"Let me begin by offering my condolences to those who have lost loved ones to this abomination and praise for the bravery of these who stood against it," Cho began. Tonks mused that she wasn't Minister for nothing, she knew how to give a good speech.

Harry Potter and the Curse of Riddle House

by arukas

Away from the nervous energy that was the scene around the Riddle Stone, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat quietly in Gryffindor common room. The fire crackled away to itself, providing the only real noise in the room. Hermione busied herself by writing a letter, more like a report of sorts, to Lupin and the other Order members. She assumed they would be interested to know what had really happened rather than hear Cho's version. She did however gloss over some of the details, the spell she had used to hold the creatures back being one of them. The gruesome nature of the casualties they had suffered being another. She shuddered a little as the images of those creatures ripping into people forced their way into her mind and lodged themselves in firmly.

"We need to investigate the stone." Harry said. Hermione jumped in surprise at the sudden noise while Ron just leaned forward, a dangerous smirk on his face. Ever since the battle with Voldemort he had changed; not necessarily for the better she thought. He was almost reckless with his life now, taking on the most dangerous assignments at work like he was testing himself. It was almost like he was pushing his luck as far as it would go, like he was searching for the situation that would push him to the limit.

"Was wondering when you were gonna suggest that. Count me in." Ron said. Harry nodded at him and Hermione felt her blood run cold and then boil in rapid succession.

"What's the matter with you two? We almost get killed fighting those things and that stupid stone and now you want to go rushing into it just to have a look around?!" She exclaimed.

"We need to make sure more of those things aren't just gonna come flying out at any moment." Ron countered.

"And we need to make sure the stone is down for good." Harry added. Hermione scowled at both of them.

"You're both so stupidly reckless, why are you so keen to die?" She demanded. Instantly she felt hollow; she had just got Harry back and now she was talking about him dying again.

"Who said anything about dying? I don't intend to do anything of the sort." Ron protested. Hermione's moment of contemplation ended and she rounded on Ron.

"Oh don't give me that, you've been taking stupid risks ever since that night!" She cried.

"Come off it Hermione." Ron muttered. He stood and walked over to the fire.

"What about the Baxter Manor incident? All those inferi, you were in the hospital for five weeks!" Hermione complained. Ron sighed and turned to face her.

"So? I'm fine now right? Get off your high horse Hermione, you can't control my life anymore. You walked away from that a long time ago." He spat. Hermione recoiled hurt; why had be brought that up? Harry remained sitting in his chair but his face was creased with confusion now. The lion-trimmed bandana did look much better Hermione thought absently.

"Ron…" She sighed.

"Forget it. I'm going in to work for a while, have some reports to write. I'll be back in a few hours okay Harry?" Ron called over his shoulder as he walked out of the portrait hole.

"Sure." Harry called after him.

"Ron wait!" Hermione demanded but he didn't stop.

"I think I missed something." Harry said after a long moment of silence.

"How could you just let him walk out of here?" Hermione demanded, ignoring Harry's statement. She didn't want to talk about that, not right now.

"I'm pretty sure he's old enough to make his own decisions now Hermione." He countered. Hermione fumed and smashed her fist down on an unsuspecting table.

"I know that you git, but that doesn't mean he's not going to get himself killed!" She cried angrily. Harry remained impassive despite her explosion and for a moment Hermione wondered whether something more was wrong with him.

"Harry? Hoo-ooo, you in there?" She called, waving her hand in front of his face as she did.

"That's pretty pointless you know, waving you hand like that." He said with a smirk. Hermione recoiled as she realized her mistake.

"Oh right… I guess it was." She muttered.

"What happened between you and Ron?" He mentioned again. Hermione rolled her eyes and flopped down into one of the old armchairs.

"Fine, ignore my concerns. I think it's about time you two grew up and stopped looking for the next big adventure already." She muttered.

"That's not fair." Harry said softly. Hermione looked over at him then and sighed; his expression was hard to read with the cloth over his eyes but still she thought she knew what he was thinking.

"I didn't mean it to come out like that." She replied.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. You told us not to go in, to wait for back up at the very least." He conceded.

