At this time I would like to respond to my reviews…

imfeelingthis182: your review made me smile! I like to use sarcasm especially in this story, and I am glad that you liked it!

Emily: I'm glad you liked it!

Ninitademibrooke: thanks, I'll remember that it's called "portrait hole" from now on…

homestar-fan: why does Pansy always end up with Ron? The world shall never know…but I have an interesting spin on the Ron/Pansy scenario, you'll just have to keep reading to find out what it is…mwahahaha!

dangerz0ne: the flashback from chapter one continued into chapter 2 and is still going on in chapter 3…yes, it is very long

ron-o-hollick: sorry that was boring…but you should know that I did, in fact, put WAY more of "that Draco/Hermione crap" in this chapter just for you! Woohoo!

And so now that the reviews have been answered…on to Chapter 3!

Chapter three

The "Bad Girl"

Since it was his turn, Malfoy weighed his options carefully. (no one, of course, found it odd that this was his second turn asking) He thought it over, I could either get the hot mudblood to kiss me again, or I could make Potter kiss Pansy, that is, if they pick "dare."…hmm decisions decisions… "Ok," he finally decided, "Potter, truth or dare."

Harry thought this over carefully for about 0.054 seconds when he decided to go with "truth" to be on the safe side.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. He couldn't think of a good question to ask so he asked the first thing popped into his head. "Oh alright…um, have you ever kissed a girl?"

Harry looked pretty pleased with himself, "The joke's on you Malfoy! Everyone already knows that I kissed Cho in the fifth book- I mean year."

Malfoy looked utterly and completely bored.

"Harry, it's your turn to ask." Ginny said, the author throwing her back into the plot without warning.

"Hmm," Harry made a thinking noise. He smiled mischievously. "Ginny, truth or dare?"

Ginny, in most cliché stories, would pick dare only to have Harry dare her to kiss him. And seeing as this is a cliché story, that's exactly what happened.

Ginny leaned in slowly and closed her eyes; it was all very teen movie. But once she reached his lips they both started going at it like rabbits…which may not be the best analogy seeing as rabbits don't usually make out per say. But I think you still get it. Harry had his hand up her skimpy top and she was going for the buckle on his pants. Everyone else eventually pretended like nothing was happening and resumed the game.

"Hermione, why don't you go?" Ron said, ignoring the fact that his little sister was on top of his best friend.

Hermione looked around at everyone. Malfoy had an especially lusty look in his eye when he met her gaze. She couldn't help but want to explore her new found feelings about her supposed sworn enemy. But how? If she dared him to do anything with her, everyone would know...

"Alright," She began, "Malfoy, truth or dare?"

Malfoy thought for a second and decided on "dare."

Great, She thought, Now what am I supposed to dare him to do…I should have picked someone else. Think of something quick. "Um you have to-uh-kiss Potter!" Don't worry…this isn't a slash story, just keep reading.

"What?" Malfoy asked, horrified. A guy is only so secure in his manhood.

"I mean- Pansy. You have to kiss Pansy." She wanted to kick herself for making him kiss another girl, especially one as gross and squeaky as her.

Pansy looked positively gleeful. This was probably her life goal. She applied yet more lip gloss and even managed to pop a mint into her mouth.

Malfoy recoiled, and stared at Hermione helplessly. "Can't I just kiss you again?" he pouted. Hermione thought that sounded like a good enough plan. They kissed again and there were more fireworks and birds and flowers, and this time two deer came to drink from a nearby stream.

This time it wasn't only Hermione who felt a connection, he was even feeling things he had never felt before about someone he would never expect to feel these feelings he had never felt before about.

They parted at the same time and stared into each other's eyes until everyone else (mostly Pansy) started to feel uncomfortable.

Pansy looked furious, livid, enraged, fuming, teed off, seething, irate, and even hopping mad.

She was so infuriated that she got up and stomped off in a huff. Pansy huffed her way across the Slytherin common room, and then huffed her way out the portrait hole (a big thanks to Ninitademibrookefor the official name of the picture-framed shaped entrance to the Slytherin/Gryffindor common room that the author never bothered to look up)

"Well that takes care of her," Malfoy said rather pleased.

Ron, oddly enough, looked a little sad at her departure. Harry and Ginny didn't seem to notice her absence as they were much to concerned with their own business.

Ron looked at his watch, "Wow, it's late, we should be going."

Hermione was a little disappointed, but then remembered that she was head girl and shared a living space with the sexy head boy.

"That's enough! Break it up, you two!" Ron said as he pulled Ginny off of his best friend. "Gah, get a room," he muttered, and then immediately regretted, as Ginny and Harry ran off together to find an empty classroom.

"Come on, Hermione!" Ron called, "Let's go!"

Hermione reluctantly got up from her place on the couch and followed Ron. She smiled to herself, knowing that she would be seeing Malfoy later that night back at their dormitories.

Later that night

Hermione was sitting on the couch in the Head's common room, reading. Or at least she pretending to be reading and was really watching the door for when Malfoy would come in. The door creaked open a little, and Malfoy peeked inside. Hermione's heart quickened at the sight of him.

"Oh," He said, spotting her on the couch, "I thought you'd have gone to bed." He smirked mischievously.

Hermione carefully marked her page, and placed the book on the table. "No, I decided I would stay up and read for a little bit." She said letting the strap of her tank top slip down her shoulder ever so slightly. She was now seductive which, of course, was not out of character of all. But it seemed to be working, as he had the same lusty look in his eyes that he did back in the Slytherin common room.

He walked over to the couch, "Can I sit down?"

"Sure," she said, pulling her all-of-a-sudden-straight-and-sexy hair out of her ponytail and letting it fall around her shoulders.

He sat down close to her. "About tonight-" he began.

Hermione put on an innocent face, "What about it?"

"When we kissed…"

"Go on."

"Um, never mind…"

"No, say it." She persisted

"I can't really explain with words," he said, so he just leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and allowed his warm soft tongue into her mouth.

The author just remembered that Draco Malfoy doesn't kiss gently and lovingly. And so, Malfoy and Hermione fiercely attacked each other in a hot sweaty heat. With Malfoy on top, they continued their tongue wrestling as Draco's hand slowly traveled up Hermione's thigh. Her normal goody-goody self would've stopped him immediately but this is a cliché story in which Hermione is a "bad girl."

None of them even considered stopping and thinking about what they were doing. Draco's hand continued up Hermione's silky, soft leg (she remembered to shave using her Venus® razor so she could feel divinely smooth). His hand neared her special place when she stopped him because she wasn't sure if she was ready, but mostly because she just remembered that it had been a while since she trimmed the hedge.

Hermione smirked a little and pushed him back against cushion. She got down on the floor and unzipped and pulled down his pants revealing his quite excited special place. As she went down, Draco kept trying to put his hand on the back of her head, and she kept batting it away.

She lifted her head up, much to his dismay, so he said, "Shall we continue this in my room?" Now normally, at this point, Hermione would claim she was tired and go to her own room, but we've established that Hermione is supposed to be a "bad girl," and so she let Malfoy lead her into his bedroom.

The next morning (where the first chapter began)

Hermione woke up and looked around at all the green and silver décor. The reason why she was in Malfoy's bedroom came abruptly flooding back to her.

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