A/N: IN CELEBRATION OF THE END OF MY EXAMS, here's the SECOND and FINAL chapter of Lesser of Two Evils enjoy.

So this story was meant to be drama and angst, but I've never really written in that direction, and therefore, I'm inexperienced. This ended up being ANOTHER romance thing, with a whole lotta clichés, so…with that said y'all probably know how this is gonna end.


Tomoyo's eyes opened and she woke to the faint beeping of her heartbeat from the machine next to her. She blinked a few times to let her brain register the clean white room as not her room, and judging by the smell of antiseptics and the machinery next to her, she was most likely in the hospital.

She rubbed her head, trying to remember what happened before she passed out, and everything came rushing back to her from the day before. From Saitou and Hiiragizawa's visit to Josh…

It took another couple of seconds before Tomoyo realized how very thirsty she was.

She reached over to press the button to call the nurse in. Soon the shuffling of feet was heard, and a nurse came in, shocked to see her awake.

"Can I get some water?" Tomoyo croaked, before the nurse nodded dumbly and ran out of the room.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes and sat up, stretching, and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She glanced over at the clock and realized it was around three in the afternoon, and her stomach grumbled.

She contemplated calling the nurse in again to ask for some food, but the door opened. She looked up to thank the nurse before she froze and realized it wasn't the nurse who entered her room. Her eyes simply narrowed in recognition.

"Get out," she growled, giving the 'guest' one of Touya's Glares-of-Death®. The recipient of the glare simply laughed a glint in his eyes as he closed the door behind him.

"Tomoyo-chan, I heard about what happened, sweetie, are you ok?" came the sickeningly sweet and fake concern of Saitou Kensuke. Villain, villain, always the villain, eh? "I heard about what happened from your secretary when I dropped by your office today, and rushed right over!"

Tomoyo looked away, look of disgust clear on her face. "Just fuck off and leave me alone, you're not wanted here, I don't like you, and I want you to leave me alone or I'll call the cops on you."

His fake sweet smile turned to an evil smirk. "You wouldn't dare…you know what I'm capable of…"

She stiffened, but stood her ground and glared. "I have more than enough things against you, so if you come near me or my family again, I swear to god you'll find yourself behind bars!"

"But Tomoyo-chan…that one night we had…don't you think it was even a little special?"

Next thing he knew, he was on the floor, cheek stinging and head spinning as he realized she had slapped him so hard he knocked over. The look in her eyes were of pure hatred.

"YOU FUCKING RAPED ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" she screamed, pressing the button to call in the nurse.

The nurse came rushing in, with a cup of water, but Tomoyo's head whipped around to her. "Call security now, or you'll lose your job faster than you can say 'security'. Now GO!"

The nurse nodded hurriedly, dropping the cup of water and dashing down the hall to the phone. Saitou's eyes narrowed as he pushed himself up. "Aw, sweetie, was that really necessary?" he reached over to cup her cheek, but she pulled away and pulled herself out of bed, nearly falling over.

"Keep away from me and don't touch me or I'll sue your ass off and make sure you're in a jail cell for the rest of your life. Hope you like stripes, asshole."

His eyes narrowed further as he launched himself to attack, but suddenly froze in midair. Literally.

Tomoyo glanced over and realized Sakura was using the Time Card, and Josh was running to her. He caught her just as her legs gave away.

Syaoran ran in and hit Saitou in the shoulder, and Sakura called back the card. Saitou fell to the floor with a sickening crunch and Tomoyo flinched in her son's protective grasp. Soon security came rushing in with the shaking nurse behind them as they picked up the fallen Saitou and took him away.

"Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura cried as she launched at her best friend and took her away from her son, who gave her up reluctantly.

"I'm fine…what are you doing here?" she couldn't help but ask as she leaned heavily on her best friend.

Sakura jerked a thumb towards the door, where Eriol was leaning casually. "Syaoran and I had some business with him in San Francisco, and we rushed over when Touya called."

