Chapter 1: The Problem in the Past

It seems a lot has happened since Inuyasha and his friends traveled forward into time to help the Teen Titans get rid of Naraku and their problems, now Shippo is used to being human and Inuyasha has a new technique with his Tetsusaiga, We'll go there for now…

Enter a place with thick fog; a defeated dragon demon with a shield made from one of his scales lies in the background, a young man with dragon scales around his right eye, wearing a cloth who happens to be a sword smith unsheathes a sword, with one of those dragon demon scales hammered into it, this scale gives it the power to absorb attacks, Inuyasha stands across from him, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Kirara and a human Shippo stand behind him "Stand back everyone!" Inuyasha stares at the young sword smith

"Inuyasha be easy with him!" screamed Kagome "Toushuu is just a young man!" the young sword smith smirked as he held the sword in a fighting stance with the sword

"He means business Kagome!" Inuyasha snapped back "So will I!" Inuyasha prepared to use the kaze no kizu "Kaze No Kizu!" the kaze no kizu rushed at Toushuu

Toushuu stood there and held his sword in the air, and the kaze no kizu was rushed to the sword and absorbed, Toushuu laughed "Thank you Inuyasha… you just gave the Dakki a great supply of power…" he laughed again

"I'm over with going easy on you!" screamed Inuyasha

Toushuu smirked and laughed, he walked over to the defeated dragon demon and stabbed the lifeless body of the demon with the Dakki and all the demonic energy from the demon surged into the Dakki and he turned back to Inuyasha "now I will show you the amazing power of this demonic sword I forged…" and he swung the sword at Inuyasha releasing a gigantic surge of demonic energy, mixed with the kaze no kizu and some of the dragon demon's demonic energy

"Heh…" Inuyasha said as he smirked then he prepared to attack, "Bakuryuuha!" he screamed as the Toushuu's attack was absorbed by the bakuryuuha and returned to him, "now what are you going to do you son of a bitch!" screamed Inuyasha, Toushuu began to laugh "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!" Inuyasha screamed

"Because…" Toushuu said as he held the Dakki "OF THIS!" and then the bakuryuuha was absorbed into the Dakki

"I'm sick of you!" screamed Inuyasha as he charged at Toushuu and Toushuu ran back

"You're about to destroy your own sword fool!" screamed back Toushuu as Tetsusaiga and Dakki clashed blow for blow, Inuyasha swung unbelievably hard at the Dakki, leaving a crack in it, Toushuu gave Inuyasha a look as they began a struggle of swords, Dakki began to absorb Tetsusaiga's demonic energy, Tetsusaiga began to get very small cracks in it, and soon all the energy was out of Tetsusaiga; then became untransformed, Toushuu laughed as he pushed back Inuyasha and then kicked him to the ground

"I will not lose to a pathetic human like you!" screamed Inuyasha as he charged back at Toushuu, Toushuu swung at Inuyasha with the Dakki and an untransformed Tetsusaiga with many small cracks in it was knocked away from Inuyasha and Toushuu went on a rampage, using slash after slash to injure Inuyasha until finally Inuyasha was pushed back to the Tetsusaiga

"You still rely on that dead scrap sword Inuyasha!" screamed Toushuu and he began to laugh

Inuyasha got up using Tetsusaiga and held it in his hand tightly "It's not useless!" he screamed back

"Inuyasha let us help you!" Miroku said

"NO!" Inuyasha snapped back "if you help me defeat him Tetsusaiga won't be able to return to normal!"

Toushuu laughed, "Here's an update Inuyasha: your sword won't return to normal and you won't leave this battle alive!"

"NO!" screamed back Inuyasha as he tightened his grip around Tetsusaiga "I will live and as long as I'm alive Tetsusaiga is still alive!" Toushuu laughed even harder, Inuyasha looked at the crack in the Dakki "…if I get the Tetsusaiga in there and then pry the crack open a little more the Dakki may break…" Inuyasha thought "…it's worth a shot!" and he rushed towards Toushuu and rammed Tetsusaiga into the Dakki's crack "good! Now I can do it!"

