I am extremely sorry for the late update. I went to NZ and didn't have time to type the story. I am sorry. Hope u guys understand.

Chapter 11

Well, as you see, Hinata went to tell that Neji and Tenten is together, then Minori popped out and Haishi Sama is….well…

"Oh Haishi Sama! This is sooo ridiculous! This Neji-Tenten thing! I thought I am the one engaged to Neji! Also, he is so disrespectful to me!" Minori wailed.

"But-but…..H-Haishi Sama! Neji….Neji-ne-san is in love with Tenten-chan! (Hinata guessed)" Hinata cried.

This is getting interesting! Hanabi thought.

"Shut-up! Go get them here at once, Hinata! Take Hanabi with you. I want to talk to Minori privately." Haishi yelled.

"He-he!" Hanabi laughed quietly. Haishi glared at her.

"Let's go…..Hanabi…"

"Yes sir!" Hanabi answered.

Ok! Back to Neji-Tenten!

So…they left the girls there and went away remember? Muahahahahahaha!

Tenten: Shut up dude!

Appleiam: Ok-ok! Sorry. Please go on.

Neji and Tenten decided to go somewhere…..more private.

They went to their usual training grounds.

"Neji?" Tenten asked.

"Hn." This is the reply.

"Err…….do you like Minori?" Tenten asked.

Neji almost threw-up. "What the fuck are you talking about? What do you expect! She is fowl, dude, stupid, ada, baka…..and all the dirty words I can think of." Neji paused. "Tenten...I……"

Appleiam: What? Hey wait! Is this really Neji?

Neji: Shut up and just watch!

Appleiam: he-he

Before they can do anything 'romantic', Hanabi popped out between them, smirking.

"Hn…..what do you want?"

"Hey, hey! Don't talk to me like that! I came for you!" Hanabi's face was smeared with a mocking smile.

"Huh?" Tenten blinked stupidly.

"You know….the Minori thing" Hanabi said, still smirking.

Hinata came to the training grounds.

"Ha-Haishi Sama wanted…..to...to...s-see you guys…" Hinata shuttered.

Ohio! Back to Haishi!

"Good job, Minori!"

"Thank-you." Minori said in a normal voice. "You pay quite high."

"As long as you do your work well. I just wanted to annoy him. It is quite fun." Said Haishi, laughing out of his guts.

Suddenly, Hinata, Hanabi, Neji, and Tenten came rushing in. When they saw Haishi laughing like crazy, their jaw dropped to the ground.

Hanabi covered her mouth to prevent herself to laugh.

"Ehem! Well…..this is just a prank, Neji. I am NOT engaged with you. I am an actress. My name is Kana. I am hired to entertain Haishi." Minori….err…Kana said.

"Wahahahahahaha! Neji, you baka!" Hanabi is also laughing out of her guts too.

"….." One of Neji's veins popped out.

"I'm confused." Tenten said.

"Oh Yeah! I forgot about you!" Haishi finally said when stop laughing like crazy. "Your father and I decided to let you engage with Neji, since we saw that you are deep in love."

Appleiam: I think Haishi needed to have the temperature.

"What?" Hinata, Hanabi, Neji, and Tenten cried.

So, Neji and Tenten engaged and lived happily ever after…..under Haishi and Tenten's father's control. Just kidding.

End of story. Such a short ending.

Tenten: Argh! Now I'm stuck with Neji forever!

Neji: Smirk.

Please R&R!