Chapter 2: "Shippo Goes Forward"

"It's good to see you again Inuyasha…Kagome…all of you… and especially you…Shippo…" said the diamond armored Mouryoumaru with the Meioujuu shell heart protector as he gave Shippo a strange glare

"You…Bastard!" screamed Inuyasha as he drew out Tetsusaiga

"I told you last time we met…" Mouryoumaru said "I would be able to absorb your Kongousouha one day…THAT DAY HAS FINALLY COME!" Inuyasha looked even angrier "NOW I HAVE THE MOST POWERFUL ARMOR!" Mouryoumaru laughed evilly

"You son of a bitch!" screamed Inuyasha as he jumped at Mouryoumaru

"OSUWARI!" screamed Kagome and Inuyasha hit the ground and laid there "We have some questions before you can kill him Inuyasha…" she said

"You stupid…bitch…es…" Inuyasha said

"Yeah Kagome's right!" screamed Sango

"Like how did you survive that attack in Kagome's time?" asked Miroku, and then he had a flashback:

Everyone is fighting Naraku as he's protecting Satan and Satan combined all of Inuyasha's diamond spears together and covered them with flames: "You think I can not see you?" said Satan and he looked over at the building where Mouryoumaru and Naraku's baby was and flung the giant flame diamond spear at the building piercing Mouryoumaru and nailing Naraku's baby to the wall, then burning Naraku's baby to death as Mouryoumaru caught on fire and burst from the building and before he could make it to the ocean he became ashes; the flashback ends

"Funny thing…" Mouryoumaru said "I didn't…" everyone looked confused, except for Shippo who looked scared

"Then how are you here!" screamed Inuyasha as he got up from the ground

"The night before I was burned to ashes, Naraku's child discovered a power that he gained since Naraku held the sword that could bend time: he could reopen time vortexes…" everyone looked shocked, and Mouryoumaru continued, "he reopened the vortex near the Tower…" a flashback begins:

"Now play a piece of yourself into the vortex Mouryoumaru that contains a piece of your soul…" said Naraku's baby

"But…why?" asked Mouryoumaru

"I have a feeling we may both die here…this will mean you will be able to rebuild yourself in the future…" Naraku's baby added, Mouryoumaru shook his head and placed a part of himself in the vortex and it was carried back to the past; the flashback ends

"So that's all the baby said?" asked Sango

"No…" Mouryoumaru said "and I won't tell you the rest…I'll let it be a surprise…"

"So you're not the real Mouryoumaru…and yet you know how you died in the future?" asked Miroku curiously

"Wrong…I am the real Mouryoumaru…" Mouryoumaru said "we had a connection…our souls…when he died our soul became fully revived in me…and it's all thanks to you six…"

Everyone looked stunned, "What do you mean its all thanks to us!" asked Inuyasha

"I mean…that the rest of our soul was trapped in the future…but when all of you returned to the past…my soul came with you…" Mouryoumaru said "ever since then I've been laying low…and gaining more power by absorbing demons…and then when I was back to my old size…then I began to absorb demon hearts…"

"So that was you!" screamed Inuyasha

"Yes Inuyasha that was me…" replied Mouryoumaru "I wanted to make sure you didn't get close to my reformation…that's why I created Gazutura…"

"Why did you begin to absorb demon hearts?" asked Miroku

"So I could have a heart…" Mouryoumaru added "every creature needs a heart…" he smiled evilly

"I don't believe you!" Inuyasha screamed "You're not telling us something!"

Mouryoumaru laughed evilly, "Sorry but this conversation is over!" Mouryoumaru jumped into the air "no more questions for now…you'll get answers later!" and he morphed a giant falcon, and as he flapped his wings giant diamond spears fell to the ground, "did I forget to mention that I can use your own kongousouha against you!" he laughed evilly and flew off, everyone was left dodging diamond spears and hiding under cover

"That bastard!" screamed Inuyasha as he stepped out from a cave with Kagome and Shippo and returned Tetsusaiga to its sheath, and Miroku, Sango and Kirara ran out from the forest

"So now we have Mouryoumaru to deal with…" Miroku said

"Great…" Sango added

Shippo was shaking and holding onto Kagome's leg "Shippo are you okay?" asked Kagome

"I…I…I…I'm…fine" Shippo answered as he let go of Kagome's leg and kept shaking

Inuyasha snuck up slowly behind Shippo and bent down right behind Shippo's head, "Boo!" he said

"AHHHHH!" screamed Shippo as he jumped fifty feet into the air and landed onto Kagome's head, grasping on tightly, Inuyasha fell on his back from laughing so hard

Kagome became aggravated and simply said "Osuwari…" and Inuyasha hit the ground hard again, and she plucked Shippo off her head and placed him on the ground where he grabbed onto Kagome's leg again "now that some of us are done being stupid…" she said as she looked at Inuyasha laying there in pain "why are you afraid Shippo?"

