Goodnight Faye


Session One : Torn

It's a love hate relationship. Actually, there is no relationship, so it's more like a love hate...concept...?

Concept? What the hell am I thinking?

Faye sighed as she stretched over her bed. She was unaware of what time it was or how long she had been laying down. It didn't matter because she didn't care, something that has been constantly disturbing her. This emotionless plunge she had unexpectedly and unwillingly fallen into was driving her mad. She didn't remember when it started but it left her with nothing else to think about but him, her love hate...

Faye shook her head.

Maybe she really wasn't in a emotionless plunge but a torturous abyss that has made her numb, fooling her senses into thinking she was emotionless.

Faye gripped the light blue sheets under her body before sitting up on the bed, her dark locks sweeping her face, sending stray strands to fall over eyes that expertly tinted her confused state of being.

I too have mastered an emotionless mask. Though I've yet to match yours, Spike.

Love hate...

A frustrated grunt escaped her lips as she hoisted herself out of the bed only to walk to the wall-sized window. White streaks zoomed by in a way she wished her life would. They moved so fast...If her life moved that quickly then her dept would be paid. Well, maybe not paid but defiantly out of the way. If her life moved that quickly then maybe her memories would return faster to her. If her life moved that quickly then maybe she would finally understand this love hate...

Faye sighed, placing a hand on the window. She focused on her reflection, the zooming stars in the background becoming blurred stains. She saw her eyes and in them saw another reflection of herself, one she was unable to understand. Or maybe it was one she feared understanding because it was that reflection that showed her true self. The one who understood her love hate situation...

No, no matter how fast her life would move, she would never know the appropriate meaning for this love hate...

Letting out a much desired scream, Faye pounded her hands which were now balled into fists on the window's steel-like glass. Her vision landed on the carpeted floor, noticing for the first time a stain that soiled it.

Another sigh.

Walking back to her bed, Faye sat on it digging her fingers in her hair. She closed her eyes.

Love hate...

She hated his messy green hair. So wild and annoying all she wanted to do was corner him with a comb and a tub of gel.

Faye opened her eyes. Then again...

Bringing her hands down, she looked at them and grasped them into fists several times before leaving them open before her. Then again...

How she longed to run her hands through that hair, bringing his face closer to hers to stare at those eyes he had. So chilling. To have his eyes close to hers, even more having to stare at them, knowing what they held and what they hid. Yet, the spell they at times cast over her is one she can't escape, not that she wanted...

That's it? That's your love hate...whatever?

"Ugh!" Faye threw her hands up in the air in an attempt to grasp the sanity that was not there. "You're pathetic!"

It was then that she turned her sights towards her mirror.

No more reflections...

But this one didn't show any deep meaning or concept in her life or emotions. It simply displayed an attractive woman who still had her pajama garments for who knows how long. The white muscle shirt hung loosely around her upper body, pale yellow shorts similar to her everyday wear accompanying it in the same fashion.

Faye plopped herself back to the bed, causing it to momentarily distort her vision with its vibration.


Don't start that again! Get it out!

Her fist connected with the bed, causing another wave of distortion.

I hate the way he casually walks into any situation without any fear or worries. I hate the way he lives and survives just like a cat leaving me to tend to his injuries. I hate the way he fights so flawlessly, almost water-like, leaving me with nothing. I hate the way he walks by me without even a second glance, a small part of him knowing it bugs the hell out of me when he does that. I hate the way he talks, giving himself the last word. I hate the way he acts as if nothing matters to him all the while knowing that he matters to...


Faye found herself startled at the sound of her voice. She let a small grin slip on her lips before finally lifting herself once more from the bed to change.

Yeah right as if that conceited bastard knew how I felt. Doubt that...Probably wouldn't care anyway...

Faye reached inside her closet and took out her daily yellow attire. Stripping herself from her pajamas, she put on the even less concealing clothes and stepped out into the hallway. She soon heard Jet and Spike's voices coming from what looked like a "living room" although it consisted of a yellow couch and a coffee table, if you even want to call it that.

As Faye walked down the small staircase that lead to the main room, she saw Spike sitting on the couch, legs crossed while Jet scolded him about an officer that was injured due to his irrational behavior. Ed and Ein were sleeping next to the couch.

"Spike! Are you listening to me?" Jet roared, his arms crossed.

Spike placed his pinky inside his ear. "Yeah, yeah..."


Ed awoke due to the yelling, throwing the dog that was resting on her chest to the other side of the room. She had both eyes half way closed, her mouth half way open. Noticing Faye standing at the bottom of the staircase, she brightened her face with a smile.

"Faye! Faye!"

Spike and Jet turned towards her.

"Well it's about time you awoke," Jet said.

Faye walked towards them, taking out a cigarette that was miraculously hidden in her attire. "What time is it?" she said as she lit her smoke.

"Late. Where were you?" Spike said irritated.

Faye was taken back. "What do you mean?"

"We had a bounty walk straight into our hands," Jet explained, Ed dancing behind him.

"He was being chased by the authorities and tired to use the Bebop as a shield. We could have easily hacked into his system and taken him down effortlessly if some knucklehead hadn't screwed it up for us!"

Spike lifted an irritated eyebrow knowing it was him Jet referred to.

"He jumped into his ship and took off like a rocket without any thought at all to the authorities that were around him!"

"Who cares about them?" Spike said waving Jet's words away.

"You better care if you have to pay for their repairs and medical bills! Spike, are you listening to me?"

"Hey!" Faye interrupted. "Was there any money left?"

"Yup," Jet said. "But not much. After subtracting the expenses, we were left with about a thousand each."

"So, where's my share?"

"Your share?" Spike roughly cut through. "You don't get any for sleeping through it all."

"I wasn't sleeping!"

"Really, then what were you doing? Thinking?" he teased.

Faye turned around in frustration and slight embarrassment that he was right. It was even more awkward that what she had been thinking about was him.

"You don't deserve it anyway," Spike continued. " I always do all the work when it comes to catching the bounties anyway."

Faye turned back to face him, boiling with anger. "Bastard!" She hit him across the face with her fist.

"I shouldn't had gotten out of my room!" she yelled storming away.

"Faye? Faye?" Ed questioned, halting her dancing as she watched Faye stomp by her.

That conceited bastard! That's one thing I know I definitely hate about him!

I changed the title in this story. It was "Blue Sorrows" before, but I changed it to "Goodnight Faye" as you can see. I thought it sounded better. Please enjoy it either way!

This story was actually a one shot that I've had stored in my computer for a looooooooooong time. I decided to make it longer, but i think that even so, it's still gonna be short. Most likely no more than 10 chapter. Well either way I hoped you enjoyed it and don't forget to do that thing with the thing and the click...yeah, review...hehe, okay I leave you now. Relieved huh? Okay, I know when I'm not wanted! sniff