A/N: Thank u 2 my reviewers!
Rai: So, what song is gonna be in this chapter?
Me: It's "I Love You, Always Forever", by Donna Lewis.
Kimiko:(jumpping up and clapping happily) Oh! I LOVE that song!
Me: (joins Kimiko in jumpping and clapping and giggling) Yeah! Me too!
Rai, Omi, Clay&Dojo: Sheesh...
Rai: Anywho, while these two jump up and down like maniacs, here's the new chapter.
I Love You, Always Forever
"Let's go to the willow tree." Raimundo said.
"Okay." Kimiko giggled. She didn't know what made her giggle when she was with Raimundo, but she loved it. She loved him. More than life itself. "Then let's go!" Rai said as he picked her up and carried her with a piggyback.
"Put me down!" Kimiko laughed. Both Kimiko and Raimundo knew that she didn't mean it, though. "Put...me..." "We're here!" Raimundo said triumphantly. The night was beautiful. In the distance, a thin layer of mist covered the lake like a thin, shimmering blanket. It was like a dream...standing still forever, letting its inhabbitants enjoy the never ending beauty.
Feels like...
I'm standing in a timeless dream...
Of light mists...
Of pale amber rose
From behind his back, Raimundo pulled out a beautiful pale amber rose. "For me?" Kimiko gasped. Raimundo nodded. "Oh, Rai..." Kimiko gently stroked the rose's petals. The rose was heavenly. Kimiko remembered when all of them were training and Kimiko saw the roses, but she couldn't pick one without cutting herself on some of the many prickers. She remembered how she wanted one so badly, and how Raimundo overheard her talking to herself about how she wanted one of those beautiful amber roses. Now, she was holding one in her hands, the prickers now not so pointy. She slowly took a deep breath, inhaleing the scent of the rose. It smelled more beautiful than anything that she had ever smelled before.
"Thank you, Rai." Kimiko whispered in his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Feels like...
I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent
Touching...discovering you...
Kimiko remembered one night last summer, Dojo, Clay, Omi, Raimundo and she were staying in a different part of the Temple, because their normal bedrooms were being remodeled. There was an enormous Thunder and Lightening storm, and Kimiko was scared by the noise. Raimundo came in and hugged her and stayed with her the rest of the night. They sat and watched the rain fall on the window as blue streaks cracked the dark black sky. Kimiko remembered that she had never felt safer.
Those days...
Of warm rains rushing back to me
Miles of windless...summer night air...
Secret Moments...
Shared in the heat of the afternoon...
"Kim?" Rai said quietly. "Mmm?" Kimiko sighed happily as she cuddled her head sleepily against his chest. "I love you."
Out of the stillness.
Soft spoken words...
I love you always forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
"Oh, Rai... I love you too." Kimiko said quietly as she thanked Raimundo with a kiss.
Ilove you always forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
When the two released each other, they layed down and looked up at the sky. Little white specks filled the sky. Raimundo looked over at Kimiko. Her eyes always made him feel like he would melt like butter.
You've got...
The most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen...
you've got...
Me almost melting away...
As we lay there...
Under a blue sky with pure white stars...
Exotic sweetness...
A magical time
I love you always forever
Near and far closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
Say you'll love...love me forever
"Rai, say you'll be mine forever." Kimiko sighed. "I'm yours forever." Rai smiled. Kimiko looked deep into his dark green eyes. She felt like she was lost in a dark, green forest and she never wanted to find her way back.
Never stop...not for whatever
Near and far and always
And everywhere and everything
Say you'll love...love me forever
Near and far and always
And everywhere and everything
Kimiko's eyes filled with tears. "Kim, what's wrong?" Raimundo asked, concerned. "I-it's nothing, nothing..." Kimiko trailled off. "Now you know I know you better than that. Now, what's wrong?" Rai asked. "It's just that the last time, before I came to the temple, I had a boyfriend. And he said that he'd be mine forever...it's just that he...he..." She trailled off again. "He what, Kim?" "He ran off with another girl. She was probably smarter, and prettier, and nicer than me..." Kimiko sniffled.
Rai took his hand and cupped her chin, making her look him in the eyes. "Kim, that's not possible." He said. "How's that?" She replied dryly. "Because there is not one single person smarter, prettier or nicer than you anywhere or anytime in existance." He said with a small smile.
"Oh, Rai...I'm sorry. It's just that I don't want to be hurt again." She cried softly. "Kim. I would never hurt you." Raimundo said. "That's just what he said." She sniffled again. "Well, I mean it." He said as he slowly brought her into a warm, loving kiss.
Say you'll love...love me forever
Never stop...not for whatever
Near and far and always
And everywhere and everything
Say you'll love..love me forever
Never stop...not for whatever
Near and far and always
And everywhere and everything
I love you always forever...
"Kim," Rai said as he quietly stroked her jet-black hair.
"Yes Rai?" She said quietly.
As he wiped the tear off her face with his finger, he replied.
"I'll never stop loving you. I'll love you. Alaways, and forever."
A/N: (sniffle) I think that that was my fluffiest piece of work yet...
Kimiko: (sniffle as she blows her nose with a hankerchiff) oh, that was beautiful...
Rai: That was way fluff.
Kimiko: You like fluff?
Rai: Yeah. Especially when I'm reading it with you.
Kimiko: Oh, Rai!
Me: Plz R&R! THANX:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)