Chapter 9

A Passion and a Debt

"Here is the key," Kagura announced as she unlocked the basement door, "so we had a deal?"

"I have your money," Sesshoumaru opened up his wallet.

"I think I am going to have to double the price we agreed on. I am Naraku's loyal employee and this is a good enough excuse for him to terminate me."

"Fine," he growled as he put the wallet away and signed a check instead, "this is more than enough for you to live off of if that happens."

"Very well Mr. Murashu. Enjoy your time with Miss. Higurashi."

Kagura chuckled as the arrogant ass went through door and back into the basement. She was actually instructed to get Sesshoumaru into that basement anyways since it was close to Kagome's feeding time, but why not get a few dollars out of it before he was devoured?

Sesshoumaru had been thinking about confronting the mermaid for the last few hours now, and his dreams would become a reality. Since she was going to bring such pleasure to his life after this it would be fair to warn her about their escape plan. He would get her out of hee if he had to dive into the tank and grab her himself.

"Kagome," he knew she wasn't asleep this time, because if she was he would be standing in front of the tank wanting to share her dream.

Kagome was acting odd because she had her back turned to him. Her tongue flicked across the top of her mouth feeling that two of her teeth were sharper than before. They were probably her fangs that she was going to use to eat Sesshoumaru with.

"You need to leave," she spoke.

"My mermaid will not give me such commands Kagome."

"This mermaid doesn't belong to anybody! Not you or Naraku. I am telling you this for your own good Sesshoumaru. Stop visiting me and stop having my dreams, I don't want you to be hurt."

The dreams and obsession had Sesshoumaru not thinking right and he released an animal like growl in a rage, "you were mine ever since that day on Village Island."

"Listen I am not- Village Island? How do you know about that place?"

Along with his checkbook that he had been using to bribe whoever stood in his way of Kagome Sesshoumaru also held a file. He threw it on the ground where the tank's light made an illuminated square for her to see.

"I knew, but I had my workers dig up anything on you to make sure I was correct. You are Kagome Higurashi whose mother died and father abandoned you with your grandparents Hiten and Destiny. After your grandmother died Hiten began abusing you until child services had you placed with the Higurashi family who made a good income and let you live a happy life."

Kagome's mouth remained open before she got control of herself forgetting that she had the urge to eat the man in front of her, "Why would you need to know that?"

"When I was younger I did childish things like build sandcastles with you and your cousin after being injured and taken care of by you."

Kagome tried to remember that, but it wasn't easy since she was so young at the time. It was hard remembering anything before her grandmother's passing and grandfather's abuse since that seemed to be the highlight of her childhood.

"That cousin of yours expanded my mind a bit when she told the story of your relative who met the mermaids. It was all proven correct a few month's later when we met the mermaid."

"So you were-

Sesshoumaru nodded, "that boy was me Kagome."

Kagome had a hard time picturing it all, because she admired the boy from her dream so much she had always imagined him looking like Kouga and actually forgot his real face. Had it actually been Sesshoumaru?

"We both saw the mermaid together then," she said.

"Keep looking Kagome," Hiten growled as his granddaughter followed him on the beach, "we haven't found shit!"

Kagome nodded to her grandfather. Unfortunate events quickly took over after Grandma Destiny's passing. Hiten often drank himself to sleep every day so all the crops and livestock were unmanaged and died. Now there was no money and everyday they were losing things, and by noon tomorrow they had to be out of the house.

While drinking and beating his grand daughter Hiten didn't return to his religion, so no one would hire him for work. With those limits the only thing he could do to afford his drinks and have some stability in their lives was to be a lurker. Day after day they scanned the beach digging through the dangerous driftwood for valuables that could be pawned off. Kikyo's downing words about lurkers played in Kagome's head every afternoon when she searched through the junk.

"Kagome there is a pile over there," Hiten pointed at some driftwood.

"That's the pile I went through earlier," Kagome looked at a scratch on her arm and remember fondly hurting herself on some kind of piece of useless metal.

"Well look again!" he held almost ready to take the belt from his waist, which was a move that demanded obedience from the girl.

Kagome nodded before he grabbed on to her shoulder and pulled her back, "Wait a minute. What in the hell is that? Come on!"

Maybe her grandfather had started early drinking this day or Hiten might have actually found something that could save them from being evicted. Kagome quickly followed to where the tide pools were. Kagome liked playing in those pools with the crabs, but she never had time anymore.

"What in the hell," he repeated, "Kagome stay back."

Kagome put her hands over her mouth when she saw it. Lying among the puddles was some kind of fish covered in spikes with webbed limps. It had terrifying eyeballs as it it's head was arched up making a horrible sound. It was as though it was calling for help or begging for mercy. The whole sight was rather terrifying.

Hiten moved forward and tried to grab at the creature, but a spike cut up his hand pretty well. All he could do was take his belt, find a smooth area of scales on the arm to wrap the belt around, and painfully drag it closer away from the water so there would be no escape.

