Hey I'm back! I know it took me forever to update and this chapter is so short! I'm thinking about stopping this fic and starting another one, probably two. One about the BBI games version of Pride and another just one Roy and Ed I really don't know.

Tell me what you think I should do cause I'm reall confuzzled.

Disclaimer: If I owned FMA I so would be writing fanfiction about it, and I'd probably make that BBi game into a new season for FMA.

"What…?" Roy muttered in shock. Havoc sighed, "I think I've found a permanent donor." He repeated, but Roy still had the disbelieving expression, "Look Roy I know this is hard to believe…" He said but trailed as Roy's expression change, "Hell yeah its hard to believe!" He exclaimed, "You barely know the woman, and suddenly she's your permanent donor?"

"Whoa Roy, calm down!" Havoc said, "Believe me I know I haven't known her long but for some reason I can't help but be attracted to her, and she already knows that I'm a 'creature of the night'." He said the last bit sarcastically and looking at Roy's shock expression, "You mean she knew…?"

Havoc nodded his head; "Believe me I was just as shocked as you, when she told me she knew what I was." He said remembering how close her body was to his.

Roy smirked, "Well if you're sure, now if you excuse me I must be going." He said and started down the street. Havoc blinked confused, "Roy! Where are you going! Work's the other way!" He shouted causing some of the pedestrians to look at him, "I'm going to pay a visit to my partner!" He shouted back and Havoc's face gained a confused expression, "Who the hell's his partner." He muttered going into a thinking pose. He thought for a few minutes and his eyes widened, 'Fullmetal!'


"What?" Lust practically hissed at Envy, and he shrugged, "That's what he said." He replied.

Lust narrowed her eyes at him before turning her head to look out the window, "He's getting to cocky." She muttered, and Envy smirked, "Flamey? Yeah I've been thinking that for awhile, and I say let's get rid of him."

Lust glance back at Envy, "But we need him, you know that." She said and Envy scowled, "Father said we needed Edward! The Fullmetal Alchemist! Not the military vampire, Flame Alchemist!" He snapped.

The female homunculus raised an eyebrow, "I know what he said Envy, but I have plans from Roy and the military. Plans that will get rid of them for good." She purred and Envy brightened.

"So…what's the plan?" He asked silkily with a smirk, which cause Lust to smirk as well, "My plan goes like this…"


Edward panted harshly as his back burned from intense pain. He moved his head a bit to the side and winced as his hair moved across his raw back. "Oh Chibi-san you shouldn't do that." Said an amused voice, "You won't heal."

Ed lifted his head and glared at the Palm tree, "You don't care, so stop pretending!" He shouted angrily and violet eyes twinkled in amusement, "What made you think that? You're not like us Chibi-san, you can't heal as fast as we can."

Ed gritted his teeth together, and felt his arm twitch from its position over his head, he wanted so desperately to clap his hands together and get rid of that damn smile. Envy kneeled down before Ed a smirk replacing his smile and grasped his chin; "You can make this easier on yourself. If you just agree to make the stone, then you wouldn't have to go through with this torture." Edward glared, "I'd rather rot in hell then create the stone for you bastards."

Envy narrowed his eyes, but the smirk remained, "Fine." He chirped, "I like hearing you scream anyway." He said before getting up and leaving.

Ed breathed a little lighter, and started to think of an escape plan. His body shook with small tremors as he thought about Al. He would return his brother to his body, but not with the stone, it used human sacrifices and Ed refused to do such a thing.

The blonde haired Alchemist painfully lifted his head to look out of the small window and gazed at the moon.

He made a promise and he intended to keep it.

----------------End Dream---------------------

Ed's eyes snapped open as he sat up with a gasp. He panted softly trying to calm him adrenaline filled body.

Once he got his breathing to a regular pace he brought up his metal hand and rested it against his forehead. Sighing when cold automail touched his warm skin. He looked around and was relieved to find that he was in his bedroom.

He stood up shakily and stumbled his way to the living room. He collapsed onto the couch and sighed again. Ed closed his eyes and laid his head back to rest on the couch cushions, but opened his eyes when someone knocked on the door.

Edward groaned and ignored who ever it was; hoping that if he didn't answer it, who ever it was would leave.

But the knocking continued before long Ed got up from the couch and stormed over to the door. He opened the door, "LOOK WHATEVER YOU want…forget…it…" He tailed off when he saw who was on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" He asked harshly causing the other to smirk, "Now Ed is that any way to greet your…brother?"

Okay that's it for now. I know short, I totally hate myself for this.

Till next time!
