A random one-shot. Please read and review.


She always smiled.

It was not a happy one, more like a snotty one, one that seemed to proclaim themselves as someone somewhat superior than others. She always seemed to carry that everywhere around Conan whenever they were together, and after some time, Conan got rather sick of it. " Why do you always seem to look down on me?" he would ask her, trying to take her off guard while she was reading some magazine of some sort.

It was then when she would smirk again, and he knew that he had lost.

" Seem?" she would say, grinning.

He remembered trying many times after that trying get her to answer him truthfully with a straightfoward answer, but all to no avail. Sarcasm was her middle name, followed by her sadistic nature and that famous smirk of hers.

He once told the professor about this, and he could still hear his laughter ringing in his ears. " It's all in your head, Shinichi." he would say, slapping his large fists on his chest, the many chins on his face wobbling furiously.

It was a few days after that incident when he decided to just simply let it be, when something happened.

It was raining buckets, raindrops splattering onto his umbrella as he trudged on home, the latest edition of his favourite detective book in his hands. He waited before the traffic light, glaring impatiently at it as it just simply refused to turn green. He clicked his tongue and looked left and right, not noticing any cars on both ends. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he dashed across the street, and was halfway there when he left a large amount of pain jamming into his ribs, his mouth gasping for breath as he turned to look what had hurt him.

It was a car.

Which had not turned on its headlights.

He fell headfirst onto the hard concrete, and the fact that his book was getting totally soaked didn't matter anymore. He was gasping for air, the driver from the car had gotten out, yelling out something to him, his handphone in his hands. But Conan barely heard him. He was still trying as hard as he could to keep his eyes open, tears stinging in his eyes.

Or was it rain?

He couldn't quite tell the difference, really.

He felt like he had lied there for eternity when he heard the sirens of the ambulance, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see several people by teh sidelines, muttering things he thought only he would speak, not hear about himself.

" Everything's going to be alright," one of the men carrying the stretchers told his reassuringly as they lifted him up onto it. " We've already called your guardians, they will be here momentarily."

He nodded, his eyes ready to shut, to get to sleep when. . .

" Kudo!" yelled somebody, running past the sidelines, dashing towards him.

Her hands grasped the sides of the stretcher, and the medics were smart enough to stay silent.

Conan's eyes were blurry, but he could make out who it was.

" Haibara." he whispered.

She was crying. There were tears falling down from her face.

Or was it rain?

He couldn't quite tell the difference, really.

And neither could she.

" Please don't die." she whispered, her hands clenching themselves in his.

He nodded, somewhat reassuringly.

And it was just as he shut his eyes, he watched that small blurred but unmistakably clear girl, that smirk always carried around her slowly and very quietly slip off her face.


It's very short, compared to my others, eh? Sorry if you don't like it, because it's a very different genre from my other stories. Please don't report me because of this story, because I think that would be very derr of you. I once had my account deleted because of something like this, and I would beg of you, if you have any complaints, please just paste it in your review. No flames, and they will be deleted. And for those who enjoyed this story, thank you, I enjoyed writing it too. Not that I'm sadistic or anything, mind you.