from 16. Thanks for your review.

whispering-voices: Yay! I'm glad you liked that chapter. Thanks for your review!

I Love Gerry: Ya, the beginning certainly was different from the end. It was kind of wierd though to imagine snow when I'm getting steamed in school. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for your review!

Emily singing reflection: Yes, I know that I was incredibly evil, and for I while I still am. Thanks for your review.

Nameless Waif: Haha, wow, I'm sorry! I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that we have not seen the last of Erik. As for the comment about Meg with a chainsaw, well, I can just say that it would end up being pretty awesome. Madame Bourais' blood and guts would be all over the floor. It would be pretty funny to see Meg chucking a chainsaw around. Sorry about the cliffie though. Thanks for your review and see you in Geometry!

Chapter 18 Replies

Emily singing reflection: Omg yes! Joseph is awesome. I just couldn't resist using that song. True, it probably would make her more depressed, but for some reason singing depressed songs when I am sad always makes me feel better because I'm just weird like that.

Nameless Waif: Haha, ya, watching Joseph in religion was basically what started my obsession with that show. I even went out and got the movie after that. And the idea of Meg with a chainsaw is so amusing! See you in geometry.

Angel of Night: Oooh, I like your penname. I'm glad you liked that chapter, especially the little song. Thanks so much for your review!

ThePhantomsShadow: Ya, I admit, I have been pretty mean to Meg lately, but don't worry, I won't leave her miserable forever! I'm glad you liked this chappie!

FFAMasquerade2005: Don't worry, I won't leave Meg there forever. I do have to be nice to her once in a while.

Darth Vadar: Lol, don't worry. I definitely will not leave you guys hanging because I know myself how annoying it is to follow a story and then it just stops randomly. Thanks for your review!

Chapter 19 Reviews

ThePhantomsShadow: Ya, it is nice to have them back together again. I really wanted to write some more stuff with Erik in it and I love doing EM fluff so I couldn't bear to keep them apart any longer. And I'm so glad you liked the chainsaw. My dear friend Nameless Waif, who often schemes of little things in her review gave me that idea and it was just too good to ignore. I'm glad you like the way I write Erik. He is so much fun to write, mostly because you can interpret him in so many ways. And I can't thank you enough for your lovely review on Seduction By Cards. That was the nicest review yet!

I Love Gerry: Yes, Erik and Meg are back together because I was sick of writing all of that depressing stuff and they had to be together for the holidays! I'm glad you loved the little thing at the end. You have no idea how much fun that was to write.

Nameless Waif: Omg 2 reviews! I must say that you have outdone yourself! I can't believe you read it twice! Omg, I loved writing the part where Erik was punjabing people. Dark, murderous Eriks are very fun. Lol, omg yes, I remember that story. it scared me! And everyone loved the little chainsaw part! I can' thank you enough for that interesting little idea. See ya in geometry and good luck with that test we have to take on Wed.

MC: Ya, I couldn't keep Erik and Meg apart any longer. I'm glad you liked that chapter. Thanks for your review.

Halay Macrae: Aw, thanks for your review! I'm flattered! I'm so glad you liked the little "If I Can't Love Her" songfic chappie. It was definitely one of my favorites.

meeka: I'm glad you liked the ending. Ya, it was pretty depressing, which is mainly why I got Erik to rescue Meg. All of those chapters were making me depressed.

Emily singing reflection: I'm glad you liked that chapter. As for the little added part on the side, I just couldn't resist. The idea of Meg just slaughtering Madame Bourais with a chainsaw and just like killing everything was just far to amusing to resist. As for Camille, I actually haven't thought about having her reappear again, but who knows, maybe she will show up again.

phicaddictdpiratephantomprsnya: Yay! A new reviewer! I'm glad you like my story, especially the little bit with Meg and the chainsaw.

darklady5289: Yay! New reviewers are always welcome! I'm so glad you like my story and the chainsaw part! Also, thanks for the fav on Seduction By Cards.

Chapter 20 replies

darklady5289: yay! i'm so glad you liked that chapter. It took me forever to figure out how to get it right. Don't worry, there are at least 2 chapters left.

Soprano of the Labyrint: I see you changed your penname, very cool. Sweet, I'm a soprano 2! Ya, I was getting sick of all the depressing stuff, it had to get happy eventually. Thanks for your support.

phicaddictdpiratephantomprsnya: Thanks, I'm glad you like my Erik. True, the dark killer side of him is pretty hot, but I love making him the sweet guy we all know he is on the inside.

mercygirl16: hey boz, thanks for the review! still more to come!

Nameless Waif: Ya, twenty is a big number, considering that this fic is now twice as long as 2 Hearts. The reviews make me so happy. I feel loved! I have no idea what happened to the hits though because I logged on recently and for some reason all of them got deleted. : ( I'm so glad you liked the dream part. It was so much fun to write! Again, I love your dialogue. I think one of these days I'm going to go back and post them in the appropriate chapters. They absolutely crack me up! Yay! Christine getting fried! She better not come near Erik while Meg's around! See you in geometry!