Hooray! Here is my next attempt at Roiai Fan fiction. I've been told that someone else has done a fic like this and I want to assure you that I didn't know their fic even existed until a day ago. So thanks to Reika2 on Devart; you probably saved me from a lot of questions here. On to the summary of the chapter. Someone is hiding something and the other is running away from it. Who could they be? I've got these cool little munchkins jumping and hopping around here next to me, so I sent them off on a mission; retrieve the rights to the FMA characters for me and they can go free. Let's see if they're successful; but until then, I don't own anyone of anything.

Chapter One- Leaving for the east

Roy took one last look towards the town he was leaving. I'm gonna miss this place; but I'll miss her more. The train wasn't scheduled to leave for another half hour, so he sat on one of the benches that faced the tracks. He was a good-looking man with jet-black hair and eyes the color of obsidian. He was wearing a military uniform with the rank of brigadier general on it. His face was pale and his hands were rough, but he was still handsome nonetheless. One would guess him about thirty-two years old by the circles under his eyes and the amount of awards on his coat. He looked up at the people who were hugging and saying goodbye to their loved ones with slight disgust. Why don't they do that in private? They're just making us lonely people jealous. He placed his head in his hands and sighed as a petite blonde-headed woman sat down on the bench next to him. He looked up but didn't see her face because the brim of a white sun hat covered it. The woman wore a lavender dress that showed off her curves quite well and a nice pair of heels that put her right at his height. He guessed her to be around the same age as his subordinate Colonel Hawkeye, which was thirty. The woman turned around and looked deep into his eyes, passing on a message of sadness that lingered there. I recognize those eyes. He thought. The woman he knew leaned in and kissed him on the lips, passionately and lovingly. He was overcome with grief from not telling her he was leaving and knew she was upset by the look in her eyes.

"Why general? Why didn't you tell me?" she said in her stern and sweet voice.

"I don't want you to follow me any more. I want you to take over my position here and lead people instead of following me. You're a natural born leader colonel; I want you to lead the unit in my place." he responded, lowering his head and looking towards the ground. She smiled and picked his head up, kissing his lips again, this time with more force. He was stunned; Riza never kissed him in open public and here she had done it twice! They had always kept their relationship secret out of necessity and the night she let him into her apartment almost four months ago was a form of heaven he thought he would never experience. He almost regretted what he had done with her until she insisted that she was the one that initiated it and felt no regret in any way. She looked deep into his eyes and took his hand, placing an envelope in it before getting up. She walked away so he wouldn't see the tears that had formed in the corners of her eyes as he opened the envelope. He pulled out a letter and a chain with a small woman's ring on it. Dear Roy, The letter started. I want you to take this chain and wear it as a reminder of me. I've been discharged from the military for personal matters and I'm going to start a new life for myself and whoever else comes along in the eastern part of our country. I have a good friend over there that can help me through these trying times. Here's her address; you can write me there. I want you to forget I ever worked for you; think of me only as a friend and a lover who helped you when you needed it most. I love you Roy. Good-bye from me and the one you helped make. He scratched his head and reread the letter. The one I helped make? Discharged? Personal matters? Trying times? Who ever else comes along? What does all this mean? He thought, trying to figure out what was going on. He glanced back up at her retreating form and noticed how plump she looked when she turned and sniffed some oranges sitting on a cart on the store-lined street. It must be that dress. It makes her look… pregnant… Riza's Pregnant? It all fits now! The one I helped make, a child I helped make. Riza's pregnant with my child and didn't tell me about it! He stood up quickly and rushed after her. Before he could get out of the station the train conductor called for all passengers to begin boarding. He stood for a moment, trying to figure out which was more important in his life; getting away from the military leaders in Central or helping raise the child he always wanted with the woman he could now have. His brain made an instant decision and he dashed towards her, not stopping for cars or to let someone pass by him. He finally made it to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, scaring her half to death.

"Huh? Roy! Why didn't you get on your train?" she said, pushing his arms off her and stepping away. She looked slightly flushed and a little out of breath from crying.

"I know what's going on with you. I know now why you didn't continue our weekly secret dates and why you didn't come to work those few days. You're pregnant Riza; when did you plan on telling me?"

A/N: let me know if you want to continue reading... the story gets way better... I promise!