
(Approximately three years before the start of Revenge of the Sith)

Disclaimer – I own only Odessa and the plot!

Jedi Padawan Odessa Sinthea carefully flew her starfighter out of range of the droid starships, waiting for backup. Her master, Gheros Nils, brought his own ship to her right, as a number of fighters lined up behind them. Flying had always come naturally to her, and her master had thought it would be productive to her learning if she led a few battles herself. Through the windows she saw Master Gheros nod to her, and she readied her weapons.

"Now, I think it's best if the fighters split up and come in from both sides, creating a diversion. That way Master Gheros and I can head directly for the main droid ship and knock it out while their defenses are low. Commander Lewis, take your squadron to the right, and Commander Solo, take yours to the left. With any luck, this should be a quick battle," she said to the army behind her.

"Are you sure you won't need us to come in and save your rear end, Sinthea?" A witty voice sounded over her headset. She could hear the smirk in the man's voice.

"No, we should be fine this time. And Commander Solo, I would appreciate it if we could do without the lip from you," she responded curtly, though she was smiling. The sound of her best friend and husband's voice gave her strength, even if he was making snide comments. His light-hearted remarks made her feel better than any well wishes and assurances of her capability ever could.

"Now, this droid army is small, but if we allow them to survive, they will become a threat to this star system. We need to wipe them out and quickly, before they can call for reinforcements. Keep your eyes are ears open, and we should be able to finish this quickly," Master Gheros said sternly. Odessa glanced over at him, and while he appeared grim, he did not seem upset with her. She was sure that her master had his suspicious about her relationship with Commander Solo, but he had kept it quiet. She had done her best to hide the relationship from her master, but he had known Odessa for almost her entire life, and had watched her grow up. Perhaps he did know, but was keeping it quiet, so that she could achieve her full potential as a Jedi?

"Let's head out. Good luck, everyone – not that you'll need it." She signaled the army to move out, and watched as they quickly surrounded the droid army. The starships scattered everywhere, obviously not expecting the attack. The fighters were picking them off easily, and once approximately half of the droid ships were down, Odessa looked towards her master for confirmation. He nodded his head once more.

"The force be with you, Master," she said to him.

"And you, my apprentice." They started forward, their ships moving as if controlled by one mind. With their movements synchronized, they easily maneuvered their way through the chaos of the battle, and were within firing range of the main ship in moments. She fired at the shield generators, and as she did so, numerous battle droids spewed out of the ship. Almost instantaneously the droids had fired multiple homing missiles towards the two Jedi, forcing them to split up as they dodged out of the way. Odessa sped towards the main ship, working her way through the battle droids. She saw that Master Gheros was lagging behind, but knew that he would want her to press forward instead of coming to his aid. She had a clear shot at the shield generator, but as she moved to take it, she heard her master's voice through her headset.

"I've been hit!" His voice was steady, but she could hear the fierce concentration in his voice as he tried to rectify his situation. She turned her ship suddenly to go help him, and saw that he was spinning wildly as the droids moved in to destroy his ship. She hadn't gone far when his voice sounded again.

"Odessa, no! Continue with the mission! You have a clear shot, now take it!"

She took a deep breath, then turned back to the droid ship. Addressing the fighters, she hurriedly ordered, "Commander Solo! Go help General Nils!" She saw a small number of fighter ships quickly move towards Master Gheros, and she returned her concentration to the droid ship. She took her shot, and quickly disabled the shields. Pressing forward, she fired multiple missiles into the docking bay, which sent the droid ship spiraling away from her. With a few more shots, she was able to destroy the ship. She turned to see if Master Gheros was still in trouble, and was greeted by a massive explosion surrounding his ship. Once the flames settled, she saw the fighter ships, but her master was no more.

Hoarsely, she commanded the rest of the fighters to finish off the battle droids and regroup near their base station. They were finished within minutes, but they felt like hours to Odessa as she searched the wreckage of her master's ship for any sign of him. She continued searching until she heard Commander Solo's voice gently say, "It's time to head back now, Commander Sinthea." Reluctantly she led them into the docking bay of their command ship, where they were all greeted with medic droids. Odessa obediently followed them in a daze, and sat patiently as they checked her over.

"Commander Sinthea, you're perfectly fine. Your child is, too, but you may want to consider returning home, in order to maintain your child's health," the droid told her in a tinny voice. She started at it in shock. She wanted to question it, to insist that it was wrong, but deep in her heart she knew that she was indeed carrying a child. Mixed emotions flowed through her as she thought of the consequences of both her master dying and the realization that she was going to have a child. Wordlessly she made her way to her quarters, and contacted the Jedi Temple with news that her master had been killed in battle. They asked her to return as soon as possible, in order to assess the situation.

Hours later, she heard a knock on the door, as she expected. She opened it, and there stood Commander Solo.

