Something I'm writing because I need to clear my mind as I'm writing another fic, that hopefully will be up here soon too.
Well, on with this one:
Rei love Kai, Tala loves Kai, but who doesn Bryan love and does Kai notice the other teens love towards him?
The party will be confusing and who will confess their love first? Oo

Notice: The first two chapters is in first pov to Rei, but I'll change that to normal pov later. blink
I'll leave a lot of parings and events to you my readers. You'll decide a lot. Review and tell me what you would like to happen. Will Voltaire come?
BryanXTalaXKai triangle?
Tyson and Michael?
Max turns into a serial killer? Kai to a bunny jumping on everyone?
Please, any idea is welcomed! even the twisted ones. Also, what about Ozumas team? should they be there too? maybe to sneek around and take some bitbeasts. Hehehe... Anyway:

Remark: It's a Yaoi, shonen-aific. but Hillary and Mariah is also in so there can be some female/female is you like that.

Disclames: Don't own Beyblade, but I do own this chapter, so... don't take it from me! cries

This is boring!


"Ah, and tired." I mutter as I stretch my legs and arms before falling back down on my bed. A though to change to some better clothes, instead of my usual blading ones that I wear now, crosses my mind, but I push it away. I got bigger things on my mind than changing clothes.


What should I do? I can't exactly tell him straight out: 'Hi, wanna love me?'
Besides, he would probably laugh and … no, that's not like him. He would say something like: 'you're sick.' Or 'you're confused.' Or just 'hn'
That would really hurt me.
I roll over to my stomach to try and think better.
Nope, it doesn't work. I still think he'll reject me. I'm stupid, how can I believe that he, the most beautiful phoe…
I wake up from my thoughts as the room's door was opened.


I watch carefully with my amber eyes as my captain comes into our room, closes the door and then sits down on the short side of his bed. He's silent, as usual, and I can't help but to stare –I eye him up and down, taking in every curve and detail.
I roll over to my right side to get a better view –the angel of darkness and fire of my dreams is in front of me.

He's so cute, sexy… I want him.

Kai bends down to take of his shoes and suddenly asks me: "What are you staring at?"

Widen eyes.

As of the result of taken by surprise I blush big time.
"Ah-I was just. I mean. I …" I stutter and he takes of his second shoe.
Think of something Rei! I panic.
"Er, well. Hmm. I was just wondering why you look so…" Hot I scream in my mind but decided to go with 'down'.

"Tyson." He replies coldly and places himself in the middle of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Always Tyson on his nerves…Kai's strong. Kai's beautiful. Mine. I muse and smile slightly.

"What's so funny?" Kai asks and I become stern.

How the hell could he have seen me? Did I laugh loudly or something? I quickly roll to my back and answer: "Nothing. Just a thought I had."

Kai ends the conversation with his usual 'hn' and then remains silent.

I decide, since there's no more to talk about, to sleep a little, after all it was gonna be a party later this night and I might as well be awake than dead tired.
But it's hard to sleep when the person you love is just a few meters away, lying, waiting…

I close my eyes.

but sadly he doesn't notice me. I sigh at my depressing thought and slowly falls into dream world.

So, there we go, first chapter! How did I do? Review people! make up your mind on the parings!
Have a nice day