Tomoyo nodded dumbly as she stared at Eriol, who stared back. Nakuru suddenly rushed in and tackled Tomoyo, allowing the pair to break eye-contact. Tomoyo winced in pain as she was crushed in Nakuru's suffocating hold.

"Ruby, that's enough. Can't you see you're hurting To--Daidouji-san? Let her go, she needs rest…" Eriol chided gently as he got up and picked up Tomoyo from the floor and placed her on the bed.

Tomoyo watched as he tucked her in like a little child and brushed her hair back, gazing into her eyes.

"Daijobu?" he asked gently, caressing her cheek, failing to mask his concern for the amethyst-eyed woman.

She simply nodded dumbly as she leaned back into the pillows, feeling more drained than ever before.

"I never got my water…" she croaked as she fell back into deep slumber.


Three days later, Tomoyo was released from the hospital with the promise to her doctor to take it easy and not to work herself so hard.

Who ever said Tomoyo was one to keep her promises?

"Ma, Go To BED!" Josh snapped from the doorway to her home office, where she was typing late into the night.

"But I have to finish this before my meeting tomorrow!" she whined, yawning slightly.

"So work on it before the meeting. Make it impromptu if you must, but you need your rest, doctor's orders. If you don't, you'll end up in the hospital again and lose more work time…"

He continued on and on until he realized she had just walked past him to go to bed.


Tomoyo sat in her desk at work, looking over some designs, but her mind was anywhere but on them. Actually they were on one thought in particular.

I think I have to tell him…but how will he take it? Probably pretty badly…

Her train of thought was broken as someone sneezed from outside. She was puzzled until Eriol walked in, bouquet of violets in one hand, rubbing his nose with another.

"You busy?" he sniffed, causing a smile to spread across her face.

"Not in particular, I was about to go to lunch. Care to join me?" she asked pleasantly, getting up to receive the bouquet and place it into her vase.

"Shouldn't I be offering you that? You're breaking tradition" he chided gently, playful glint back in his eyes.

"When have we followed tradition?" she shot back with a wink as she gathered her purse and coat, briefly brushing hair from her face, the rest of it up in a bun. "Ready to go?" she grinned.

Eriol looked her over before pulling the chopsticks that held her hair up out and placing them in her coat pocket, looking her over again. Then he ruffled her hair a bit and took her lips in a demanding kiss. Tomoyo was, needless to say, speechless and in shock as she flushed when he broke away.

Now she looked ruffled, face flushed, lips red and slightly panting from his kiss. Eriol grinned in satisfaction and offered his arm to her. "Now I am," he murmured cheekily.

Eriol considered taking this perfect woman out to some fancy restaurant with secluded seats, but changed his mind, remembering she was the kind who was child at heart and wanted to be treated like a normal person. Therefore, he took her to a nearby park to have hot dogs and talk.

"You remember?" she asked in shock and surprise and also a little skeptical, "or is it that you're just too cheap to take a girl out to a proper restaurant?"

"A little bit of both," he replied childishly, which caused her to laugh out loud.

Tomoyo sat down at a bench and waited for Eriol to buy them lunch as she contemplated how it was she was going to tell what she needed to tell.

Her thoughts were broken once again as a hot dog was shoved before her face, under her nose. She smiled and took it from him with a nod of thanks as he sat down and started to eat his own. She chewed slowly, and noticed he was deep in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she suddenly asked, causing him to jump in surprise before he realized she had noticed. "Something on your mind?"

Eriol sighed and ran his hand through his tousled hair.

"We've been friends for easily over 10 years, and we're still calling each other with honorifics and last names…why's that?" he asked, avoiding his true thoughts.

At that, Tomoyo contemplated for a bit before smiling. "I have no idea…Eriol" she murmured, grinning.

Eriol felt his face flush at Tomoyo…the object of his affection…saying his name without honorifics, just calling him his real name. He smiled back. "Tomoyo…" he murmured slowly.

Tomoyo felt fluttery, and felt it was almost a sin for her name to be uttered by the lips of this Adonis of a man. She smiled into her food, before she noticed he was still deep in thought. "I'd say that was just to deter me from your real thoughts, Eriol-kun, is my assumption correct?"

