Disclaimer: IOOMOC

Nanakiyoda: Well, in all honesty, I have to admit, this didn't turn out as it was suppose to but what the hell. It's still pretty damn good (at least I think so) and Resident Evil-ish, which is what I have been aiming for all along. Also, as a gift to you, I have fully updated this story to the finish. Please review and tell me what you think. I'll start updating Rurouni Evil soon, so the story doesn't end here. So, when you finish this, if you wish to continue, go ahead and read on to chapter 11 of Rurouni Evil, or if you haven't before, read Resident Kenshin and then continue on to Rurouni Evil. More importantly, have fun.

MEGUMI-Seconds later

Kaoru stared at us, confused as to why we didn't respond. She almost died last time, we all were so sure she was going to become one of them, and now she wants to go out on another mission!

"No. You are not going on anymore missions. That's final." Kenshin said, finally breaking the silence. Kaoru looked at him, glaring.

"What! No, I am going on a mission, the next mission, and you aren't going to stop me Himura!" She retorted. Kenshin glared back and her. This is going to get ugly and fast.

"I'm not going to lose you again." He said, and stood up, walking straight for the door. She just watched him leave the room.

"Kaoru, please, I know you want to go on another mission and stop Umbrella but do think about the consequences..." I tried. She looked over at me, then her gaze fell to the floor.

"I was in here that long wasn't I?" She asked. Yutaro sighed.

"You gave us all a scare. You and Kenshin both. Please, think about what almost happened." Yutaro said to her and left the room as well.

"I have to take Umbrella down, if not for the people who died at the hands of Umbrella, then for the people who died at my hands..." Kaoru reasoned, crossing her legs at her ankles and swaying them back and forth like a child. She is just a child. Well, maybe not a little child but it hasn't been that long since she was one.

"I know...you told me you had to do this no matter what the cost, but honestly Kaoru, you can only do so much. Just, until we know for certain what your body will allow you to do and not to do, no missions alright? You found some great replacements for both you and Kenshin...Bard, Kathy and Juan are all excellent people who are even at this moment resqueing more survivors. Why don't you and Kenshin go back to your beach house and enjoy some time off together?" I reasoned. Kaoru looked up at me and smiled a bit.

"That makes sense I guess..." She said, sighing, causeing her raven bangs to be blow up a bit and fall back down into her eyes. Surprising that she gave in this easy, normally she's so stubborn.

"Plus, with time alone...you two could really get to have some fun...Ohohohohoho!" I said, laughing. Kaoru looked at me blushing hard.

"Megumi Takani! You of all people should know that I would never before marriage, no matter who it is!" She said, embarrassed at the thought of her and Kenshin sleeping together.

"Actually, you two aren't permitted to have sex until the virus has been cleared up, but that wasn't what I was implying. I meant that you two could practice your skills. When did you become such a pervert Kaoru? Thinking that I implied for you two to have sex?" I said, lying. She blushed an even deeper red. I laughed again and left the room.

KENSHIN-three days later

As I had finished packing my duffel bag, I heard her step out from the shower. Looking up, I saw that Kaoru had only a towel wrapped around her body. She walked into our room, and sat down on the bed beside me.

"Kenshin, I'm sorry." She managed to say after a while. It's been about three days since she's said anything to me. Not since I walked out of that room...no, the cell. Since then, all she has done is mope around and avoid me. She's even been sleeping on the couch in the next room.

"Sorry about what?" I asked. She sighed and looked up at me.

"I...I almost ruined our future because of my selfish desires..." She answered and lowered her gaze to the floor. I glanced over at her and then glanced back at my duffel bag.

"Kaoru, your desires are not entirely selfish. In fact, your will to give up your life to ensure the future of others is anything but selfish. However, my desire to have you safe and with me all the time is selfish. Now that I think of it, in a way you are ensuring our future by going after Umbrella." I told her. She looked back up at me, but this time, her gaze didn't move.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, confused. I smiled at her.