"Inuyasha when will you quit!" Toushuu asked as he struggled with Inuyasha and he laughed

"NEVER!" screamed Inuyasha "I told you; Tetsusaiga and I are ONE! As long as I live so does Tetsusaiga!" and with that he began succeeding in prying the crack in Dakki and it was getting larger

"WHAT!" screamed Toushuu "Dakki and I will not be… UGH!" screamed Toushuu and he just stood there with wide eyes, Inuyasha stepped back, and an explosion of blood flew out of Toushuu's back and he dropped to the ground with Dakki in hand

"Here's my chance to rescue you Tetsusaiga!" Inuyasha screamed as he took aim at Dakki's crack and swung with all his strength, shattering the Dakki in one powerful swing, suddenly all the demonic energy from Dakki transferred to Tetsusaiga, and it transformed to normal, all its cracks were sealed "Good to have you back Tetsusaiga and it seems I also have gotten the power to absorb demonic energy with you…" he said as he transformed the Tetsusaiga and dragon scales were covering it, Inuyasha turned to his companions "I give you the Tetsusaiga with the power to absorb the demonic energy of other demons: Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga!" Everyone stared in amazement, Inuyasha then had Tetsusaiga return to its untransformed state and he returned it to his sheath

Kagome rushed over to Toushuu and the shattered Dakki she quickly turned him over, "Oh my god…" she said

"What Kagome?" asked Miroku

"In a last attempt to keep itself from being destroyed the Dakki melted into Toushuu's body…causing him to have that explosion from his back…" Kagome stood up and Inuyasha walked over

"Heh…" said Inuyasha "killed by his own dumbass attempt of an ultimate sword…" and as he looked at Toushuu, his body turned to dust and was blown away, as well as the dragon demon "I told him I wouldn't die…" and with that everyone walked off into the distance

"Don't forget Inuyasha you still have the Tenseiga… you should try healing someone with that…" added Kagome

"I will when I find someone descent to heal with it…" Inuyasha said

"I think he's just afraid to use the Tenseiga because it would be like excepting help from Sesshomaru…" added Shippo, Inuyasha gave him a glare and then punched him three times in the head

That is how Inuyasha gained the new ability to the Tetsusaiga; now back to our story; it takes place shortly after this new ability was learned, Inuyasha and his friends are still traveling deep into a forest, we go there now…

"AHHHH!" screamed Shippo as he laid on the ground

Everyone rushed to him, "What's the matter?" asked Kagome as she scooped him off the ground

"L..l…Look at that!" Shippo screamed as he pointed at a dead demon lying on the ground, it had no scars on it at all just a hole when its heart would be

Miroku went over to inspect the demon, "it seems it was just attacked out of the blue, this demon didn't even fight back, and it was just a surprise attack… for its heart…"

"Wow…" Inuyasha said holding onto Tetsusaiga's hilt, just in case

"Look over there!" screamed Sango, all down the path, demons laid with holes in their chests where their hearts would be

Everyone began counting how many dead demons they could find as Kagome hugged and cradled Shippo and Kirara was with them just in case, about fifteen minutes later they had an exact count of dead demons, "Well… there's about fifty dead demons, all from the same thing, their hearts were ripped out while they were still living…" Miroku said

"but why?" he asked, everyone looked puzzled except Shippo he was just frightened "I suggest we go back a little further and go to sleep…its getting dark" everyone agreed and walked back

An eye watched them from a tree and suddenly the eye's owner, a strange creature jumped from the tree and gathered all the dead demon bodies together into a giant pile and then it morphed them all into one gigantic demon creature, and gave it a heart, but left a piece of itself in with that heart "let's see you defeat this demon Inuyasha…" the creature said as it hopped into a tree and hopped away

Next morning, the gang woke up and returned to walking into the forest, they all looked freaked out when they got to the part where they were yesterday, "wasn't this where all the demons were yesterday?" asked Shippo frightened

"Yeah… I think…" said Kagome

Inuyasha suddenly came on edge and unsheathed the Tetsusaiga, "Something's coming this way…something big…" he said, suddenly the giant demon that the creature created the night before emerged from behind several trees, knocking the trees down

"Who dares enter the forest of Gazutura?" the giant demon asked

"Damn this guy has a lot of demonic energy…" Inuyasha thought "I think I'll use the Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga if he gets aggressive…", "Who is Gazutura?" he asked

"I am!" asked the giant demon "now answer!" and it picked up a tree and threw it at the group, everyone quickly got out of the way

"He got aggressive" Inuyasha thought "Eat this!" screamed Inuyasha and he transformed the Tetsusaiga into the Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga and it began to absorb Gazutura's demonic energy

Gazutura laughed "I have more than enough demonic energy to spare fool!" and he powered up his demonic energy and it began to grow, "more than you can take!"

