Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own anything, but the plot. So don't sue me!

Author's Note: All right, this epilogue is mostly from Kingdom Hearts (A video game from Square Enix). This is right after they defeated Ansem, and if you guessed it, Sora is the young hero of the story. In this chapter, the background takes place at Hollow Bastion (the next to the last level in KH). It has been told that the Heartless (the villain of the story) appear from different worlds. Plus for Sailor Moon Fans, Sailor Pluto is in this chapter. Oh yeah, happy reading, ya'll…

Anime Kingdom


Hollow Bastion, the world of peace…

Sora is only 15 years old, and it has been a year since he has defeated Ansem, the ruler and seeker of Hollow Bastion. And it also has been a year since he has seen his friends, Riku and Kairi. He is the keyblade master, and he holds the key to Kingdom Hearts. On the other hand, Sora has been traveling with Donald and Goofy, who are his loyal companions. They might've saved the worlds from the Heartless, but they still have more worlds then they expected to look for. And whatever the cost, they must know the secret of what lies beyond the secret door to new worlds…

"Okay, we have search everywhere in these books, but still no secrets to get to the other worlds." Sora, Donald, and Goofy were at the library, searching for ways to get to the other worlds.

"Keep searching, there's got to be one way!" Donald exclaimed.

"Sure, but if there was a way could we just find like a key or Cid to get us out?" Goofy asked.

"I already asked Cid, but he said it was useless," Sora said, as his eyes narrowed at the books.

"Sora, what are you doing?" said a familiar voice. Sora looked up and saw Cloud Strife upstairs. Cloud Strife is a quiet character. He has a double-minded attitude, which means his mind can become light or dark itself. He is still searching for his light, and he might recover someday by Sephiroth's scars without it.

"We are searching for ways to go to other worlds," Sora replied.


"Say Cloud, why don'tcha help us look for ways to get out?" Goofy asked the blue-eyed blonde.

"No thanks, I gotta go practice." Cloud went up to practice with his big sword.

Sora dropped the books on the ground and rubs his head lightly. "Not much luck in the Library."

"Why don't we try the Grand Hall?" Donald asked.

"Sure, I think I saw a few books around that place somewhere," Sora remembered.

Hollow Bastion: Grand Hall

"So where are the books?" Goofy asked.

"Don't be discouraged, we'll find them," said Sora. Sora searches for books at the Grand Hall, but when he turned around, he saw a light at the portal ("Dark Depths"). A keyhole shined at the portal, and a woman with long, green hair in a navy sailor uniform came out of the portal. She carried some kind of long, purple rod.

"Whoa, who are you?" Sora looked at the green-haired lady, so did Donald and Goofy. They were all bewildered by her appearance at that portal.

The woman asked Sora, "You must be Sora, the keyblade holder of Kingdom Hearts, are you not?"

"Yes, but how could you know my name?" Sora asked.

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious," she introduced, "My name is Sailor Pluto, guardian of the planet Pluto and guardian of time as well. I came forth from my world to deliver an urgent message to you."

"What kind of message?" Goofy asked.

"You know the worlds that you save have force fields around them, right? We had force fields among our worlds, but then these Heartless creatures soon came and knock down the barriers of our world. Not only has our world has been invaded, but the other worlds had the same fate as well. When I heard you defeated the Heartless, I knew you were the one that will defeat them again."

"So, what do you want me to do?" Sora asked Sailor Pluto.

"Our ruler of my world wants you three, mighty heroes to stop those evil creatures from entering to other worlds."

"Okay, but how do we get to the other worlds," Donald asked, rubbing his head in confusion, "I mean, we can't go anywhere since the barriers of all the worlds has been restored now."

"You can use my portals; they are your only hope."

"Got that right," said Goofy.

"What are you kids doing in the Grand Hall?" said Cid, the gummy shop worker. He came up the stairs and saw the kids talking to Sailor Pluto. He took a glanced at Sailor Pluto, down from head to toe, and figured out that she is a 'pretty woman'. He walked up to Sora and said, "Who is she?"

"This is Sailor Pluto," Sora pointed, "Her world and the other worlds are in danger, thanks to the Heartless. So, we are going to the other worlds to seal the keyholes."

"Okay, so can I come?" Cid asked Sailor Pluto with a smile on his face. Even his seductive ways won't get him anywhere towards Sailor Pluto's heart.

"Yes, you may go, but it will be over my dead body," said Sailor Pluto with a devious smile on her face. Sailor Pluto went towards the portal where she came from.

"What's her problem?" Cid asked, pulling out his cigarette and start lighting it.

"I don't know, maybe she doesn't like you," Sora replied the obvious.

"Whatever…" Cid sighed and closed his eyes, "So are you going to listen to that woman, or you just going to stay here?"

"Well, we are the only ones that can save the worlds, so I guess I'm going."

"Me too," said Donald putting his hand on top of Sora's.

"Me three," said Goofy putting his own hand on top of Donald's.

"Me four," said Yuffie, the great ninja, who just appeared. She also put her hand on top. "Sorry for overhearing, but I'm here for you, okay?"

Sora nodded.

"That's right", said Leon, who just appeared beside Yuffie, and he is putting his hand on top as well. "We are all right here for you."

"So, what are we waiting for?" Yuffie asked him.

"Thanks Yuffie…thanks Leon…"

"That's Squall to you," Leon corrected him.

"Are you forgetting about us?" Cloud asked. Cloud and Aerith came up the stairs, and they both put their hands on top of each other.

"You know, we are one-hundred percent behind you, Sora," said Aerith.

"Alright, let's go!" Sora yelled. All of his friends jumped into the portal, and they all left the world for one mission: to save the worlds once again…


1 Actually, I didn't know what happened when Sora, Kairi, and Riku split up a year ago. I know Kairi when back to Destiny Islands. Riku stayed with King Mickey, but when I saw the secret ending to KH, Riku was looking for Sora. But Sora, Donald, and Goofy got a note from King Mickey that he was at the Castle. Does that mean Riku wasn't at the Disney Castle?

2. As for Sora, I've seen a sneak peak at KH2 that Sora went back to Hollow Bastion, but at the end of Kingdom Hearts, he was at the Disney Castle with Donald and Goofy. For now on, this will be the story plot for Anime Kingdom… No questions about it.

3. The Grand Hall is where Sora fights alone with Riku (as Ansem controlling him) to save his heart and Kairi's.

4. Hollow Bastion is mainly the Final Fantasy World. (Cid, Cloud, Aerith, Squall, and Yuffie)

5. Sephiroth is the baddie from Final Fantasy 7, and he appears in Kingdom Hearts at the end of game (after the Hades Cup). He is what Cloud was searching for.