Countdown: 5 days 20 hours 2 minutes

Harry had ended up having a horrible day after the getting woken up early that morning He had fallen asleep at the breakfast table right in Ginny's lap, which in it self was a very excellent thing. The problem was Ron had come back at that moment having forgotten to tell him something. To think of it now Harry never actually did find out what Ron wanted. All he knew was that Ron had stormed over and started yelling at the two of them calling Ginny a scarlet wo… that was actually as far as he got before Harry punched him.

Cut to before the game.

"I'm your best mate, and that my little sister, you're not allowed to do things to her," Ron yelled his voice filled with rage at the thought of betrayal.

"So what just cause he's your bloody friend he cant date me. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard Ronald." Ginny had said glaring at him, resembling her mother very well.

"Yeah that's what it means, and you just wait till I write home and tell her how much of a scarlet wo…" That was where Harry had jumped punching Ron in the nose.

"You may be acting like a prate and all but you're still my best mate. So you are not going to call her that." Harry had said before offering a hand to help him up with.

Ron had looked at it, with such betrayal and hurt in his eyes that made Harry almost feel bad about his relationship with Ginny almost that is. Ron chose that moment to do the stupidest thing of his life, he spit in Harry's hand. "Your not my bloody best mate no more." He says before storming off. Harry had quickly whipped his hand off and grabbed the back of Ginny's robes as she started to give chase her wand all ready out.

End flash back

So Harry was relatively surprised when he saw Ron at the quiditch pitch a few minutes later. Ron had not said one word to anybody, and then had his best game ever actually scoring a point for Gryffindor. The game ended at 520 to 30 Ravenclaw of course lost. Now Harry figured that would of cheered Ron up and maybe even given him his blessings. Well maybe that was a bit much but still.

Now at the after Party Ginny and Harry were enjoying not having to worry about Ron for once, though Harry tried not to be to obvious for Ron's benefit, mostly just holding and dancing with Ginny. That was of course till Ron had decided well no one actually knew what went on in Ron's head and everything. So it was quite a shock to see him on the couch on top of lavender snogging the hell out of her.

Ginny of course had taken the cue for this, if her brother was going to do that in public, then she had every right to go do things to Harry upstairs in Harry's bed. So she had grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him up the boys stair case and threw him inside closing the door behind her covering the howls form some boys in her year. This of course was great for Harry since Ginny had taken the time to change before joining the party with Harry. "Pink?" Harry had ask with a smile, as much as Ginny complained that it didn't match her hair, she still looked very hot in it at least to Harry.

Ginny had leaned up and whispered in his ear "That's not all that's pink," she had told him before moving his hands down to her pants. Unbuttoning them while Ginny jokingly slapped his hand and in a fake voice of an innocent girl who was getting rapped "No, don't…" They both stopped when they heard the door open.

Okay now imagine the scene here, your innocent little sister is under your best mate who is still your best mate you're just fighting right now. Her shirt is off revealing a pink lacy bra, when you didn't even realize that she needed a bra at all. Now his hands are on her pants which are down to her knees at the moment and she is telling him to stop and sounds scared. You realize that there is no way Harry would ever rape her. Your brain told you this once, but right now it says to murder the boy who once lived. You totally forget the fact that you came up here with a girl to do the exact same thing.

Cut to the here and now. Harry had a few cut and bruises but was over all ok, Ginny of course was a bit embarrassed at having her brother see her in her knickers and all but still there were worse things. Ron was in the next bed over with a black eye and a couple long cuts. Gryffindor was luckily still in the lead in points since none of the teachers had found out.

"Hey there is my big brave shinning knight in Armor awake?" a voice asks as Harry feels someone press down on top of him the covers going up as if to let someone on under there before the invisibility cloak falls to the ground revealing a red haired woman wearing a muggle shirt that was a few sizes to big for her though if she wanted to keep anyone from looking under neath it it was just the right length to keep them form getting a easy peek.

"Yeah, just didn't expect to see you." Harry says with a smile enfolding her with his arms and pulling her against his chest before giving her a kiss.

"Well what can I say I figure you would need a reward," she says and giggles before turning over so her back is to him. "You get to sleep with me tonight, but you weren't quite good enough for anything more than sleep" she whispers before falling asleep.

Looking back on it Harry figured the day could have been a lot worse.


Ok now kind of confusing just a lot of flash backs but I figure you guys would like a update some time so here is one.