Tetsusaiga's hilt started to burn Inuyasha's hand "what the hell…?" thought Inuyasha and he just continued absorbing the demonic energy as the hilt got hotter and hotter

"Can you take all my energy little half breed!" screamed Gazutura as he laughed

Inuyasha wasn't about to give up, he continued absorbing the demonic energy and suddenly it stopped getting hot, "here's my chance!" he thought and suddenly Tetsusaiga had a surge back and Inuyasha was hit with it straight on, Inuyasha went down and Tetsusaiga flew into a tree and transformed to its normal katana state as its hilt smoked, and Inuyasha was knocked out on the ground with a giant burn on from his waist to his shoulder, right threw his clothes

"INUYASHA!" screamed Kagome as she rushed to him

"I told the fool he couldn't take all my demonic energy!" screamed Gazutura and he moved closer to Inuyasha "now to finish…UGH!" he screamed and everyone watched as he stopped in his tracks and suddenly a white blob popped out of his chest with his heart and hopped away and Gazutura hit the ground and died right there, and suddenly his body became ashes and blew away

"Without his heart and his demonic energy almost all sucked away…his body couldn't hold its structure…" Miroku said as he rushed over to help Inuyasha

"Come on!" screamed Kagome "let's take him back to Kaede's village to heal up!" and with that they put Inuyasha on top of Kirara and they ran off towards Kaede's village

After about a day of rest, Inuyasha was back on his feet and he went to visit Toutousai, as everyone else still rested, "I don't know why he just couldn't wait…" asked Kagome "he still had injuries…" then she has a flashback:

"I'm going to see Toutousai to talk to him about Tetsusaiga…" Inuyasha said as he tried to stand up but he was having trouble

"NO!" screamed Kagome "you're staying here! Don't be an idiot!"

"I have to go Kagome…" said Inuyasha and he finally stood up and walked out, then the flash back ends

"Kagome really cares about Inuyasha…" Miroku said

"That self-centered idiot…" added Shippo and Sango

Inuyasha was just getting up to the top of Toutousai's mountain, "God damn it… if only I didn't have this simple wounds…" finally Inuyasha entered Toutousai's home

"Oh… Hello Inuyasha…" Toutousai said "how are you?"

"Shut up…" Inuyasha said as he sat down "I need to ask you something…"

"What?" asked Toutousai

"It's sort of complicated" added Inuyasha "but here it goes…" and with that Inuyasha told Toutousai about Toushuu, the Dakki, the power he acquired and what happened when he attempted to use it "so what's wrong with Tetsusaiga?"

"Well Inuyasha there's nothing wrong with Tetsusaiga…" Toutousai began

"What do you mean nothing wrong!" Inuyasha screamed "it blew me off it like a stallion bucking off a rider!"

"Well there's nothing wrong with the stallion, there's something wrong with the rider…" Toutousai began, Inuyasha looked upset but Toutousai continued anyway, "the sword can take as much demonic energy as any demon can offer… but you can not…" Inuyasha looked stunned

"So I'll train harder that way I can" Inuyasha said

"No… it will take a lot of training for that but until then there is a proper way to use the sword for now…" Toutousai said "let me see your hands…" Inuyasha put out his burnt up hands, "see…" Toutousai said pointing to the burns, "Tetsusaiga was warning you to stop…that's why it blew you off, it didn't want that surge-back to happen… now would you like to know about the proper way to use the sword until you can handle more power?"

"Yes" Inuyasha said, "tell me please!"

"When the hilt starts to heat up you must stop it and then quickly attack the demon you are fighting with the sword, and if used correctly, the Tetsusaiga will vaporize your opponent…" Toutousai said

"Thanks Toutousai…" and with that Inuyasha went to leave

"No actually thank you, you saved me a visit, Tenseiga was calling me anyway…" Toutousai said Inuyasha looked at him strangely, "Sesshomaru maybe gone but the sword's purpose may still be able to be fulfilled…it was meant for when Sesshomaru felt strong feelings for another it would call me…now would you like me to fulfilled its purpose?"

"What's its purpose?" asked Inuyasha as he sat back down

"If you will hand over Tenseiga…" Toutousai said "I will be able to reforge it as a weapon…" Inuyasha quickly handed it over

"I'll wait here how long will it take?" Inuyasha asked

"About two days" said Toutousai, Inuyasha shook his head and sat down

Two days later, Toutousai returned Tenseiga to Inuyasha "Let us go step outside…" Toutousai said and on top of his mountain a gigantic demon emerged from the ground, "now Inuyasha use Tenseiga to defeat this beast!" he screamed, Inuyasha jumped towards the creature and slashed it, and suddenly behind the beast opened a portal shaped like a moon-crescent that lead to the other world (the world of the dead) and then part that Inuyasha slashed was pulled into the other world and the rest of the demon dropped to the ground dead "Inuyasha you just used the Meidou Zangetsu Ha… soon after you use it enough you will be able to send a demon's full body to the other world with one slash…" and with that the crescent shaped portal closed

"Thank you Toutousai" Inuyasha said "this will be my last resort weapon…" and with that he ran back to Kaede's village and told everyone about the new power of the Tenseiga

That night they headed out again but this time and slept underneath the stars again, and Inuyasha had two ultimate weapons with him, "now no demon can defeat me…" he thought

"But I wonder…" said Miroku "who is trying to take Naraku's place as our major ultimate enemy?"

