Ultimatum chapter 4

Blue Thunder, White Serpent

I do not own Slayers, Ranma1/2 or Sailor Moon. This fic is written for fun.

Soun stared in wonder. Nodoka knew Naga Kuno? Hell, she was friends with the woman and they wanted to mess with her? He began to rethink their plan.

Nodoka growled a little. 'Damn it, not now!' Naga of all the people that had been sucked into this dimension when Fillia had miscast that DAMN spell; why did she have to survive as well?' No. I will not dwell on Goury's death, he wouldn't want me too.'

Naga marveled at how well Lina had aged; she then saw a young man step out of the house. He was an exquisite physical specimen, definitely Grade A prime beef. From the looks of him she could tell this was Goury's son .Was it her or did the temperature increase? She heard someone grunt as they impacted the wall as she walked to him with open arms.

"Who are you, good sir? Are you little Lina's boy? Oh my, what has she been feeding you and…"

Naga saw something with her other sight and leaned forward to get a better look. An eyebrow was raised.

"Tell me; are you under a spell or something?"

Kodachi couldn't believe it her own mother stealing her intended. How dare she? She proceeded to run over to correct the situation.

"MOTHER! He's mine; find your own!"

Naga looked at her and smiled. "Now, dear, you should share with your mother like a good girl."

"But, mother, it is hard enough to keep that red haired harlot off of him as well as the Chinese peasant, the peasant chef, and the Tendo girls; I do not need you as competition."

"Red haired harlot?" Naga asked raising an eyebrow once again.

"Yes, she even has the same name as he. It is such a scandal"

Naga looked at Ranma once again and the smirked. "Is there anything else I should know about this harlot?"

"Yes, brother is quite smitten with her and believes the foul sorcerer should die to free her heart to love him." Kodachi stood there; her hands on her hips.

Naga shook her head. "Child, have you forgotten EVERYTHING I have taught you about using your mage sight?"

Kodachi looked down. "Well I… did. There was nothing to practice it on around here after brother locked up your room. I only continued my potion work because that stuff was already in my room"

Ukyo heard the door to her restaurant open and saw a young man wearing robes walk in. He was young looking and had purple hair. He walked twoards her and his eyes were closed.'Damn, not another blind Amazon, though he does look like what Shampoo and Mousse may have if they ever had children.'

"May I help you, sir?"

"Yes, do you happen to have a telephone that I may use? I can pay for the call, though it is local," he politely replied.

Ukyo nodded and showed him the phone. He quickly picked it up and started to talk into it.

"Hello, Nerima police, I wish to report seeing a wanted felon….Genma Saotome….yes, he apparently is hiding out at the Tendo dojo …I doubt if Soun is fully aware his friend is wanted…yes, Genma, lied to him I believe ……yes, the child he kidnapped is with him and the boy's mother is confronting him about it….I do believe she may need help as will her friend, Naga Kuno….yes, she is involved….thank you."

He hung the phone up and headed for the door. Ukyo could only stare in wonder at him; he had just ratted out Genma…..she didn't know ether to be elated or pissed.

"Why did you do that to him?"

"Hmm," the boy turned to face her.

"Why did you turn Genma in? Sell him out as it were," Ukyo asked.

He grinned at her. "After all of the times he has sold out Ranma? I figured it was time for him to see how it felt."

Ukyo watched as he headed out the door. "Okay, the weirdness in this town is on the upswing it seems"

The young mans smile stayed on his face as he walked away unhurriedly. "You have no idea, Miss Kuonji. No idea at all." He quickly resumed his casual front. "Oh, they have peaches on sale!"

Genma growled as he tried to plan a way to get Nodoka away from Ranma. He tried to think of a plan but…well, it could work but where would he get the ketchup? May need to ask Kasumi about that.

The door opened and Happosai walked in carrying a sack. Genma decided to try something else out first.

"Master it's a complete disaster…the schools won't be joined now!"

Cologne remained where she was hidden. She was glad she hadn't sparked Nodoka's anger earlier; the woman's knowledge of black magic was nightmarish to her. Able to cast spells with little to no effort scared Cologne. She was about to leave when Happosai came hopping out of the Tendo dojo mad as Hell, but Kodachi's mother and her attire seemed to catch his attention.
Happosai leapt at Naga Kuno screaming his all too familiar battle cry: "Sweeto!"

He landed right on target, right between her breasts and groped. Suddenly, he felt her place a hand on him, but wasn't trying to remove him, so he ignored it when she spoke. His danger sense went off but he chose to ignore it.

Naga frowned at Happosai and spoke. "Excuse me, but you are not allowed to do that. That nice young man may, but most certainly not an old lecher like you."

Naga's eyes flashed as she spoke. "You will need to be punished."

Happosai laughed at her. "You can TRY sweetheart, you can try."

Naga's smile turned evil as she said three words: "Flesh to Stone"

Happosai fell, having been turned to rock. She touched him one more time, "Rock to Mud"

Naga smiled and walked away from the pile of mud where the old lech used to be.

Cologne tried her level best not to yell out in shock. That woman had just reduced the enemy of the Amazons to a pool of mud with just two spells. She knew that things would be coming to a head soon. She left her hiding place to go warn the council. If they tried to force Ranma now she could only dream of the hornets' nest they would stir up here.
Nodoka growled as she peeled herself off of the wall where Naga had thrown her, with some force mind you, as soon as she saw Ranma. Damn it; that woman would not have her son. Ranma was going to be allowed to choose whom he married and have some happiness and to Hell with whomever stood in her path.

She walked over too them and saw that Naga was speaking to Kodachi…talk about a chip off the old block…and...Ah, merely instructing her in the use of mage sight and… Well it was harmless enough to use her son as a test subject…she supposed.

"Now then as I taught you, oh so long ago, do not look at Ranma. Try concentrating on a point about 6 to 10 feet behind him; look through him as you would a pain of glass."

Kodachi did as she was asked…her eyes dilated some when…there a faint blue outline could be seen around her Ranma-sama…and a second smaller outline as well in the shape of…the harlot? What was this?

"Mother, I see two outlines; one is blue and the other is a blue outline of that harlot? What is it: a love spell?"

Naga smiled at her. "No, child, the outline tells you what type of magic is at work In Ranma-sama's case, it is blue or water based magic. The outline you saw is what he turns into. After a while you will be able to see and learn more using your mage sight child but for now... What I saw is that he is under a water transformation curse and the outline is what he turns into."

Kodachi stared at her mother then at Ranma. "So he…"

"Yes, dear. If my assumption is correct, Ranma turns into the red-haired girl. Makes sense if you look at his mother over there. She is a redhead, so the transformation gives him red hair as a girl and…"

Naga sighed heavily…..and wondered why her daughter had fainted.

Well now here is chapter4. Thank you for reading and reviewing nd I have a question for you my good readers.

What Anime character in Tokyo should I turn Amelia into? Or better yet Who is Amelia's daughter?

Also I do have a Tenchi /Ranma crossover in mind that well is origional or at least I havent seen anyone use the idea before.Thank you again. Typhonis