"There won't be much of a future to share if Umbrella gets away..." I answered. She smiled meekly, as the statement was bittersweet.

"It makes sense...sadly. So, when we get back to the beach house, what are we going to do?" She asked.

"Hm...well, first of all, We'll have to buy you another bike to replace your old one we lost when we joined up with the S.T.A.R.S...then, we'll have to fix up the gym a bit and get back to our training, just in case they ever decide to allow us back unto another mission." I answered.

"Do you mean it? Can I continue my punishment on Umbrella!" She asked excitedly. I love seeing her this way...it makes her look like a child, innocent and carefree, the way she was meant to be.

"Sure, but this time, no more solo. Got it? You are stuck with me whether you like it or not." I said. She squealed out joy and jumped up from her sitting position on the bed and hugged me.

"Kenshin, I swear, someday, I'm going to fuck your brains out." She whispered into my ear, and then left the room, probably to go put some clothes on. Well, so much for innocent...

KAORU-the next day

Kenshin and I stood at the edge of the parking lot, waiting for our ride to show up. Megumi, Yahiko, Yutaro, Bard, Kathy, Juan, Kenneth and Corithia all stood there with us. Everyone wants to wish us goodbye, because for all we know, this may be the last time we ever see each other alive...which is also why no one is really saying anything. Finally, the car pulled up.

"Well, I guess this is it..." Kenshin started.

"Hey! When are you going to show me how to use a katana!" Yahiko asked. Kenshin smiled and shook his head.

"The deal was for you to keep her safe...although she is alive...I teach you it the next time we see each other." Kenshin responded and started putting our bags into the trunk of the car.

"You'll have to teach me too!" Yutaro said, not wanting Yahiko to best him in anything. Corithia pulled me aside.

"When you go back...I mean, when you get there, you wouldn't mind doing me a favor would you?" She asked. I smiled.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked. She started blushing.

"Well...see, there was that Soujiro guy...you know, the tyrant?" She started.

"You want me to contact him for you right?" I asked. She nodded.

"Tell him...um...tell him I said hi." She said and blushed deeper, then turned around and started walking back to the labratory. I smiled a bit more. Soujiro, looks like someone had a crush on you, no matter what you look like. Kathy walked up next and stuck out her hand. I shook it. Wow...I must have done something right to win her approval...

"Anyone who can survive having the virus is good enough for me." She said and started her walk to the lab. Juan walked up and grabbed my hand, placing a kiss upon it. He's still trying for me...

"Rest well, my senorita..." He said and walked after Kathy. Bard stepped up next and pulled me into a hug, nearly crushing my ribs.

"Take care kiddo!" He said and walked away. He's only calling me that because he's over a decade older than me...Yutaro walked up.

"Miss Kaoru, please, don't get into too much trouble." He warned and left. Always being polite...Yahiko had his arms crossed over his chest, but he still managed to walk up.

"Don't get yourself killed Ugly...I'd hate to have to lose out on my katana lessons because you decided to go and kamikaze yourself." He said, blushing slightly, and then walking away quickly. Megumi walked up and laughed.

"He was really worried about you." She said.

"Oh? well, make sure he doesn't live it down..." I replied, chuckling for a bit.

"Remember Kaoru, no sex until the virus settles." She whispered. I glared at her.

"Why would I need to remember that?" I asked. She laughed.

"Just take good care of yourself and Ken. I'd hate to have my best work end up a flop alright? If you see the rest, please tell them hi for me...I'll try to visit in about three weeks or so." She said and hugged me, then stepped back. Kenneth stepped foreward.

"Thank you for all that you have done." He said and stuck out his hand, shaking my own. I bowed a bit, just the same as he did.

"It was nothing really...with or without you and Corithia, I would have done it anyway." I explained. Kenneth chuckled and then sighed.

"I don't suppose Mr. Himura will let you another mission alone will he?" He asked. I laughed and glanced over at Kenshin, who was wrestleing one of my bags into the trunk.