The next morning, everyone woke up and was on the road again and a castle was under siege near by a giant god-like demon with a hard shell

"Return the part of my shell you have!" it screamed "now feel my Raimeihou!" it said as it launched black lightning energy balls at the castle taking piece after piece out of it, "you will not return that part of my shell! Fine then take on my Raimeihou once again!" and it began to launch the black lightning energy balls at the castle again, Inuyasha quickly unsheathed Tetsusaiga and transformed it into the Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga and jumped in front of the balls and began to absorb them through the Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga

"Inuyasha!" screamed Kagome "Don't do it! It's too much!", Inuyasha felt the burning get to great so he returned the Tetsusaiga to normal and then the balls crashed right in front of him, there was a thick cloud of smoke right there afterwards, "INUYASHA!" screamed Kagome

"Foolish Half Breed! Did you think you could take on the almighty Raimeihou of the almighty Meioujuu!" asked the giant demon as it ripped through the castle and grabbed the armor made of part of its shell and swallowed it, "now my power if fully returned!"

The smoke cleared and Inuyasha stepped out of it, "I didn't think I could, I knew I could you pathetic excuse for a demon!" that's when he thought to himself "…shit…I can't use the Dragon Scale Tetsusaiga…he has too much demonic energy…I guess that leaves me with everything else I have…" he thought "Hey ugly!" he screamed at the Meioujuu "Eat this! Kaze No Kizu!" and the kaze no kizu charged straight at the Meioujuu and then it quickly ducked inside its shell and the kaze no kizu did nothing, Inuyasha returned Tetsusaiga to its sheath, and unsheathed Tenseiga "sorry Tetsusaiga…" he thought and he jumped at the Meioujuu

"You fool did you think that attack would injure…WHAT!" the Meioujuu screamed as the smoke around it cleared to reveal Inuyasha with the Tenseiga about to attack

"Meidou Zangetsu Ha!" Inuyasha screamed as he slashed the Meioujuu's arm and suddenly the crescent shaped portal to the other world opened and ripped off the Meioujuu's arm and pulled it into the next world, then the portal closed

"Amazing!" screamed Miroku

"Way to go Inuyasha!" screamed Sango

"WOW!" screamed Kagome

The Meioujuu screamed as its arm was ripped into the portal, and it flew up higher into the air, "you can't attack me from this high with any of your attacks can you fool!" asked the Meioujuu and then suddenly its eyes went blank and it said in a drone voice, "come on use whatever you have left on me…"

"Fine then you asked for it!" Inuyasha screamed as he landed back on the ground, he returned Tenseiga to its sheath, "…good job Tenseiga…" he thought and then he drew out Tetsusaiga again, "…let's do this Tetsusaiga!" he thought, and then Tetsusaiga crystallized, "Kongousouha!" and hundreds of diamond spears went at the Meioujuu and it went into its shell and the spears were stuck in its shell

Then the Meioujuu heard a voice in its head, the same voice of the creature from before, "come to me now Meioujuu" and with that the Meioujuu flew off

"Hey get back here with my diamond spears!" screamed Inuyasha as he returned Tetsusaiga to its sheath

Elsewhere, the Meioujuu with the diamond spears in its back were being delivered to an old enemy thought to be dead, and he quickly put the demon hearts it ripped out of other demons into the Meioujuu's shell and absorbed it and the diamond spears, giving it diamond armor and the Meioujuu's shell became the protector of its heart because all the demon hearts formed into one

"The scent ends over this fissure!" screamed Inuyasha and as everyone caught up to him they looked inside

"I wonder who this new Naraku imposter is…" said Kagome

"Me too…" asked Miroku

"Ha…I'm nothing like Naraku… and I'm not a new demon… you should know me…" a voice from deep down within the fissure responded

"I know that voice…" Inuyasha said "show yourself!" he screamed and with that Mouryoumaru with a diamond crystal body and the Meioujuu's shell on its arm to protect its heart emerged from the fissure

"Mouryoumaru!" Everyone screamed at once