War Diaries - Adventures Zero-Three

Entry 1: Dreams Can Come True.

By Lord Archive

Digimon belongs to Toei Animation Inc., Saban Entertainment, Fox Kids and others. They are used without consent. And since Toei doesn't want them anymore, I'm not giving them back.

Dear Diary,

It's official. My last hope is gone now. I'll never be able to walk again. After a year and a half of taking every test imaginable and then some, the verdict returned with the same result- my lower spin will never heal enough for me to walk.

I once dreamed of a world untouched by people. Where strange creatures lived in harmony with their world. The air was unpolluted and everything was beautiful.

I haven't dreamed about that in a year and a half. I have had only one dream since my accident. To meet the boy who helped save my life. The boy who had his digimon kill in order to save our lives.

But what could I do now if I ever meet him? I can't walk or do anything to show him how much I appreciate what he did for me. I'll be confined to this damn wheelchair for the rest of my life. How could he or any other boy ever like me?

At least my new apartment accommodates for wheelchairs. It also means I'll be starting the new school year at Odaiba Elementary. Which I'm quite grateful for. Sometimes it's hard being at my old school. Remembering running through the playground, not having a care in the world as I played on the jungle-gym... and slipping off it and landing on the lower bar in the worst possible way.

I wish I could say I'll miss my friends, but I don't have any friends now. After my accident the people I thought were my friends stopped talking to me. I've been alone ever since.

"Good morning, Yume," Mrs. Togashi greeted with a forced smile. She was a pleasant looking woman with long brown hair. She set down he daughter's breakfast. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," Yume muttered wheeling up to her seat at the dining room table. She looked a lot like her mother, save that her hair only reached her shoulder blades.

"Why don't we go out on the town today?" Mrs. Togashi offered. "We can meet all our new neighbors, and perhaps make new friends."

"Maybe later," Yume replied.

"Hello, Koushiro," Iori greeted as he entered Izumi's room with Armadimon.

"Hi," Koushiro muttered.

"What's wrong?" Iori asked.

"The reason I called was because I detected some kind of energy source in the Digital World that I think we should investigate." Koushiro slumped back in his seat. "But everyone is busy." He massaged his forehead. "If this is anything like the first battle against Diablomon, I'll be pissed."

"Well, we won't know more about it until we investigate it," Iori pointed out.

"I know." Koushiro sighed. "I don't like this, but you'll have to go alone. Tentomon is on his way over there, so I might be able to help, but he won't get there for another hour or so. I'll try to raise everyone again."

"Hopefully we won't need anyone else." Iori held up his digivice to Koushiro's laptop. "Digiport open!"

"Good luck," Koushiro said as Iori and Armadimon were sucked into the laptop's view screen.

"Koushiro?" Mrs. Izumi called out.

"Yeah, Mom?" Koushiro asked.

"Is any of your other friends going to show up?" Mrs. Izumi questioned.

Koushiro slouched. "I hope so, but it doesn't look like it."

Mrs. Izumi's eyes widened in shock. "You mean Iori is going to fight whatever threat that is alone?"

"Well, it's not necessarily a threat," Koushiro replied. "It's just a power source that I believe needs investigating. He's going now to make sure that it won't be a threat."

Iori looked at his digivice and then at a glowing flower. "I guess that's the power source."

"It's rather pretty for a power source," Armadimon commented.

"Pi. Pi pipi."

Iori blinked and looked at a baby green digimon that kind of looked like a green fruit with the leaves still attached at the stem. "Must be Pipimon."

"Pi! Pi!" The baby digimon bounced up and down happily. It then motioned toward the plant.

"You want me to touch it?" Iori questioned.

"Pi! Pi!" Pipimon bounced up and down again.

Iori shrugged and touched it. The flower's glow became a blinding flash. When Iori and Armadimon could see again, the flower and Pipimon were no where in sight.

"Was that supposed to do anything?" Armadimon asked.

"I'm not sure," Iori replied.

Yume closed the game she was playing on her computer. That had been her favorite game a long time ago. Going to an abstract world of dreams to battle against nightmares and help make pleasant dreams. Yume never dreamed anymore and was living a nightmare as far as she was concerned.

Yume slumped back into her wheelchair. She could not imagine a more boring life. But she then blinked as her computer screen changed. She leaned closer and read the word written at the top of the screen. "Digiport?"

Yume screamed as light flashed from the computer screen and she found herself seemingly hurled into her computer.

"Are you okay?"

Yume blinked several times. She was in some grassy field now. "How did I get here?"

"Through that television. Now are you okay?"

Yume turned her head and saw a miniature elephant standing on her hind legs, but her hind legs were a cloud of smoke. Yume was sure the elephant was a girl with the feminine voice and pink bow.

Yume shrieked in panic and backed away from the creature, kicking with her feet.

Yume froze and looked at her legs. She willed her right foot to raise off the ground, and it did. "I must be dreaming."

"I assure you that you're not dreaming," replied the elephant.