"So why didn't you listen to me?!" Hermione cried, her emotions finally spilling over the barrier she had built up over the years. Three long years, for three long years she had been wanting to ask him that question! Wishing against all logic that he would just walk up behind her one day.

"Hermione…" Harry began.

"No! Don't you Hermione me! Do you know what we went through, what I went through?" She demanded. Harry furrowed his brow.

"Do you know what losing you did to me?" She continued. Suddenly she realized what she was saying and gasped; had he noticed.

"That's why you and Ron aren't together." Harry said knowingly. Hermione gulped and looked away, her cheeks warming slightly.

"I didn't say that." She defended.

"So the two of you were together at one point?" Harry guessed. Hermione sighed and flopped down onto the beaten old couch in front of the fire. It was several long moments before she could bring herself to look at Harry; he had trapped her, rather well actually, she mused.

"Yeah, for a little while we were. Happy now?" She sighed. Harry surprised her by shrugging and looking away.

"I'm not sure." He replied mysteriously. Hermione frowned and took a moment to plump the pillows on her chair.

"Don't try and act all cool and mysterious around me Harry Potter." She chastised when she was satisfied her chair was comfortable. Harry shrugged again and leaned back in his own chair, resting head against the frame.

"I'm glad you never forgot about me." He said softly.

"What?" Hermione whispered back, not quite believing what her ears were telling her he had said.

"That is, I'm glad you never gave up on me." He corrected, turning to 'look' at Hermione.

"Oh Harry." Hermione gushed as she leapt out of her seat and threw herself into his arms. She encircled him in a fierce hug, squeezing tight around is firm shoulders and chest. His metal arm was cool and hard compared to the rest of him but she found she didn't care. He was here, he was actually here! She kept reminding herself that he had been back for a while now, that she shouldn't be so emotional all the time. But somehow she couldn't control it, couldn't keep it all bottled up anymore. For three long years she had wondered what had become of him; the first had been the hardest of course, during which time she had scoured ministry readouts and ancient tomes for any information on the dome that had incased Riddle House. "I'm just so glad you're safe now." She sobbing, wondering when it was she had started crying. Slowly Harry's arms moved to encircle her, his limbs seemed unsure of where to come to rest but finally settled on the small of her back. His hug was gentle but reassuring and she could feel him smile.

"You must have changed a lot Hermione if you consider fighting those creatures across the grounds of Hogwarts safe." He teased.

"Oh shut up." Hermione replied, slapping him playfully on the chest. "You. Do not. Get. To make. Jokes." She said, punctuating each word with another blow to Harry.

"Alright, alright I yield." He cried as he brought his good arm around to defend himself.

"Damn right you do." Hermione huffed as she put her hands on her hips and lorded her victory over Harry.

"Come here." Harry said casually as he extended his arms. Hermione suddenly realized she was sitting on his lap still and the faintest of blushes crept onto her cheeks as she eased down into another hug. Unlike the last one though, which had been desperate and emotional, this one was slow and comforting. Harry's arms immediately snaked around her, one landing on her lower back and the other sinking into her hair; his fingers playing with the long curly locks they found their. Hermione sighed contentedly as she enjoyed the loving embrace. She and Harry had always enjoyed such wonderful hugs, it was as if the two of them had a special gift to make the other feel better with the simple gesture.

"I missed being able to do this." She whispered.

"Hugging?" Harry asked.

"Everything." Hermione corrected as she snuggled down lower and rested her head on Harry's chest.

"Me too." He replied softly. But Hermione had already stopped listening, in fact she had forgotten altogether the words they had just exchanged. She pressed her head firmly into Harry's chest, her arms squeezing him slightly in an effort to make them as close as possible.

"Harry…" She breathed.

"Hmm?" He replied innocently. Hermione strained her ears to their limit, willing her mind to block out the sounds of the fire crackling and the rhythmic tune of Harry breathing. Where was it, why couldn't she hear it? Her face went pale so quickly she felt the change; her whole body suddenly felt very cold and the cool metal of Harry's replacement arm suddenly felt more hard and ungiving than ever. Terror shot through her body and she had to stifle a cry.

"What is it?" Harry asked, the concern obvious in his voice, as he picked up on her sudden mood change.

"Harry…" She whispered hoarsely, "Why can't I hear your heart beating?!"