"I…I…I…I…t..t..t..told you…I'm…f..f..f..fine" Shippo said as he stuttered

"Would you like me to prove that statement wrong again?" asked Inuyasha as he got up from the ground

"N…n…n…NO!" Shippo screamed

"Then what's bothering you Shippo?" asked Sango

"Fine I'll tell you…" said Shippo as he let go of Kagome's leg, "it's the way Mouryoumaru…said my name…"

"Heh…that's it?" asked Inuyasha as he snickered

"It was scary!" screamed Shippo "it was like…" and then Shippo did an impression of Mouryoumaru but since it was Shippo it was a real crappy impersonation, "and especially you…Shippo…" and then Shippo reverted to his normal self "then he gave me a real creepy look!"

Inuyasha cracked up laughing once again and was laughing on his back again, "Osuwari…" Kagome said aggravated once again "Shippo there's nothing to be afraid of…it was probably just a coincidence" she added

"Besides if it was anything we'd protect you…" Sango said "you know that" she said and bent down and kissed Shippo's cheek but it was the wrong time to bend down, because as soon as she kissed Shippo, Miroku rubbed her ass, Sango quickly turned around and slapped Miroku hard in the face and he landed on the ground as she stormed off as Kirara followed her "Pervert!" she screamed

"And we need a grown man to take care of us anyway…" said Kagome as she looked at Inuyasha and Miroku lying down on the ground in pain and she followed Sango

Shippo stood over the other two men of the group and laughed, "Hear that? I'm a grown man!" and he laughed again "You two are pathetic" and with that he walked off following Kagome "wait for me Kagome!" he screamed "I'm not as fast as I was as a demon!"

Inuyasha and Miroku waited until Shippo and the girls were gone, "Inuyasha…" Miroku said sitting up

"Yeah Miroku?" Inuyasha said sitting up as well

"Shippo's right…" Miroku said "Mouryoumaru did say his name strangely and look at him strangely as well"

"Yeah I know…" Inuyasha said getting off the ground and giving Miroku a hand to get up "but we can't let him know…he'll be panicking forever…we'll tell the girls tonight…I'll tell Kagome and you can tell Sango" Miroku shook his head to agree as he got up and they both began to head in the direction which the girls went in

Later that day, in the night, the gang was setting up camp in a forest as they continued going around looking for Mouryoumaru, the girls have found out what Miroku and Inuyasha were thinking about Mouryoumaru and Shippo, Shippo and Kirara were off in the forest just looking at the foliage, "I think Mouryoumaru wants something with Shippo…" said Kagome

"We all do…" Inuyasha added "but we can't let him know because he'll get totally freaked out…"

"Yeah" Sango and Miroku said

"Tomorrow we'll conitue looking for Mouryoumaru…" Inuyasha said

"No" Kagome said "tomorrow we'll return to Kaede's village that way Shippo will have a place where he feels save and secure…the next night we'll look for Mouryoumaru"

"Fine…" said Inuyasha and everyone laid down when Shippo and Kirara came back and told him that they were going to Kaede's village tomorrow, he was excited and then everyone went to sleep

Meanwhile in a mountain close to the forest where the Inuyasha gang was, Mouryoumaru was plotting what would happen next, "Shippo" he said "soon I will have you and all it will take will be a simple trip…and there I will be able grow more powerful than Naraku…" and he laughed easily

Meanwhile in a forest close to Kaede's village, a vortex opened to the future but a strange sound that only demons could hear was coming from it, and it drew in demons by the hundreds

The next morning with the Inuyasha gang, everyone was up and ready to get going so they did they kept walking and as they got closer and closer to Kaede's village, demons grew in number by the hundreds

"Holy shit!" screamed Inuyasha as he slashed demons piece by piece with his sankon tessou "why are there so many demons as we get closer to Kaede's village?"

"I don't know" said Kagome as she launched purifying arrows at demons as Shippo stood next to here, being all human now thanks to the Sacred Jewel he couldn't really fight and thanks to him becoming all human the Sacred Jewel ceased to exist

"Damn they just keep coming!" screamed Sango as she ripped about demons with her hiraikotsu and as Kirara ripped demons apart with her fangs

"I'll end this!" screamed Miroku "Kazaana!" he screamed as he opened up the kazaana and began sucking all the demons in and suddenly there was no more left so he sealed it

"Finally…" Inuyasha said "we can keep moving" so they did and when they got about a mile or two deeper into the forest, more demons appeared, "You have got to be kidding me!" screamed Inuyasha, "Kaze No Kizu!" and the kaze no kizu rammed straight through all the demons, nearly killing them all except there was a unusual song, like metal hitting metal and smoke was blown around

"You pathetic fool…" said Mouryoumaru behind the smoke

"Mouryoumaru! You've come out of hiding for me!" screamed Inuyasha as he went at him with the Tetsusaiga, Mouryoumaru blocked his assault and then threw Inuyasha down "UGH!" and then pinned Inuyasha down using the diamond spears

"You're so pathetic Inuyasha" replied Mouryoumaru "and besides it wasn't for you…" he looked at Shippo

Kagome noticed and turned to a scared Shippo "RUN!" and with that Shippo began to run far away