"I was in my room a moment ago and now I'm in some grassy field with no buildings in sight. You're a talking elephant. And I can move my legs. What is there to make me possibly believe this is not a dream?" Yume questioned.

"Well, for one you're in the Digital World and a new Chosen. I know this since I'm your digimon. You can call me Bakumon." The elephant bowed politely. "As for your comment on your legs, I don't know what you're talking about."

"MY digimon?" Yume questioned in disbelief. "And this is the Digital World. I'm in another dimension?"

"Yes." Bakumon nodded.

Yume wobbled as she stood up. It had been a year and a half since she could walk. She took a few tentative steps and then fell. She laughed joyfully. "Damn, I'm out of practice."

"Is something wrong?" Bakumon asked perplexed.

Yume shook her head. "Everything is GREAT!" She kicked her feet. "I can walk again! I can't walk in my world, but here I can!"

Bakumon seemed to smile. "That's good. Do you need a hand?"

Yume nodded and let Bakumon help her up to her feet again. Soon she was having the time of her life. Walking, running and dancing as she never had before.

"Um, hello?"

Yume stopped dancing and look at who had called out to her. Her eyes widened. "You!"

Iori stepped forward with Armadimon. "You know me?"

Yume nodded dumbly. "I was at the hospital when you killed Marine Devimon."

Iori paused. "The girl in the wheelchair."

Yume smiled brightly. "Yes. That's me. I'm Togashi Yume."

"Hida Iori. It's good to see you can walk again," Iori said.

Yume frowned. "Not exactly. I still can't walk in our world."

Iori raised an eyebrow. "But you can in the Digital World?"

"Yep." Yume twirled around. "I don't ever want to leave here."

Iori scratched his head. "Well, I don't think that's a good idea."

Yume pouted. "If you say so."

"How did you get to the Digital World?" Iori asked.

"A little while ago I was playing a computer game, and then I was here," Yume answered.

Iori nodded. "Probably the same time I touched that plant."

"Plant?" Yume asked.

Iori shrugged. "There's not much I know about it. Um, you do have a digivice, right?" He held up his.

Yume patted her dress and found a similar device attached to her waist strap. She looked at the white digivice with sky-blue trim questioningly. "I guess this is it."

Bakumon nodded. "Yes, that is yours."

Iori sat down. "I have to send Koushiro an e-mail about this."

Yume looked at the hand held terminal Iori was holding. "Where did you get that?"

"I got it after I activated a Digimental for the first time," Iori replied.

Yume read over his shoulder. "How do you know her name is Bakumon?"

"I've met a different Bakumon before," Iori answered.

"Huh? Are you saying there are other digimon named Bakumon?"

Iori sent the message and closed the Digital Terminal. "A digimon's name is derived from what type of digimon they are and what level. All digimon that look like her are Bakumon, just as any digimon that looks like him are Armadimon."

"Hi." Armadimon waved.

"Ah." Yume nodded, but didn't fully understand that. "Can you show me around?"

Iori shrugged and then stood up. "I guess so. But there's not much in this area."

Iori couldn't help but smile at the girl as she looked at this world with eyes filled with a wonder he only once remembered having. And that was when he was in the ocean with Submarimon. She was quite literally on cloud nine.

Then everything crashed down to reality. A Snimon gave out a hungry cry and looked at them as if they were lunch.

Iori glanced around. He tried to remember where a portal was, but the nearest one was too far away to be of any help. "Yume, run! Armadimon, digimental up!"

"Armadimon armor evolve!" A yellow sphere encased the armadillo like digimon. It then shattered revealing a three meter tall yellow insect with drills for hands and another drill for a nose. "Digmon, the wisdom of steel!"

"Digmon, try to hold him off while I make sure Yume is safe." Iori ran off.

"Sure, leave me with the easy jobs." Digmon stared down the giant flying preying mantis like digimon. "Gold rush!" He fired off his drills into the air.

Snimon knocked the drills out of the air and hissed back at Digmon. It sent off twin beams of energy and continued on without caring about Iori's insect digimon.

Yume ran blindly through a field. She didn't know where to run. Then the ground before her exploded. She glanced up and saw the flying digimon looking down at her hungrily.

"Yume, run!" Iori called out.

"No, Yume! Bakumon evolve!" A pillar of light enshrouded the little elephant. When it subsided a three meter tall ape with yellow fur stood in her place. "Hanumon. Bone Rod!" The large ape threw her bone weapon, striking Snimon in the side.

Snimon hissed and attacked Hanumon, who dodged.

"Come on," Hanumon beckoned. "A juicy ape would be more filling, correct?" She then rushed into some nearby trees.

Yume watched in horror as Snimon followed after her digimon. "No!"

Iori nodded. "She knows what she's doing."

Snimon looked at the trees and attacked some of the branches to see deeper into the grove.

Hanumon jumped out of the canopy and grabbed Snimon by the head. The surprise attack caused Snimon to fall, which Hanumon made sure Snimon would hit the ground painfully.

Digmon jogged out of the forest and then sagged seeing the comatose digimon. "Guess I'm too late." He devolved.