Eriol sighed and laughed nervously before nodding, "Guilty as charged…but something seems to be bugging you as well, Tomoyo."

Tomoyo flinched slightly but laughed. "Am I that transparent?"

Eriol grinned and leaned in close enough she could smell his cologne and feel his breath against her ear, which made her shiver. "You are to me…" he breathed, nibbling on her ear.

She felt herself relax and melt at his touch. When he pulled away, she dove into his open mouth, catching him by surprise. Their lunch lay forgotten on the napkins next to them as they ignored the fact they were in a crowded park, ignored the fact this was against friendship. All that mattered was each other.

They broke away much later, panting and faces flushed. Their foreheads were pressed together, Tomoyo straddling Eriol, arms around the back of his head, one of his hands on her back, the other in her hair.

They sat in silence, breathing in sync as they stared into each others' eyes.

Tomoyo knew she had to do this. There was no better time. He had to know. She knew it, Josh knew it…it was time.

She stood up from her position and straightened her clothes. Eriol stood up and followed suit.

"…Josh is your son…" she murmured so quietly Eriol thought he imagined it. His head shot up and looked at her, who avoided his gaze and walked back to her office.

(A/N: Ah, the cliché…)

Eriol half expected this, but the shock was more than he thought it would be.

Meanwhile as Tomoyo walked away, one lone tear made its way down her face, her thoughts and emotions in turmoil, but one thing was certain in her heart and mind.

I lost him…


"Bye Josh!"

"See you tomorrow, man!"

"Bye!" Josh called to his friends as he started walking home, but he froze as he noticed someone staring at him. He turned to the man staring at him, who was leaning against a blue Porsche.

"Hey, you got a minute?" Eriol asked the boy, approaching him slowly, not knowing how to talk to him.

Josh contemplated for a moment before shrugging. "Sure," he grumbled, a little cautious as he followed the blue-haired man into the car.

Meanwhile, one of Josh's friends saw the interaction between man and boy and immediately became concerned. He dug his cell phone from his pocket and called the Daidouji-Tsukishiro-Kinomoto residence, which Yuki picked up.

"Mr. Tsukishiro? This is Adam…Josh just got into the car of some guy just now…" after briefly explaining the man's appearance, Yuki smiled slightly.

"It's nothing to worry about, Josh is one lucky guy to have a friend like you" he said cheerfully.


The trip was awkwardly quiet. Eriol and Josh mentally thanked God when they finally pulled over in front of a coffee shop nearby.

Seating themselves and ordering something each, they stared each other down.

Eriol sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, a habit he realized he did whenever he got nervous or edgy. In this case, both.

"Ma told you, didn't she…" Josh suddenly inquired, looking Eriol in the eye.

Eriol noted how much like his mother Josh was, but he could tell some traits that were indeed, his. The same stubborn jaw, the same eye shape, and a combination of his and her eye colors.

Eriol nodded.

Josh sighed and leaned back in his seat, running his fingers through his hair, which caused Eriol to gaze dumbly. "Well this is awkward…" he grumbled.

"Just a little…" his father nodded.

"Daidouji!" called a male voice from the door. Josh glanced over to see who called him before groaning and placing a fake smile on his face.

"Heya coach!" he greeted with fake enthusiasm.

"Don't forget, the final match is tomorrow night at seven, and remember to bring people to watch, we want the stadium to be packed…will your mother be watching?"

Eriol frowned at the way this man mentioned Tomoyo, and the glint that man held in his eyes…

"Yeah, no way I could forget. I'm sure everyone in the house'll be there, my aunt and uncle are in town, they might come too. Ma might if she's not too busy."

"Good, good, well see you all there!"

As the man walked away, Josh breathed out a sigh of relief before sinking down into his seat. Seeing the confused look on his father's face, he explained in a couple phrases.

"He's my basketball coach. He has an interest in Ma. I don't like him."

Eriol nodded, and made a mental note to keep an eye on this man, but something else Josh said had also caught his attention.

"You play basketball?"