"This is it," he rubbed his hands together like the greedy old man he was, "when this is seen I will be rich. Get off this sinful island and return to living. You, girl! I have to get some one over here. Watch this thing."

She was then left alone with the creature, and she felt unnerved every time it cried out. It wanted help. Did it have a family who would help it, or was it an orphan with no chance in the world like Kagome? She couldn't feel sympathetic though, because it was going to save her grandfather meaning perhaps a better life,

"Please calm down," Kagome kneeled next to the creature but kept a good distance since it was thrashing around, "what are you?"

That was when Sesshoumaru came into the picture. He had been running away from home again when he came across the tide pools and the mermaid. With such an issue they never had time to officially state they already knew each other.

"It's a mermaid," Sesshoumaru stated as he watched the thing fail around, "I have to tell my dad."

"No!" Kagome's arm reached out and grabbed on to his, "that will ruin it for my grandpa."

Sesshoumaru being the little boy he was wasn't going to stand for that, "I found it also so it is also mine!"

He reached down to grab at the belt and drag it away for himself, but Kagome quickly stopped him, "You will get cut just like my grandpa. It has a lot of spikes."

"Stop it from failing then woman."


"Can't you sing?" the boy could briefly remember being told about mermaids and a singing woman named Midoriko awhile back before Inuyasha was born.

Kagome not only had knowledge about her ancestor's encounter with the mermaids, but she also remembered the song her grandmother had taught her, "okay."

"Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing. Onward the Sailor's cry."

"It's working. It is calming down."

"Carrying the lad that's born to be king, onward to sea to sky."

The mermaid did indeed calm down, but still seemed worried and in pain. It really was like a fish out of water whose eyes were shock and gasping for air.

"What's wrong with it?" Kagome was now able to get closer and run her fingers against the smooth scales.

Sesshoumaru was also touching, "it's too dry. This puddle isn't good enough."

"Will it be fine when my grandpa gets here?"

"Probably not."

Kagome wanted her grandfather to be proud of her for the first time in his life, so she wanted to very much do a good job of watching the creature, but she couldn't stand seeing it in so much pain. Sesshoumaru on the other hand just wanted the credit for finding it, but the fish was just darn right pathetic looking to him. Eventually the two started pushing it out of the puddles and closer to the ocean.

The mermaid had a wail that forced the two to stop and cover their ears while it's breath smelled like a rotting corpse. It was nothing like the mermaids they had heard tales about, but there was something human about it that begged for help.

"Just a little more," Sesshoumaru grunted when they almost had it to the water.

Kagome nodded as she was quietly singing the song so she wouldn't be hurt in the process.

"Hey!" the little girl quickly tensed up and fell backwards when her grandfather's voice was heard.

Sesshoumaru wasn't alarmed by the voice. He kept pushing and then resorted to untying the belt so it wouldn't become an issue for the mermaid later when it was swimming home.

"Dammit boy that's mine," Hiten swatted at Sesshoumaru knocking him down to the ground, "There will be men here in a few seconds and-

"Grandpa it's crying and-

"I have heard enough from you wench. You ruined my life and your mother's before killing my wife. Ruin this and I will see to it that you are dead."

Sesshoumaru recoiled and wasn't going to take commands from some farmer, so he went back to pushing. The tail fin lifted up and gave him a scratch above his nose, but he kept going. Kagome didn't understand why the boy continued to push even though he was threatened by Hiten. He was the bravest boy she had ever met. She wanted to be brave to so she returned to singing. Besides the mermaids had once cared for Midoriko. Kagome's whole family owed the mermaids, and she would be the one to buy the debt.

Hiten let out a scream when the scaly creature got to the water and the last they saw of it was it's tail fin. In his rage his hand went out, grabbed Kagome by the throat, and threw her to the ground.

"I will kill you!" he screamed but he then stopped when the mean he spoke about earlier then appeared.

No one in town believed the tale about the mermaids, but they were all quickly there gossiping about the little girl who was abused. Hiten was quickly taken into custody right after Kagome was examined for bruises. It was then decided that she would be removed from the Yamada family for good.

"Sesshoumaru," Inutashio placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "what is going on here? I heard a girl was beaten."

Sesshoumaru nodded, "Me and her freed a mermaid, and he tried to interfere. She told me she is going to be placed with another family."

"Really?" he questioned, "maybe I should talk with the island officals. I know a family that has been looking for a girl her age to adopt- what? Mermaid?"

"The girl discovered a mermaid and we tried to save it. It gave me this scratch."

"So you were here when this girl was hurt by the man?"

"Only a few feet away."

"Did the man hurt you? If he did I will put him away for a long time."

"No it was the mermaid."

"Sesshoumaru there will be no more of this."

