This is my last chapter of My Heart Will Go On. Sad I know, I totally apreciated every review, and I'm gonna start up another story and hopefully post it on Saturday (June 25th) So come back and read that one too. This story has been my favorite so far, but The next one will hopefully be good. Another Seth/Summer of course. You will notice that this dosn't have a song, i couldnt find one that fit how i wanted. It's been a wild ride. review, and i will talk to you again on saturday
Summer POV.
8 years after Seth returns
"Seth, hurry up" you shouted up the stairs, as you glanced at your watch, it was almost 5 o'clock, and you had places to be.
"Coming, coming" He shouts running down the stairs. You can't help but smile at him, the years had barely taken it's toll on your husband. His hair was still dark brown, not even a hint of a wrinkle. He didn't look a day over 28.
He smiles back, and slowly his eyes looked you up and down. For the occasion you had bought a new dress, it was a form fitting black silk dress that you had designed yourself. he let out a low whistle.
"Maybe we could just stay home" he says his voice low, slwoly walking up to you wrapping his arms around your waist. You couldn't help but let out a giggle.
"You know we can't Ava would kill us, just hold your horses until after the recietal." At the mention of her name your 6 year old daughter Ava Karissa Cohen appeared at the top of the stairs.
Appearance wise she was a fair mix of you and Seth, with your eyes, and hair, and Seth's mouth and nose. Somehow though, she got a spattering of freckles across her face. Her arms were crossed and she tapped her ballet shoe.
" How does this look, madame said to go for a classic french ballerina look, and i dont think i got it. I dont think she'll notice she dosnt really like me that much, i think it's because i talk to much- which is weird cuz i dont talk that much i mean sometimes when i'm excited-" You laughed at her rambling, her personality was definately her fathers.
"Sweetie you look great, go grab your brother, and meet us in the car" Seth says, she smiles and runs past you shouting for Danny.
You were too distracted by your daughter to notice Seth lean in, and suprise you with a passionate kiss, when he pulls away you give him a suprised expression, as if asking him to explain. He gives you a smirk.
"That was to tide me over until we drop off the kids." He says, grabbing his keys off the counter and walking towards the garage, leaving you speechless, your hand drawn to your lips.
Seth POV
12 years later.
You had been waiting in the kitchen for almost half an hour, and Summer had yet to come down. With a sigh you got out of your seat and walked upstairs, you smirk at memories that greeted you at each step.
You found your wife sitting at the edge of your bed, tears in her eyes, she turned around almost suprised to see you.
"My baby is graduating" she says before the tears finally fell, you wrap your arms around her and bring her closer to you, rubbing her back slowly.
"It's okay honey" you softly say kissing her on the cheek. She laughed,
"When did we get so old" asks looking into your old brown eyes. You paused for a moment, and just looked at your wife, she had a wrinkle here and there, and if you looked long enough ther was a chance you could find a grey hair, but she still looked young, not a day over 35. You had heard some of Danny's friends refer to her as a milf, what ever that meant.
"I don't know, it felt like yesterday, that Ava just started kindergaten, and last week when we took our second honeymoon in London"
"I got another email from Chuck yesterday, he wants to us to visit, apparently little Seth and little Summer are starting high school" she says with a laugh "Before I thought it was wierd that he named his kids after us, but it's kinda cool" she says wiping away the last of her tears.
You couldn't help but stare at her, she was so strong, so beautiful.
"i love you" you tell her softly.
"I love you too" she says with a smile, kissing you softly.
13 years later
"I can't believe that I am a grandmother! . . . again" Summer squeels with joy, you were driving home after visiting your newest granddaughter. Angela Kirsten Cohen, was Danny's 2nd child, his first Benjamin Sanford Cohen, was almost in the 2nd grade.
"I know I've said this before, but this time it's official we're old, really old, look at me, i look like a bag lady" Summer exclaims looking in the little car mirror. You just laugh.
"You look divine to me darling," you say trying to sound older than your 58 years. "Do you realize that we have been married for 38 years"
"Yeah, i was thinking about that the other day, about how lucky i am." she smiles at you, you gave into temptation and leaned in for a sweet kiss. After a moment you pull away, and she smiles at you befores glancing at the road, and letting out a scream, your look to see a semi, coming straight at you, before you could blink it rammed into you.
Slowly you opened your eyes, your car was crushed, preventing you from escaping, you turn towards summer, whose hand you tightly gripped, her eyes were open, and looking at you.
"Baby, i'm so cold" she whispers, so lowl you could barely hear her.
"No, don't leave me" you say, it came out as barely a whisper. she shakes her head slighlty.
"I love you" she whispers before slowly closing her eyes. She's gone you realize, and an overwhelming sense of sadness overcomes you.
"No, don't leave me" you whisper, tears rolling down your face. Slowly everything begins to fade, you hear sirens but they were too late, you squeeze Summer's hand one more time.
"I love you too" you softly say before you close your eyes, and take you last breath.
Your eyes open, your on a beach, your recognize it as being one of yoru favorites as a kid. It felt like morning, but you couldn't tell anymore. You were beyond time. Looking down at your hands, you see they are without wrinkle, or mark of any kind, upon further inspection you discover that you were back in your old body. From when you were a kid.
"About time you got here" you hear a familiar voice say, turning you find Summer, she looks just like she did on your wedding day beautiful.
"Is this?" you ask motioning around you. She nods
"Heaven? Yeah, I've been waiting for you" she says, slowly walking up to you, wrapping her arms around you, and gives you a passionate kiss. You smile.
"Yeah it must be heaven, are we the only ones here?" you ask looking around, she shakes her head no.
"Your parents are around here too. They wanted to stop by but your dad kept saying something about yogaletes." you smile at her.
"Thank you. . . for loving me" she says softly.
"I dont think you could have stopped me" you say, as you begin to walk down the beach, your arm around her shoulders.