"No...I guess not, but you know...that's not all that bad. I mean, at least I'll never have to face Umbrella alone." I answered.

"As long as there are survivors, you'll never have to face Umbrella alone." Kenneth said, bowed and stepped back. I turned to see that Kenshin had finished fighting the bag and was now standing behind me.

"Are you ready to start your vacation Ms. Kamiya?" He asked. I frowned at the fact he had addressed me properly and nodded.

"Take care and don't get caught!" Megumi cheered as Kenshin lead me to the car. I turned back and smiled at her. Kenneth just waved. Kenshin got inside the car on the otherside, and grabbed my hand. I glanced at him. He is my guardian angel...one who fights with katanas and gun..willing to keep me safe...everywhere I go...I recalled the words I had thought of just before we left S.T.A.R.S. How true they are coming to be...a lot has happened between us since we left, some good, mostly bad. He's stuck beside me all the way though...and for some reason, I doubt if that will ever change. I smiled at him when he glanced at me, just as the car started pulling off from the lab. I turned around and watched Megumi and Kenneth disappear into the horizon. Turning back, I sighed and closed my eyes. Not only has our relationship changed, but our bodies as well...Lift my free hand up, I ran my finger tip along the scar on my left eye. Suddenly, the car jerked to a stop and the doors locked. Instinctively, I pulled out my barretta. Kenshin had pulled out his magnum. The middle window that diclosed us from the front seat began winding down and a gernade was thrown through it, the the window was rolled up. I quickly shot the window of the car I was sitting next to and busted through the now cracked glass. I hit the pavement hard, and then the car blew up.

"KENSHIN!" I cried out and stood up, but was knocked back down when the car's gas tank caught fire and exploded. Sitting back up, I held my barretta tightly in my hands, and was shaking. Kenshin...didn't get out...Tears started welling up in my eyes, and I forgot about the new scratches and cuts that littered my body. Wiping the tears away, I stood up and lifted the gun up and I saw something moved from the blaze. It stood up straight, and instantly, I understood. Our driver was a tyrant programmed to get us away from the lab and then blow us up and kill us. The smell of burnt flesh filled my nose again, but it didn't bother me. I was far too use to the smell for it to bother me. I started plugging holes into the neck and forehead of the creature. It stummbled back, and then brought up a rocket launcher. No fucking way asshole. I don't care if you were a victum or not...you must be stopped before anyone else dies. Placing one good aim in on the rocket, I shot the launcher and caused it to backfire next to the creature's head. Half of the face was blown off, and the creature hit the ground and didn't move. I walked up to it, and kicked the head off of it's body. I sighed and fell to my knees, beside the tyrant's body. You went down easily...but rest well...I will get Umbrella back for you...I felt a hand grab my shoulder and immediatly I shot at the shoulder of it's owner.

"Ms. Kaoru!" The owner yelled out, and I gasped. Kenshin dropped to his knees, a bag cluthed in his hand.

"Kenshin! I'm sorry! I thought you wer-" I started.

"It's okay...I'm fine...I'm just glad you made it out of the car as well..." He said, and I saw that the wound started twitching. The virus is regenerating his cells.

"Well, my clothes are shot...and we have no car..." I started, as I kneeled beside him. He smiled.

"I have this bag of our old clothes from the S.T.A.R.S...I guess after we change, we'll just walk home." He said, and threw me the bag. We'll be fine after all...

"Damn...I hate walking...but I guess I should stay away from cars for a while..." I said and laughed along with Kenshin.


Nanakiyoda: Well? Was that great or what? I mean, If I was the reader and not writer, I would have thought that this chapter was just Kaoru and Kenshin leaving and that was it...but no! I couldn't let this chance fly by! So, BOOM! went the car and a battle with a tyrant. That is Resident Evil for you! Score for me! Anyways...now that you have read this, you should start on chapter 11 of Rurouni Evil. The story continues on from there, only with Misao, Soujiro and Aoshi there too...plus, Sanosuke! Don't forget to review. Banzai chibbi chan churroo!