Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Okay this is before everything. Back when Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's father has just died. I decided for a prologue. The people deserve to know!

Sesshoumaru sat beneath a tree watching Inuyasha play with a ball. Their father had gone to fight Ryocutsai and wasn't back so that meant Sesshoumaru was watching Inuyasha. Not that he minded. Inuyasha wasn't that much trouble. Inuyasha's mother was inside doing something Sesshoumaru couldn't understand to save his life.

The only thing protecting his little brother and his father's wife was his father. Every single demon in the west hated Inuyasha and his mother and wanted them dead but their lord would not allow it. Sesshoumaru thought back to the day his father left.


"Father why can't I go with you?" Sesshoumaru asked upset his father was going to fight an enemy without him.

"I need you to watch Inuyasha and his mother. If we both left, no one would be there to protect them," his father explained. Sesshoumaru couldn't argue with his father's logic.

"Come back safe father," Sesshoumaru hid the plea in his voice. He had tried so hard to convince his father to let him come. Sad to say it hadn't worked.

End flashback

"Sesshoumaru?" Inuyasha asked as he tucked his ball under his arm.

"Hm?" Sesshoumaru looked at Inuyasha and waited for him to continue.

"When's father coming back?" Inuyasha prayed his older brother had an answer. Inuyasha had long learned how to read his brother even though Sesshoumaru wore his emotionless mask.

"Hopefully soon," Sesshoumaru answered. He had a bad feeling. Hell bad was an understatement. This feeling caused complete dread in him. Inuyasha nodded but he recognized the dread in Sesshoumaru's voice. The sun started to set. "Let's go back little brother," Sesshoumaru stood up and immediately Inuyasha was at his side.

Both brothers walked in and Sesshoumaru could feel that a secret was being kept from him. After dinner Sesshoumaru stayed with Inuyasha until he fell asleep then Inuyasha's mother called Sesshoumaru to her room.

"Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha's mother started.

"Yes?" Sesshoumaru knew it. This was the bad news. This was the justification of his feeling.

"You're father is dead and Inuyasha and I are no longer safe," Inuyasha's mother informed. Sesshoumaru was speechless. "His body was brought back earlier today. Everyone knows. You do not have time to see your father's body. You must get yourself and Inuyasha out of the west," Inuyasha' mother's voice was full of urgency. Sesshoumaru nodded and stood up.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I wish to join my lord," she answered. Sesshoumaru then left to collect his brother.

"Inuyasha, wake up," Sesshoumaru whispered in Inuyasha's ear.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked groggily.

"We have to go. Now!" Sesshoumaru grabbed some clean clothes of Inuyasha and picked up Inuyasha. Inuyasha was still half asleep so he let his older brother pick him up and rush out of the only home he knew.

In the morning of the next day Inuyasha looked around at his surroundings. He remembered Sesshoumaru had taken him in his arms and ran until Sesshoumaru had dropped from exhaustion literally. Inuyasha looked over at his brother.

"Where's mother?" he asked. Sesshoumaru's face darkened just slightly.

"With father," Sesshoumaru answered.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Inuyasha asked.

"Not anymore," Sesshoumaru sighed. Inuyasha realized then both his parents were dead and Sesshoumaru was the cause for his mother's death. He ran over and started beating on Sesshoumaru.

"You let her die! You let her die!" he cried over and over again. Sesshoumaru let Inuyasha hit him until Inuyasha stopped. Inuyasha cried into his brother's chest but it was cut short. Westerners had found then.

"Little brother, we must be going," Sesshoumaru looked in the direction they were coming in. Sesshoumaru picked Inuyasha up and took to the skies where he couldn't be followed. Sesshoumaru flew until the sun had set. After he landed he started a fire for Inuyasha.

"Why are they after us?" Inuyasha asked.

"Because they are closed minded about humans and half demons," Sesshoumaru answered and got the fire going, "stay by the fire. I'm going to get us some food." Inuyasha nodded and sat down he was hungry and tired.

"Soon Sesshoumaru will be back and we'll have something to eat," Inuyasha held his grumbling stomach he suddenly heard a noise and knew it wasn't his stomach. He saw red eyes glaring daggers at him from just beyond the fire light. The red eyes belonged to demons Inuyasha had known his whole life.

"Time to die half breed!" one demon shouted. Inuyasha stood up and was ready to fight for his life. Inuyasha could hold his own against one half grown demon but these were five full grown demons.

"Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha yelled out and prayed his older brother would hear him. Sesshoumaru did hear him and one demon was knocked over by the dead boar Sesshoumaru had caught.

"So you have come to the rescue of your younger half brother," one smirked, "you shall join your human loving family as well then Sesshoumaru."

"That we shall see about," Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed and attacked the demons. The fight didn't last long. Sesshoumaru of course came out victorious. The demons of course were dead. Sesshoumaru had pulled the corpses into the bushes so they wouldn't have to look at them.

