A/N This was an odd idea that occurred to me, while doing my science homework. Why? I don't know. If you want to see more chapters of this, tell me! If I do continue this, it will in no way slow down my other story. Anyway, here's the first chapter.

In a Pet Shop.

"I'm all alone now. Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me, dammit? You left me all alone here, nothing but a head full of memories to remember you by. You left me, to go to a better place. You left this world, and everything we have is now have is in our Gringott's vault, and our key has exploded in who knows how many bloody pieces! Oh, and no one knows I exist! Because I'm now a cat stuck in a fricking pet shop!"

I sat in my display, licking my paws. I had been thinking about my past again, my past as a human. How Voldemort had transfigured me at the last moment, turning me into a cat at the last moment. I followed him into the main bedroom…where I saw him murder Lily. My Lily. The bastard. And then he tried to kill Harry. But then the curse rebounded on him instead. Ha. For the past nine, or whatever many years had passed, I had been looking for Harry. My baby. But I had been unsuccessful so far. And then I got caught by the wizard pound, wandering Diagon Alley. Then I get put I here the Magical Mangerie. In a little cage. I couldn't even stand up! All I could do was lick my paws, which can get a bit boring if you do it day after day after day.

I pressed my face against the bars. I had my own cage, up the very top. I thought it was inhumane. Well, incatane, what ever you would call it in my current condition. I looked down. There was the various witches and wizards mingling inside. "Buy me." I wanted to say. "Let me out of here." But of course, all I could do was meow. So I meowed. I meowed as loud as I could, but with the various noises the other animals were making, they could not here me. And even if they could, would they understand my wants?

Three more people entered the shop. I sneezed; the cages in this shop were layered in inches of dust. One had bushy brown hair. One looked like his head was on fire, and if I could, I would have grabbed a glass of water and thrown it on his head. But of course I couldn't, I had paws! I tried to throw them in the air; like one might do with hands, but I lost my balance and fell on my stomach.

Then I saw the third person. And I recgonised him. A black, messy mop for hair. Hair I hadn't seen for years. Hair I used to see every time I looked in the mirror when I was a human. When I look in the mirror now, I frighten myself greatly, because I have a great fear of cats.

Could it be Harry?

I jumped out of my cage (It had no top). I had miscalculated my jump slightly, and accidentally landed on fire-boy's head. He let out a yelp of surprise, swiping at me. I jumped down with feline grace I never knew I had. I saw a rat running away, squeaking loudly. Rat and cat are like humans speaking two different languages. Even though, I heard the main gist of his squeaks. "Ah! CAT!" He squeaked as he ran out the door. I turned to look at the mop haired boy. There was no mistaking it. It was Harry. My little Harry, but all grown up. He looked so different, yet so familiar.

It's strange like that. But he was my son. My son, without his parents. "I'm right here you know!" I meowed, waving a paw, but that didn't get me very far.

I couldn't help but think there was something familiar about that rat. Something bad. I hissed at him, and he ran faster. If I could have laughed, I would have, but I couldn't so I didn't.

The two boys left the store, and I heard the fire-boy ask, "What was that?"

And I heard Harry reply; "It was either a very large cat or a very small tiger."

I wanted to yell, "I am neither! It's me, your father! I'm your father!" But I couldn't because cats can't converse in human tongues.

The bushy haired girl was still in the shop. She patted my head. "You're simply gorgeous, aren't you?" I purred, delighted at the praise.

"I'll take him!" She exclaimed, handing over some galleons. She pulled me in her arms and walked outside to meet fire-boy and Harry.

"You bought that thing, Hermione!"

I growled deeply, more like a dog. "I am not a thing!"

"Don't listen to that mean boy, Crookshanks. I think you're gorgeous!"

I jumped down and rubbed myself against Harry's legs. But I wished I could do more. I wish I could have been a father to him, helping him through his life. I wish I could have known what has happened in his life. I wish I knew him. I wish I were me again. Then I could be with Harry. Not as his best friend's cat, but as his father, like I should be!

The Hermione girl scooped back in her arms as we went to the Leaky Cauldron. She took me into her bedroom, and put me on her bed.

"Hi, I'm Hermione." She said, shaking my paw. "I'm a third-year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm a muggle-born, but I think it's great because then I get the best of both worlds and don't have a biased view on things from either world. The red-haired boy you saw before doesn't like you very much. It's because you scared his rat before. Don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll warm up to you eventually. He comes from a pureblood family with six siblings. His name is Ron, a shortened form of Ronald. Finally, the black-haired boy you saw before is Harry." In a lower voice she added, "His parents died when he was a year old. They were mudered by You-Know-Who. He grew up with his mother's sister who doesn't like him very much."

"That's very interesting, Hermione." I felt like saying, "But I already knew that stuff about Harry. 'Cept you got some of it wrong. I'm not dead."

Which left me with one last question. Can cats cry tears?








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See ya!

Thoughts and Pondering