Yukis POV

I was in the waiting room. They wouldn't give me any information about Shuichi because I wasn't immediate family, but I managed to find a fan of mine who was a nurse who was happy to spill the beans in exchange for my signature on a copy of my newest book.

"He regained consciousness for a little while and kept crying. Eventually they hooked him up to an i.v and gave him a sedative. Apparently something was wrong with him when he woke up, but I'm not sure what it was."

Wrong? What could be wrong with him? Nothing permanent I hoped and in my mind I knew that it was my fault. I pushed Shuichi to this. Someone ripped the magazine out from my hands that I had been pretending to be reading in order to keep people from talking to me. It was Hiro.

"Outside. Now." He said with a look of disgust. I followed him outside and he turned to face me when we were significantly far away from the hospital.

"He doesn't remember you." Hiro said bluntly.

Doesn't remember me? How can that be? Dear god, why are you doing this to me.

"How can he not remember me, what about Bad Luck? Does he remember that?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady.

"His memory stops a little bit before the creation of Bad Luck. He doesn't remember anything that transpired between you two or even the fact that he's a pop star."

"What's going to happen when he leaves the hospital?"

"Nothing involving you that's for certain." Hiro spat. He then took a step forward and slapped me across the face and walked briskly back to the hospital.

Two Months Later

I sat in a quaint café working on my latest novel. After spending a month barely leaving my apartment, my editor had convinced me to go back to writing and told me maybe I should try going out once and a while too, even if it was just too write. Shuichi had gone completely under the radar. I had tried calling his cell phone, but the number had been disconnected. I tried calling Hiro as well, but he wouldn't pick up the phone.

I still spoke with Tohma from time to time. He would usually attempt to comfort me and he even said to me "Shuichi loved you and you loved him, but its over now and he would want you to move on, but never forget him."

Of course then he did something ridiculous such as try and put this hands down my pants.

So I threw myself back into my work. I hadn't been with anyone since the last fateful time Shuichi and I had sex. I had published two books that were somewhat based on my relationship with Shuichi. Of course in the books however, they ended up together. I thought of him constantly.

So when I looked up and saw my pink haired lover sitting three tables down from me it was needless to say that I saw speechless.

He was sitting there in a black button down shirt and a pair of nice jeans. His hair was long now and pulled into a ponytail like when we first met. The sunlight bounced off his hair and it was a picture I would never forget. He was hunched over a sketchpad and I realized that the novel he had on the table was my most recently published one that was entitled "Another Name For Love."

I took off my sunglasses and took a deep breathe. I walked over to the table and sat down across from him. He looked up from his sketchpad. Dear god, he was so beautiful. My memory didn't do him justice. I had forgotten how he bit his lip when he was confused and how no matter how many times he tucked his bangs behind his ears, a few strands always escaped and he would try and blow them out of his face.

"Are you Eiri Yuki?" he asked in that innocent voice that had haunted my dreams for the past two months.

I nodded and he let out a squeal. "I LOVE your books! I can't believe I'ma ctually meeting you, Eiri! I mean, Yuki-san. Sorry, I don't really have the right to call you by your first name, I mean we just met and your famous and-" he rambled on. His face was flushed and I wanted more then anything then to lean acrossthe table and claim his lips for my own, but I couldn't. I no longer had the right.

"It's alright, You can call me Eiri. So what are you drawing?" I asked trying to make casual conversation. It killed me inside that he obviously didn't remember our past, but even just his presence intoxicated me.

"Well" he said as his cheeks flushed "It's actually a scene from your latest book." He said and indicated the novel sitting on the table. The sketch was from one of the main scenes in the novel. The protagonist was watching the rain from his window when he sees the reflection of his lover and when he turns around they kiss for the first time. His drawing was… breathtaking. He had captured the sadness on the face of the man and the smile of his lover when he comes to proclaim his love. The smile that said that he would love him for his faults and for everything he would ever be. The smile that Shuichi once gave me all those months ago.

"It's beautiful." Was all I could manage to say. The picture had me overcome with emotion.

"I have more in my apartment, would you like to see them?" he asked me and I smiled and nodded. "Hiro for some reason doesn't like your work very much, and in fact I'm not even allowed outside, but he's gone for the day and I snuck out." Shuichi said.

He was staying with Hiro? Why? I would have thought he would be with his parents.

"So, why aren't you allowed out?" I asked trying to be neutral.

"I was in an accident a few months ago and Hiro still thinks I can't be on my own. I have to hide your books and the only time I can go out it when I'm with him." Shuichi replied as he gathered up his colored pencils.

He walked out the door as he chattered away about random things, I was in heaven hearing his voice again after only hearing it in recordings of his songs.

And when we reached the crosswalk and he slipped his small warm hand into mine, I thought that I could die at that very moment and have no regrets.

And at that blissful moment I had no idea how close to dying that I would become in the near future.