"My father made me see many shrinks after that," Sesshoumaru spoke, "I eventually got my way out of it by telling them it was nothing, but I haven't forgotten. You were that little girl."

"So it was you," Kagome shook her head before she began to rub her eyes, "listen- you need to-

"Quit yawning!" he revealed an angry side of himself Kagome never would have imagined he had as his fist pounded on the glass, "you are going to be mine! With legs you will be my wife, without you will be my mermaid."

Kagome didn't like this side of Sesshoumaru at all. Actually she never liked the cold calm side either, but there was something that attracted her to him. Not only did she not want to eat him, but she also didn't want him to change or have them forget each other. Besides the dolphins Sesshoumaru had been her only company and she liked it when he joined her.

It was then that she came up with a plan that would knock some sense into Sesshoumaru. She swam to the back of the tank before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Her visitor let it go since he wasn't going to try and capture her until tonight, and this meant he would get another dream. He smirked as things began to turn hazy.

"Kagome," Sesshoumaru walked into his bedroom to discover his wife sleeping in his bed where she was retire every night, "are you awake?"

She showed signs of being only half asleep, so he decided to stimulate her by kicking off his shows to crawl on the bed and kiss her on the forehead. She smiled before opening her eyes to meet his gaze.

"Did you get what I left for you?"

Kagome revealed her wrist that was wrapped with a diamond watch. If she was like most wealthy housewives then she was expected to service him in bed after receiving such an expensive gift.

"I love it, but not as much as I love you."

Sesshoumaru didn't expect Kagome's dreams to have dialogue no better than that of porn, but sex was sex. Things would be a lot better when Sesshoumaru got her out of Naraku's clutches and he could taste her for real.

Kagome could now see what she was doing. Why did she use such a corny line? And just because she liked Sesshoumaru a bit and thought he was good looking didn't mean he deserved this from her yet, and she didn't have to take it since this was her dream and she had the power to change it anytime she wanted.

"Wait Sesshoumaru!"

"What?" he asked removing his hand from the zipper of his pants.

"These dreams are consuming you and trying to trap you. This needs to stop."

His hand was stroking her hair, "What are you going on about?"

There was only one thing she could do to finally knock some sense into him. The boring room that was designed from him echoed after she smacked him across the face. As his hand rested on his cheek his eyes held the shock of being caught of guard.

"Sesshoumaru you idiot! Can't you see these dreams are a trap? Naraku has turned me into a mermaid that eats humans, and you are my target! I don't want to starve to death and I don't want to kill you. So get back to normal and find a way to help me and Inuyasha."

Sesshoumaru stood up as the bed and the room all disappeared. Now that the truth was revealed the reality created by the two shattered leaving them in darkness.

"You are asking me to free another mermaid?" was his only reply.

"Sesshoumaru you have to know a scientist or someone who can help me and my friends. I'm begging you."

He turned his back on her, "Dr. Tirone is a lot smarter than Naraku when it comes to these things and might be able to help you. She can also dig up the proof that Naraku did this to you and he will be put away."

Kagome smiled as she ran forward to hug him feeling grateful for the use of her legs, "You will help!"

He put his arms around her and held her close, "You are a Siren trying to lure me in, and the spell hasn't been broken. I still saw what I desired."

She sighed not protesting being in his arms. The dream really brought out the best and worst of Sesshoumaru. Even though they were going to stop Naraku's evil plan and get her fixed before she could hurt anybody he would never snap out of the illusion the dream gave him. When someone has been so close to their true desire they will never forget.

"Tell me," he calmly whispered, "was your desire in that dream?"

She nodded, "the Higurashi's are my parents and have been ever since I was adopted, but still I have that orphan fear of eventually being tossed aside just like my dad did to me. With my own happy family like the one in the dream there was enough stability and security and felt that I could finally be loved."

"You can with me Kagome."

Things remained like that for a while longer before the two used the remainder of the dream and Sesshoumaru's sanity to come up with a plan. Tomorrow Kagome would be free.

(End of Chapter 9)

AN: Is this rated M? If it is I will quickly change it because I have decided no sex scenes. There was going to be a bit more of an exchange between Kagome and Sesshoumaru before she smacked him, but after writing an all sex chapter of Marriage of Convenience I wasn't in the mood. Anyways I promise to the almighty stars above that there will be no more dream or flash back sequences. Next chapter is the very last, and then this will be the very first fanfic I have ever completed without promises of a sequel, what? Psh, I don't know what this Teen Blues you speak of is nor do I know if it will ever be updated.

Cookie Tirone: Notice your spot in the fic? That is your gift for all your great reviews. That's what Tamasha has done to give back to her hyperactive reviewers community.

Miyavi Fangirl: Thank you very much for your review. Nothing really bad happened in this chapter, but everything will be recapped and taken care of in the next chapter.

Thanks to all of the other reviewers as well for reviewing, because if you didn't this would be in the trashcan with Shadow Filled Hearts at the moment.