All I can say is that this chapter took a lot of work, and this is my New Year's Day present from me to you guys! You guys rock! Here's Chapter 20! Please Review!

Chapter 20

Mas Y Menos

As Bumblebee was being carried away by the Fast Food SWAT Team led by Stewie...

"As I said before...Beware the sauce..."

...The superpowered twins, Mas Y Menos, speeded on stage and sat down in the same chair...

"Know your stars, Know your stars, Know your stars, Know your stars, Know your stars..."

"Jeh! Quein is ese?"

(Translation: Hey! Who is that?)

"Mas Y each other go to the bathroom."

"No nosotros jasi se hace no!"

(Translation: No we do not!)

"Mas Y Menos...once joined the circus as the freakish fast twins!"

"No nosotros didn't, tu idiota!"

(Translation: No we didn't, you idiot!)

"Mas Y Menos...fought side by side with Bam Magera in World War I!"

"Quien is Bam Magera? Nosotros didn't lucha en alguno (-a) guerra!"

(Translation: Who is Bam Magera? We didn't fight in any war!)

"Mas Y Menos...are in love with each other."

"Nosotros are no en amor! Nosotros are como hermano!"

(Translation: We are not in love! We are like brothers!)

"Are you really brothers?"

Mas and Menos looked at each other and said "Are nosotros hermano?"

(Translation: Are we brothers?)

They then freaked out.

"Oh mi Dios! Nosotros don't know!"

(Translation: Oh my God! We don't know!)

"Mas Y Menos...Menos is the evil twin of Mas"

Mas spoke up and said "No el is no!"

(Translation: No he is not!)

"Look at your uniform."

Mas looked and his uniform had a plus on it.

"Now look at his."

Menos looked and his uniform had a minus sign on it.

" Nega-Mas! He has come to destroy Mas!"

Mas and Menos look at each other, stunned, then start fighting to the death. While they were fighting, Stewie came on stage and saw them both fighting. "What the deuce? Spanish twins? Oh my! This is more fun than watching midgets running track at the olympics!"

As Mas and Menos were tired from all the punching and kicking and knife stabbing, Stewie got in both of the faces and said "Well, since you both understand Spanish, then translate this:"

"Beso mi culo!"

(Translation: You don't want to know what he said!)

Stewie then carries them both off stage and flips a bird to the camera.

"Now you know...Mas Y Menos (AKA Mas Y Nega-Mas!)."

"Stupid foreign superheroes..." Stewie says to himself. "Stay in your own country for God's sake!"


All right, this took some thinking. And some web surfing. And believe me, I'm not racist. In fact, I'm totally against all that racism crap. And this is my New Year's Eve present from me to you. You guys rock! Up next, I'm going to start doing the villians again. Up next is Jinx! So, please review!