Damn Girl

Well, of course the damn girl is not Tenten. Thank you very much.

Wish you like this chapter….and the story…..

By: Appleiam

"Argh! I rather die! I am not going to marry her! I will only engage with the one I love."

Chapter 1: Who the heck is that girl?

Flashback of Tenten:

Oh! Neji is here! He is sooo cute! Tenten thought to herself.

She looked at him sitting next to her lying on the tree. His silvery and shut eyes and his silky hair…………

"Stop staring at me." Neji said, still lying on the tree not even opening his eyes. "You're annoying."

Annoying….annoying……am I really that annoying to him?

End of flashback:

Just as Tenten come back to her mind, a really really cute girl popped out and said to Neji in that really "sweet" voice of hers.

"Hn……"Neji said not even bothering to look.

"Oh Neji-kun lets gooooo" Neji finally looked at her. His face was blushing real hard.

Blushing……blushing……hn…Argh! How dare you damn Appleiam? He is not going to blush! If you dare write that kind of thing again, I am gonna kill you for sure!

Appleiam: oops I am really sorry, that's the wrong person.

Repeat that part again

"Oh Neji-kun lets gooooo" Neji finally looked at her. He is about to throw up.

"Who the heck in the world are you?" His words are really harsh. "If that is all you wanna say, please go away. Don't interrupt our training." He is really pissed off.

Normally girls will just freak out and run away, but this girl didn't, instead……

"Sorry I just thought you are resting and have a little time to talllllllkkkk" She said. "Hiashi sama is waiting for us you know?"

"Huh?" Neji blinked stupidly. "Hiashi sama is waiting for us?"

"Oh Neji, don't tell me you forget! I am Minori! We are getting married in a month! Aren't you happy?" Minori said as she hugged Neji's arm.

"What are you doing to Neji?" Tenten said angrily. She didn't like the idea of Neji and that Baka Minori getting engaged.

"Oops I didn't even know your teammate is there, Neji." Minori said. "Well I am doing nothing wrong to Neji OK? And we are getting married, so this is OK. Also because we are getting marry, I don't want "any" girls like "you" to snuck up at my precious Neji. You get it gal? Now shoot! Go away; Neji and I are going to see Hiashi sama."

Help Tenten! I don't wanna go with this girl! And all the talks with Haishi Sama are really boring! I am really going to explode! I don't like any of these ideas. I bet it is the Main House's fault! Damn it to the Main House! Damn it, damn it, damn it! Please save me Tenten! Neji thought, but of course his unemotional face didn't show it.

Instead of fighting against that Minori, Tenten walked away with tears in her eyes…..well nobody can see it but her.

"Do whatever you like to him…… since you are …… already engaged……"

Wait Tenten! WAIT! Don't leave me alone to this freak! No! Argh! Shit! Anyway…why is she runny away...whatever……

At the Hyuuga Mansion:

"Ohio Hinata Sama, Haishi Sama." Neji greeted.

"Hi…hi…" Hinata said in her shy voice.

"Hi I am really grateful to be Neji's wife!" Minori said happily.

"Good, why don't you bring Minori around Konoha and our mansion so she can know more about it?" Haishi said.

Argh1 Bull shit! I hate this!

"But…but Haishi Sama, I thought she already know about our village!" Neji screamed.

"Just do what I say! Hinata will also go with you."

"Follow….me…me…" Hinata said as she started walking.

Shit……Minori mumbled under her breath. Why does this ada girl have to go with us? Can't we have some privacy? Shit….

End of chapter.

Bl: So…… do you like that girl? Well I think you like Tenten very much though.

Neji: dun-no….

Tenten: What dun-no? I thought you love me…." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Neji: I don't mean it. Please don't cry.

Bl: Ha-ha! As I say, Neji did like Tenten better!

Neji and Tenten: Shut up you bustard!

Bl: Err…that's not really nice to say, Tenten and also Neji.

Tenten: Just shut up your mouth! Satisfied?

Bl: Oh Yeah Ha-Ha!

Please give me an R






Please! I will be very thankful.

Also, please don't write anything "too" harsh because this is the first time I writ a fan fiction!

Yeah wish all you readers happy!

Remember to check for the next chapter! Bye guys!