Hanumon devolved to Bakumon, who dusted off her hands. "I'm afraid he'll have a headache when he wakes up."

"You're all right?" Yume hugged her digimon partner.

"Of course I am." Bakumon hugged her back. "I'll always be around to protect you now."

Iori glanced at his watch. "It's getting late. You should probably go home now. Just use your digivice to open a portal, at a television set in this world or any computer in our world. Saying, 'Digiport open' will help activate it."

"Do I have to?" Yume pouted.

"We do need to eat, and I'm hungry," Bakumon said.

"Will I be able to come back here?" Yume asked.

"Of course." Iori nodded. "There is a task you need to complete. I don't know what it is yet, but I suspect that I'll be part of it as well."

Yume smiled. "Well, I guess I can go back then. See you again, Iori-sama." She bounced over to the television and raised her digivice to it. She entered it along with Bakumon.

Iori stared blankly as she left.

"Iori-SAMA?" Armadimon questioned and then chuckled. "Looks like someone has a crush on you."

Iori blushed. "I'm too young for that kind of stuff."

"She doesn't seem to think so." Armadimon smirked.

Iori sighed, knowing he couldn't argue against that. "It's our turn to go home."

Yume crashed to the floor. "Ouch."

Bakumon landed next to her. "Are you all right?"

Yume tried to move her legs, but they wouldn't respond. She reluctantly nodded. "Yeah."

The door swung open. "Yume are you okay?" Mrs. Togashi blinked. "What is THAT?"

Bakumon helped Yume into her wheelchair.

"This is Bakumon. She's my digimon. She'll help protect me from now on," Yume answered with a large smile.

"Digimon? You mean she's one of those creatures that attacked the hospital over a year ago?" Mrs. Togashi asked in fear.

"Do not worry." Bakumon bowed. "I am Yume's digimon. I can act only in accordance to her wishes. I'll do everything in my power to keep her and everyone she loves safe from harm."

Yume hugged her digimon. "The best thing is, is that while I'm in the Digital World I can walk, run and even dance!"

Mrs. Togashi did not know how to reply to that. She was worried that her daughter would become wrapped up in fighting like those kids who had to fight those horrible monsters in the streets of Tokyo. But her little girl was smiling and had a means to walk again. Something she had wished for. What could she possibly say?

"How did this event occur? Time and dimensions are infinite. A small change in the past can cause everything that follows to shift. To cascade and create a vastly different universe," began a disembodied sounding voice of a young woman.

"In the timeline known as Digimon Adventures, Yamato, an introverted fellow who had trouble socializing because he came from a broken home, and Sora, who's family was not all that different from Yamato's, relied on each other for support and caring. Love bloomed between and they eventually had two children.

"In another timeline, let's call it Diaries, some of Yamato's introverted nature did not stem solely from his parents divorce- but because he was gay. He had fallen in love with his best friend, Taichi, who, in rejection of Yamato's affections, turned to Sora for support. And it was Taichi and Sora who had fallen in love and became lovers at an early age.

"But the changes did not simply end at Yamato, Taichi and Sora in the Diaries timeline. After learning about his brother being gay, Takeru began to think more about sex. Hikari had accidentally seen Taichi and Sora make love for the first time, and she too was awakened to ideas of sex earlier. So when Takeru and Hikari decided to approach having a relationship, it advanced faster than either was truly prepared for. And other people were affected because of Takeru and Hikari's close relationship.

"Then there's a seemingly random moment. In the Diaries timeline after Sora and Taichi had a fight, they broke up. Sora went to Yamato, long before she knew he was gay, and tried to have a relationship with him. Taichi stood by as it began, not wanting to hurt either of them. However, Tailmon and Hikari had an argument with Taichi over his reaction to Sora dating Yamato. That argument caused them to arrive too late to save Oikawa from Black War Greymon. With Oikawa dead, Vamdemon could not be reborn and the portal to the dimension of dreams never opened.

"While in Digimon Adventures universe- in the year 2027, Sora and Yamato are married, as well as Ken and Miyako. Takeru and Hikari did not get married to each other. And every living person on the planet has a digimon of their own.

"However, in the Diaries timeline, it's now the spring of 2004. Taichi and Sora are now engaged. Takeru and Hikari have just discovered that they're going to be parents. Miyako has had an intimate relationship with Daisuke and Koushiro, while Ken turned her down cold. Only Chosen have digimon. And Iori has just begun a new adventure that was prevented from occurring in the Digimon Adventures timeline."

Author's Notes:

And here I thought I wouldn't be doing any more Digimon series after Toei screwed over the ending. Oh well.

This series is based off how war and fighting changes someone. It will also address some of the plot lines Digimon Adventures did not follow through on.

As The Pro wanted, this will functionally be a Zero-Three series. However, everything that occurred after episode 45 of Digimon Adventures Zero-Two can be forgotten since events happened differently.

By the way, yume is the Japanese word for dream or vision.

While this series ties directly into the ADULT series Red Digivice Diaries series, which is very much an adult series, it is not necessary to read that series to understand what's going on. And if you're under 18, you should NOT read that series.