Tomoyo got home after a long tedious day of work, and still couldn't believe herself for ruining what she had with Eriol.

"Tadaima…" she called weakly to anyone who was home.

"Okairi," came the greeting from Yuki on his way down the stairs. "How was work? You look absolutely dreadful…" he teased as he took her things from her arms.

Her only response was a groan. "Where're Touya and Josh?"

"Touya's still at work, there's some party at the restaurant with a bunch of rich fools or something, so he'll be home late. Josh went out for dinner."

"Oh? With who? Adam?"

"No, Hiiragizawa-san,"

Tomoyo stood in shock and jumped when the door opened and two laughing males entered the door.

"Hi Ma!" Josh greeted, taking off his shoes and greeting his frozen mother with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Tomoyo," Eriol smiled, following his son's example but giving Tomoyo a gentle kiss on the lips.

"What's for dinner?" Josh asked a little loudly to Yuki, who laughed in response.

"I was feeling a little sushi, come help me."

Josh and Yuki walked a little more quickly than necessary to the kitchen and shut the door, leaving Josh's parents in awkward silence. Tomoyo wouldn't look up from her feet and Eriol wouldn't stop staring at her.

"Stop…" she murmured, jumping slightly when she was pushed against the wall and an arms placed on either side of her so she couldn't escape. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught as he breathed butterfly kisses down her neck to the edge of her collared shirt.

"Stop…what…" he replied, not stopping as he gently nipped at exposed pale flesh, earning a stifled moan.

"…that…" she slightly groaned, smothering her own desires for this man and restraining herself from grabbing his face and kissing him senseless.

"What…this?" he asked cheekily, lips still pressed against her neck. "Part of me feels you really want me to continue…Now tell me, Miss Tomoyo…" he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other buried in her hair. "…What would you want me to do?" without warning, he removed the hand around her waist and pressed it against her chest, earning a gasp.

"Don't!" she cried, weakly trying to push him away, needless to say, her attempts were unsuccessful. She felt her self control slowly ebbing away, but she willed it to stay just a little longer.

"Don't what…" he breathed against her chin, hands not moving from their positions.

"Stop…" she half moaned, finding herself pressing her body against his, causing Eriol to smile as his lips moved higher.

"Don't stop?" he teased, nipping the corner of her lips.

She reached her arms out and grasped his face and thrust her tongue into his mouth, which he welcomed, and kissed back.

"Don't stop…" she repeated, and Eriol was glad to comply.

They jumped in surprise and broke away when the kitchen door swung open and Yuki fell out with Josh, both swearing when they realized they've been caught.

Eriol raised an eyebrow, and Tomoyo glared at her roommate and son, said two laughing nervously.

"Umm…Dinner's served?" Yuki tried weakly, giving a huge smile at the interrupted couple and their son, who nodded eagerly, and dashed out of the room, Yuki following his example.

When they left, Tomoyo started giggling. This earned a chuckle from Eriol, and soon they were laughing in each others' arms. Tomoyo sighed in content, placing her head on his shoulder, arms wound around him. Eriol smiled and tightened his hold around Tomoyo's form, placing his chin on her head.

"Shall we have another go after dinner?" he asked innocently, earning a laugh and a swat on the arm from Tomoyo, who then placed a finger to her chin, pretending to ponder for a moment.

"Sure, but we take it to the bedroom and make sure to lock the door," she murmured with a wink.

Eriol simply laughed.


Eriol sat at the table later that night with a cup of tea in his hands, reading a book and waiting for Tomoyo to come out of the shower. He looked up in surprise when he saw Josh bounding down the stairs.

"You wear glasses?" he asked in surprise, and noticed Josh's eyes were a different color too.

"Only at home. I have basketball at school and I've broken my glasses on more than one occasion, so I just wear contacts. Plus they're colored."

Eriol blinked and smiled as he noted Josh's eyes were really a clear cerulean blue.

At the café, they had learned more about each other, after opening up with a little basketball talk, and were amazed that a lot of Josh's hobbies and behaviors were like Eriol's. So now conversation between the two came easily, as they talked about anything and everything.