"Dumbass…" Mouryoumaru said as he pushed everyone aside and pinned them up again the trees and then he grabbed Shippo and with that he pulled Shippo along with him as he started trailing backwards, "It's been fun… but I got what I came for…" he held up the hand that held Shippo and with that he sprouted wings and flew up in the air "and don't worry… you won't be pinned down for long… soon some demons will come… and trust me… they'll be very hungry…" and with that he flew towards Kaede's Village

"What does he want at Kaede's?" asked Kagome as she watched him fly in that direction

"I don't know…" Inuyasha said and then he cut himself on a diamond spear that pinned him down "watch out Kagome… stay perfectly still… Hijin Kessou!" and the blades of blood knocked out the diamond spears pinning down Kagome

"Thanks Inuyasha" Kagome said "now let's remove these spears from you guys so we can follow Mouryoumaru" soon after a few minutes everyone was free

"Let's go!" screamed Inuyasha as he ran off with Kagome on his back and everyone else behind them as they headed for Kaede's Village

Meanwhile around the time portal near Kaede's, "We're here Shippo" said Mouryoumaru as he opened up his hand to reveal the portal to a knocked out Shippo "in you go…" and with that he slipped Shippo into the portal "don't worry my special package… I'll be there shortly…" and with that he jumped in the time portal as well then the portal closed

Shortly after Mouryoumaru's scent ended, Inuyasha and the gang ended up where the portal used to be, "where did he go!"

"Shippo! Shippo!" called out Kagome

"What the…?" asked Inuyasha as Tenseiga pulsated, Inuyasha drew out Tenseiga and with that the time portal opened

"Amazing" said Miroku

"Quickly into the portal!" screamed Inuyasha as he jumped in and everyone followed

Meanwhile Mouryoumaru landed in the future, The Titans' future…

"I better assume a natural form… quickly…" he said and with that he transformed into an adult man, wearing glasses, with lenses made of diamonds… "Now with no one around…" he looked around quickly and wings sprouted out his back and he flew off to an abandoned building and quickly redecorated the building to make it his throne room and he looked into a puddle on the floor, "I will take the name of… Murray to go with this appearance… soon Shippo I will come for you… or he will…"

Meanwhile Inuyasha and the gang were exiting the portal, but not in the same time as Shippo and Mouryoumaru

"Where are we?" asked Kagome as she looked around, it was nighttime and as they were on top of a hill and she looked over the hill to find, "oh my god…" a castle burning to the ground "Inuyasha, look!"

"Kind of busy over here Kagome…" and as Inuyasha looked into the sky an eclipse was occurring, and the moon would soon be blocked out "oh god… WHERE ARE WE!" he screamed as the moon was blocked and he transformed into a human for a moment and then the moon became visible again and Inuyasha returned to a half demon, but at the same time a baby's cry could be heard from the castle and with that Inuyasha turned around to see down on the ground a dog demon wielding the Tetsusaiga, attacking the castle

"Kaze No Kizu!" screamed the great dog demon and killed many soldiers protecting the castle

"Come on!" screamed Inuyasha "we have to stop that demon and save that kid!" and with that Inuyasha rushed off

"Inuyasha!" screamed Kagome but Miroku halted her from following him

"We'll stay here and wait for him" replied Miroku "remember we can burn with the fire-rat coat he can't"

Inuyasha followed the dog demon into the castle beyond the gates he found a man lying on the ground, his left arm lay beside him "hey you okay?" asked Inuyasha and the man looked up at him, "Takemaru…" he thought, "I should kill you right now…" instead he heard the child cry again and rushed after the cry but before that he told Takemaru, "we'll meet again…" Takemaru laid in his blood for a moment and got back up

And with that he saw the demon wield a sword and prepared to slice a woman, "NO!" screamed Inuyasha and with that the dog demon followed threw with his slice and then put the fire-rat coat on the woman

"Here…" the dog demon said handing the revived woman a crying child and Takemaru appeared again

"I won't… let you leave… alive" Takemaru said

"Go now!" screamed the dog demon as he turned at Takemaru unsheathing the Souunga

"But what should I call this child?" asked the woman as she turned to leave

"Inuyasha…" replied the dog demon and the woman ran off and with that Inuyasha realized what he was witnessing and where he was

Soon after the woman was gone, the dog demon turned to him "use the Tenseiga to return to your time… my son…" Inuyasha was shocked

"Father!" he screamed but it was too late

"Gokuryuuha!" screamed the dog demon and the gokuryuuha ripped through the castle killing the great dog demon and Takemaru and blowing Inuyasha halfway up the hill he came down from, Kagome and the others ran down to him

"Inuyasha!" screamed Kagome as she landed next to him and hugged him

"Kagome…" Inuyasha said "you realize where we are right?"

"That was your mother and your father wasn't it?" asked Kagome

Inuyasha didn't answer, "come on" he said getting up "we have to go to Kaede's Village, that's where the portal is, that's the way we can get to Shippo" and with that he headed out and everyone followed

Meanwhile in the future, the human Shippo has finally wakened up, "what…? Where am I?" he asked as he got up and looked at the giant T tower standing in front of him "the Teen Titans!" he said