We join Zuko and his uncle who have stopped at an island trading post becauseIroh was out of tea.

Zuko: I don't care that you need tea. I need to capture the Avatar!

Iroh: Do you know how many times you've said that in the past half hour?

Zuko rolled his eyes.

Iroh: 637 times.

Zuko: ...You...counted?

Iroh: Yes. I count everything. How do you think I know when I need more tea? Oh! And I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, and do you want to know something else?

Zuko: No.

Iroh: I never liked your spinach puffs!

Zuko: ...What?

Iroh: Never!

Zuko: Umm...Uncle, I've never made spinach puffs...What the hell are spinach puffs, anyway?

Iroh: I...don't know. Puffs of spinach?

Zuko: GASP! It's the Avatar!

He points to a store in the distance, where Aang, Katara, and Sokka are standing.

Zuko: And the stupid oaf and his stupid...

His voice trailed off as Katara spun around and looked at Zuko. Their eyes locked and for what felt like eternity, they stood there. Suddenly Zuko and Katara were on opposite sides of a flowered meadow. They started running towards each other in slow motion, arms outstretched and smiles wide. They got closer and closer and then... ... ... ... ...they ran past each other and suddenly they were back at the trading post.

Sokka walked up to Zuko.

Sokka: You will never capture the Avatar!

Zuko: I'm not trying to...

Sokka: Because I- -what? Why?

Zuko: Because I'm in love with your father's sister's brother's son's uncle's sister's daughter.

Sokka: ...You mean my sister?

Zuko: No, you're father's sister's brother's son's uncle's sister's daughter.

Sokka: OK, whatever. Katara! Zuko wants to talk to you!

Katara walked over.

Sokka: See ya later!

And he walked off.

Zuko: (dramatically) I can't pretend anymore! I love you, Katara!

Katara: (also dramatically) And I'm in love with you! But we can't go on like this!

Zuko: Wherefore art thou, Katara?

Katara: But I do have good news!

Zuko: What?

Katara: I...just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance be switching to Geico!

Zuko: ...What's a car?

Katara: I don't know, but I saved. And besides, I just realized, it's not you I'm in love with!

Zuko: Then who does your heart belong to?

Katara: Your aunt's son's uncle's wife's brother's evil half nephew!

Zuko: ...Isn't that me?

Katara: No! It's your aunt's son's uncle's wife's brother's evil half nephew!

She started slowly walking backwards, slowly fading away until she was no longer there.

Zuko threw his hands in the air.


He fell on his knees and gasped for breath.


Iroh: (happy) I found my tea! (concerned) What are you shouting about?

Zuko shrugged. "I dunno."

Iroh: Well, let's get back to the ship so we can find the Avatar.

Zuko: I need to capture the Avatar!

Iroh: That would be the 638th time.

Zuko: Uncle, I just had my heart ripped out, torn into a zillion pieces, trampled on, and eaten by a rabid dog. Now, I have to ask you a very important question...

Long pause

Zuko: Why doesn't orange rhyme with anything?