Kagome and Hiei reached Louis's land in twenty minutes. His two guards greeted them at the gates to his castle.

Their faces were in the darkness of the trees over them so you couldn't see them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" One of them asked.

Oh, not again Kagome said to Hiei in her mind. He smirked.

"We are here to see Louis." Kagome said to him.

I want to see what they do. If they try to hurt or kill us than I'll show them the medallion. Ok Hiei Kagome asked him.

Ok Hiei said to her.

"He is Lord Louis to you Miss…" The guard said.

"Who she is, is none of your concern and she can call me whatever she wishes." A male voice said behind the guard.

A young man about 25 years old and was about 6.4 feet. He had red shorts with a black dragon on the right side of it.He had a black tank top with red flames down the side of it on. He had a flame tattoo on his left cheek, a dragon tattoo on his left cheek and a crown tattoo in the middle of his forehead.

"My lord" Both guards said and fell to their knees and bowed.

"What are you doing to the Lady of the North and East and her Friend?" Louis asked them and they paled.

"Please forgive us, sir we did not know it was she." One of the guards said.

"Leave us." The man said to them.

"Of course my lord." Both of the guards said and left.

"Kagome why must you play around with my guards?" Louis asked her.

"It's fun Louis.Especially when they realize it's me." Kagome said to him and stepped out of the darkness.

"You are going to scare one of them to death one day. Anyway who is your friend and why are you here?" Louis asked her.

"This is Hiei. And i can't visit a friend?" Kagome said pouting. Meanwhile Hiei stepped out of the darkness.

"Nice to meet you. So did you find the person that would help you claim your lands, yet?" Louis asked her.

"Yes. Well I found out who it is. i have yet to meet him." Kagome said to him.

"So who is he and how did you find him?" Louis asked her.

"He's Prince Koenma of Spirit World and hes my stupid brothers boss." Kagome said to him.

Louis started laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Kagome asked him.

"You mean other than the fact that the person you have been looking for, for about one year." Louis said to her.

"It's not funny. If i would have known this, i would have had my lands back by now." Kagome said to him.

"It may not be funny to you but to me it is." Louis said grinning.

"Everything is funny to you." Kaogme stated.

"Is not." Louis mumbled.

"Whatever." Kagome said to him.

"So are you going to go to this Koenma person, soon?" Louis said.

"Yeah. As soon as i get back to my brothers house. Just hope that he doesn't kill me." Kagome said.

"What did you do?"Louis asked her.

"I pulled a disappearing act." Kagome said to him.

"He must not of liked the idea of you going to Makia alone so he said that only someone as strong as him or stronger can go with you right?" Louis asked her.

"Yeah thats right. But how did you do?" Kagome asked him.

"My brother did the same thing to me. Usually when he said that i went into my room and snuck

out.But i did live in Makia so i don't know why he said that i couldn't go there alone when we were already in Makia.Stupid if you ask me." Louis said.

"Yeah that is stupid but he was just worried for you." Kaogme said.

"Yeah i know but still." Louis said.

"Well Louis i think me and Hiei should get going. Yusuke is probaly going to kill me but oh

well." Kagome said.

"Yeah alright. Tell me when you get your lands back, ok?" Louis said to her.

"Or course." Kagome said and Hiei and her left.

"So do you want to go to my house or Yusukes?" Kagome asked.

"Yours. i don't feel like haveing Yusuke yell at us." Hiei said.

"Alright." Kagome said and made a portal to her house.

They walked through the portal and they were in Kagomes living room. Where is everybody They weren't here last time either." Kagome said and walked into the kitchen.

She saw a note on the frigarater.

She read in outloud:

Dear Kagome,

You brother, grandpa and i are going to Italy for a year to visit your aunt. There is about 700,000 dollars my bank account. You can use it for the rest of the year. Just try not to spend it all. You also have about 500,000 dollars in your bank account so you have 1,200,000 for the whole year. Hopefully you won't need it all.Well have a nice year without us. We'll miss you.



Souta, and


"So they left me 1 million, two hundred thousand dollars. Wow. Who would have thought that?" Kagome said to mostly to herself.

"Nobody." Hiei said.

"Thats true." Kagome said.

"So what do you want to do?"Kagome asked him.

Hiei just shrugged. "Don't know." He said.

"What to do? What to do?" Kagome said thinking.

Just than the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who that could be." Kagome said.

She and Hiei walked over to the door. She opened it and she saw...

i'm not sure who i'm going to put at the door. i got two choices though.