Tomoyo then came down the stairs and smiled from the doorway in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, watching father and son talk, and started comparing their looks.

With glasses, Josh looked exactly like a young Eriol, except with her hair and smile.

Both noticed they were being watched and turned to smile at Tomoyo, who smiled back and went to sit down next to Eriol, who took her hand.

Josh watched the two, grinning before launching the question.

"So are you two together now or what?"


"I'm sorry, normally Josh is more behaved than that and won't ask such blunt questions…"

"Again, it's ok. Yeesh you're making it sound like being together with me is a bad thing…"

"NO, no, really it's not, it's a wonderful thing, it's just he was so…BLUNT and to the point…"

"That just proves he's your son,"

"He's OUR son,"

"True…" Eriol pulled Tomoyo in his arms under the covers. "I like hearing that…OUR son…" he murmured against her neck, causing her to giggle.

"Well he is…" she whispered, turning over to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I wanna sleep, I have a big meeting tomorrow morning…Oyasumi, Eriol…sweet dreams ne?" she gave him a peck on the lips and snuggled closer.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head. "Oyasumi Tomoyo…I'll have sweet dreams if they're about you…"

(A/N: could you BE anymore cheesy?)


Months passed and Eriol practically moved in with his guardians, and he and Tomoyo became official. After the whole hospital incident, Sakura protested she didn't want to be so far from her best friend, and so she moved to LA with Syaoran and to Josh's glee, Xiao Fa, whom we'll call Hana.

So life was good now that everyone was back in one place, although that one place was an ocean away from their original homes.

Weeks ago, everyone had attended the marriage of Mizuki Kaho and her fiancée.

They were proud to say Eriol was unaffected and was even able to congratulate his ex on her joyous day, which earned him a kiss from Tomoyo.

A few weeks later, we found Eriol, once again in this sinfully boring fic, waiting for his lady love in a quaint, candle-lit, elegant restaurant, fingering a small box in his pocket nervously while rehearsing lines over and over in his head.

'Will you marry me…will you marry me…will you marry me…'

Soon he stood up so fast he had a bit of a head rush as he saw her dash into the restaurant, a little breathless, in a nice loose black dress that simply suited her; simple and elegant.

They kissed each other in greeting before sitting down and ordering. They chatted about anything and everything before they ate, and once they were done, Eriol was confident and as ready as he'll ever be to pop the question. But she beat him to it.

"…We need to talk…" she mumbled, a little uncomfortably, looking anywhere but directly at him. Eriol frowned with a sense of déjà vu.

"No…Tomoyo, no you can't do this to me!" he was frantic by now as he realized this happened 16 or so years ago, a conversation just like this when he was still seeing Kaho…the conversation they had before she had ruthlessly dumped him.

Tomoyo just stared and blinked in shock and confusion. "Eriol, sweetie, what are you saying?" his panic had spread to her, as she started getting a little scared. "What's going on?"

"You're gonna dump me tonight, aren't you. The same way Kaho did,"

"I'm not dumping you! And besides, it's not awkward between us, it never would be, and it still feels right, and it should always be, I still love you, sweetie."

Eriol physically relaxed as he slumped forward and grabbed her hands, pressing them against his lips. "Thank GOD, I don't know how I would have been able to take it if you did decide to break it off with me, I would have done something stupid…" he murmured, trailing kisses up her arm, which made her laugh.

"Rest assured, I'm not dumping you, and don't worry, I won't anytime soon, as long as you'll still have me and as long as you're not tired of me."

"That'll never happen…" he whispered in response from his place on her neck.

"Well…even so…I still need to talk to you about something…"

"Yes?" he asked, breaking away, but still grasping her hands.

She gave a nervous smile. "…I'm pregnant."

Eriol blacked out.

(A/N: Hope you guys didn't see THAT coming…)


Eriol blinked up at the white ceiling, trying to remember what happened and why he blanked out, but nothing was reaching his brain.

"You and Tomoyo went out to dinner last night, you passed out, and you've been sleeping since."