"Thanks Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha thanked.

"Anytime you are in need little brother I will be there," Sesshoumaru didn't look up from the boar he was preparing to roast over the fire.

"Why do all full demons call me a half breed?" Inuyasha asked.

"They call you that because it makes them feel big," Sesshoumaru sighed.

"It hurts when they call me that though," Inuyasha looked into the fire.

"That's the point little brother," Sesshoumaru cut the boar into chunks and roasted the biggest chunk over the fire.

"Would you ever call me a half breed to hurt me?" Inuyasha asked.

"No. If I were to call you a half breed it would be to tease you," Sesshoumaru leaned back and looked at the moon.

"How long will we have to run?" Inuyasha asked watching the meat cook.

"I don't know little brother, I simply don't know," Sesshoumaru sighed. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru said nothing more. Inuyasha continued to watch the meat cook. After it was ready Sesshoumaru cut off a chunk for Inuyasha. "Eat up little brother, you'll need your strength," Sesshoumaru noticed Inuyasha was only picking at it.

"How can I eat when father and mother are dead?" a tear rolled down Inuyasha's cheek.

Sesshoumaru chewed thoughtfully at that, "they would not like to see you fail." Inuyasha nodded and ate as much as he could.

"I wish I was in bed back at home. With mother singing to me and father yelling at some servant and you sitting underneath the tree outside my room," Inuyasha ate some more of the boar.

"I wish for that as well," Sesshoumaru tossed his leftovers into the fire. Inuyasha did the same. "Get some sleep little brother," Sesshoumaru tossed a few more logs onto the dying fire. Inuyasha curled up next to Sesshoumaru and fell asleep. Sesshoumaru stayed awake the whole night.

Inuyasha will always be in danger. I am not helping much by being with him. My aura is drawing all that are hunting him directly to him. Tomorrow I will have to get him somewhere safe Sesshoumaru thought as he stared into the fire.

Next morning Sesshoumaru had Inuyasha up early. They left the remnants of the boar where it was.

"Where are we going today Sesshoumaru?" Inuyasha sensed that Sesshoumaru was hiding something.

"Somewhere you'll be safe," Sesshoumaru answered. After a bit they came to a village Inuyasha was always hesitant about villages.

"Sesshoumaru what's that smell?" Inuyasha had sniffed the air. He smelt other half demons but didn't realize he was.

"That's the smell of other half demons of all kinds," Sesshoumaru answered. They walked up to a gate.

"Stop right there!" A voice ordered and Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stopped. "Who are you?" the voice asked from up where he couldn't be seen.

"I am Sesshoumaru heir to the western lands. This is the half demon Inuyasha. I request he be protected here," Sesshoumaru answered. Inuyasha just then realized what Sesshoumaru was doing.

"No! I'm not leaving you Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha cried out.

"There is not much other choice little brother," Sesshoumaru's voice was sad. The gates to the village opened up and Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha walked in. Inuyasha of course walked in reluctantly because he knew Sesshoumaru was leaving him here. A half demon stared at Sesshoumaru hard.

"You are no half demon. You are a full demon and not allowed into the village," the half demon spat at Sesshoumaru.

"That I know. I came here hoping you would look after my little brother who is a half demon," Sesshoumaru ignored the half demons glare.

"Fine. But you can not stay not for one day, not for one minute," the half demon ordered.

"Understandable," Sesshoumaru sighed. He knelt in front of Inuyasha, "little brother this is where I leave you. One day you will be able to return to the west and not have to worry about being attacked. Until then we must pretend to be enemies. It is the only way."

Inuyasha nodded, "you'll always be my big brother Sesshoumaru." Inuyasha's were teary and Sesshoumaru was fighting back against his own.

"Be good little brother and never forget. You are a westerner and don't need to take any crap from anything. It does not matter that you are a half demon. The fact you are a half demon makes you stronger than any full demon that tries to belittle you," Sesshoumaru hugged Inuyasha then stood up, "goodbye little brother." With that Sesshoumaru walked out of the gates and left Inuyasha standing there.

"It's not really goodbye Sesshoumaru. It's I'll see you later," Inuyasha muttered to himself.

"You're name is Inuyasha right?" a full grown half demon asked. Inuyasha nodded. "Come this way and we'll get you a hut," the half demon smiled. Inuyasha nodded and followed her.

We'll be together again someday big brother. You said we would Inuyasha thought as he followed the half demon.

Sesshoumaru stood in a tree that was tall enough to see village in. He was far enough away that no one would expect Inuyasha to be in the village. Little brother I promise you. We will be together without worry one day. I will always be watching over you Sesshoumaru thought and took to the sky. He was heading back to the west to give some bogus story that he had abandoned Inuyasha to die and that he hated humans and half demons.

The ending's sad but I like this chapter. I hope all of you do as well.