Eriol turned and realized Touya was sitting in a chair next to the bed with a somewhat amused smirk on his face. Then it hit Eriol.

"I'm gonna be a dad…" he murmured in shock, putting a hand to his head.

"You already are one you knucklehead." Touya snapped, glaring at Eriol, who blinked in confusion before remembering Josh.

"Right…" he rubbed his eyes in fatigue, "where's Tomoyo?"

"Work. And before you ask, Josh is at school, Yuki is in his office, and I've been in charge of watching you until noon, when Tomoyo's gonna come home and I leave for work." He got up. "I'll get something to eat."

Eriol then remembered the little box in his jacket pocket and dashed to his closet to find the jacket.

What he found was an empty ring box and a tiny note.

Sorry, it fell out of your jacket, and I kinda just took it…and to answer your question, yes I will, and I love you! --Tomoyo

Eriol felt a grin spread across his face and jumped when he heard the door slam open and footsteps run up the stairs. He opened the door to find a flushed, panting Tomoyo about to open the door, with a sparkling ring on her left hand.

"Eriol! Touya just called me, thank God you're awake, I didn't know how you would take it, but I felt you just had to know, I'm so sorry it's all my f--"

Eriol cut her off with a hardcore frenchie, and held her close.

"Just seeing you wear that ring makes me the happiest man alive, and knowing you have…another one of my children growing in you…I can't even start to express …" he murmured between kisses.

Tomoyo beamed and kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer before closing the door.


Months later, Tomoyo's stomach was starting to show, but she didn't let that stop her from going to work and continuing life as normal. She was putting some files away and smiling as she had one hand on her stomach.

'I can't wait for you to grow up…with an actual father in your life…' and she squealed in excitement. Eriol had wanted to get married as soon as possible, but Tomoyo put her pregnancy emotions to action.

In the end, Eriol agreed to get the papers signed (which was already done) and they would have the ceremony and huge fancy celebration (which Eriol had called "party" and led to him sleeping on the couch for a week).

There was a knock on the door and she smiled, thinking it was Eriol. "Come on in!" she yelled, filing some more papers away.

"Hello, Tomoyo-koi…"

She turned around beaming, but scowled when she noticed it wasn't her husband. "Saitou, get out before I kick your ass."

Saitou frowned and approached her. "Darling, you seem to be putting on some weight…"

"I'm pregnant, you dumbass, now get out of here or I'm calling security. If my husband found out you were here he'd rip you apart, then my cousin-in-law would finish you off."

He gave an evil smile and approached her, causing her to grab the vase on her desk as a weapon.

"I'm warning you, stay away from me."

"It's mine, isn't it…from that night we spent…"

Tomoyo stared at him. This guy was insane.

"What kind of a dumbass are you? You raped me 16 years ago, there's no fucking way I'd be pregnant now, and you are the stupidest guy on this whole damn planet."

Saitou frowned and stepped closer. "Have you been cheating on me, you bitch?"

Tomoyo backed up faster, fear gripping her heart as she tripped on her bag and fell backwards, dropping the vase while she was at it. Before it fell to the ground, time froze again.

Saitou stared in confusion before he was thrown into a wall.

Tomoyo blinked in shock before she was yanked to her feet and pulled into a fierce hug. She inhaled and relaxed as she recognized her husband's cologne.

"Baby are you ok, that bastard didn't hurt you did he? I'm gonna fucking kill that son of a bitch…"

Tomoyo simply held him closer and said nothing and let him swear to his hearts content. Better get it out now than pass out and end up in the hospital later.

"I'm fine…can we just call the police to pick up this guy and go home? The baby's tired."

Eriol sighed in relief and tightened his hold on her, kissing her on top of her head. "This baby or the baby growing inside this baby?"

Tomoyo swat him on the arm.


SO the authoress can't be bothered to type anymore, and you can basically guess what happens. Eriol n Tomoyo had a baby, got married, and made more babies. Saitou the SOB got landed in jail for the rest of his miserable little life. Josh and Hana got together and everyone lived happily ever after, and this is the crummiest ending to any fic I've ever read. Whoop-dee-doodle-doo