"May I come in, Commander?" He asked her politely. She nodded, and he entered the room. As soon as she closed the door, he embraced her tightly as the tears she had worked so hard to contain finally spilled out of her eyes.

"Darling, I'm so sorry. I know what he meant to you," he said soothingly into her hair.

"If I had just stayed with him, instead of moving forward like the headstrong idiot I am, he'd still be here," she said shakily.

"'Dessa, listen to me. It's not your fault. You heard what he said; you had to complete the mission. If anything, it's my fault. You told me to help him, but I was too slow in getting there to be of any use. I'm sorry, love." He rubbed her back gently. She looked up at him.

"Don't you dare try and make this your fault; I know that you did everything you could. I know he...he wouldn't have want to go any other way," She said sternly, her tears finally slowing. She sat on her small bed, and motioned for him to do the same.

"I've already contacted the Jedi Council, and they wish to see me in Coruscant as soon as possible, so I will most likely be leaving in the next few hours. I'm placing you in control of the army until I return…well, if I return," she told him reluctantly.

"If you return? Why wouldn't you?" he asked her, surprised.

"Well…Darling, I suppose it's wonderful, but it'll definitely put a dent in our plans. We're going to have a child." She searched his face for a response.

His eyes lit up as he jumped up and pulled her into his arms excitedly. Grinning like a young boy, he kissed her sweetly.

"That's wonderful, 'Dessa! We've always wanted a family, and now finally we will have one! But, 'Dessa, what does this mean about your training?" His face suddenly became serious.

"I…I don't know. But I can't imagine that they'll…that they'll grant me knighthood now. I will plead my case with the council, but I really don't think that it will help." Her eyes began to fill with tears again, despite her attempts to appear unconcerned. He pulled her into his arms again.

"Darling, I'm so sorry. I know how important being a Jedi is to you. If it would help, maybe…maybe we could get rid of this one, and try later?" He said cautiously, but his eyes betrayed how unhappy that solution would make him. She glared at him.

"Never! I would never destroy a life that we created together. Nothing is more important than my life with you, and the life of our child. I will plead my case with the council, but if I'm not to be a Jedi, then so be it." Her face was hard, betraying no emotion but firmness. He took her hands in his.

"Alright love, alright. I'll see what I can do about getting out of the war early, and I'll join you on Coruscant as soon as I can. No doubt you'll want to raise this child together, no?" He looked at her, his eyes filled with love and compassion.

"Alright. I'll contact you once I have a reply from the Jedi Council. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful leader, General Solo." She kissed him once more, and let him out of the room. He saluted her, and she did the same. He then bent forward and whispered quietly, "I love you, Odessa Sinthea." She smiled, then closed the door.

Her return to Coruscant seemed both excruciatingly long and altogether too short. She spent the time formulating her case for the Jedi Council, but she knew that there was no way they would allow her to continue with her Jedi training. It pained her to realize that everything she had worked for in her life had disappeared in the blink of an eye, but she knew that she would make the best of whatever life threw at her. By the time she had docked her starfighter into the hangar at the Jedi Temple, she had a plan to ensure that while she may never gain the role she had wanted, her entire life would not be a waste.

Master Yoda greeted her as she entered the temple. They engaged in idle chitchat until they arrived into his quarters, and she sat in front of him.

"Strong with the force you are, Odessa Sinthea. No reason to deny you knighthood, the council has. However, hesitation in you I sense. What concerns have you about becoming a Jedi Knight?" His green eyes peered at her with a complete sense of calm that momentarily subdued the anxiety inside her. It was very tempting to conceal her pregnancy and allow them to grant her the rank she had worked so hard for, but she knew that in a few months, it wouldn't matter anyway. And if she did conceal her child now, she could be in serious trouble when her pregnancy was discovered.

"Master Yoda, shortly after I learned of Master Gheros's death, I discovered that I am pregnant." The silence hung in the air like a heavy cloak, and Odessa felt as if it would choke her. Gazing at her curiously, Master Yoda finally spoke.

"Change things, that does. Who the father is, may I ask?" His voice betrayed no emotion.

"A man that I have loved for many years. However, my love for him has never gotten in the way of my Jedi training. But I understand that having a child is different, and I will fully accept and agree with your decision, should you deny me knighthood. If it's possible, though, I would like to be able to work at the Jedi temple. I have learned much over my years in training, and with so many Jedi away at war, the younglings could use a good tutor who is consistently at the temple. I would also help in the library, of course, wherever I'm needed, should you allow me to do this." She waited with bated breath as Master Yoda considered this possibility. He paced the room for a moment, then turned to her.

"Much consideration this requires. Speak with the council, I will. Return tomorrow afternoon, and have an answer, we will," he said. She nodded.

"Yes, Master Yoda. Thank you for your time." She bowed courteously, then exited his chambers. She walked quickly through the expansive hallways of the temple, desperately hoping that they would stay deserted. She was a jumble of emotions, none of them showing her intense training as a Jedi. She felt as if she was an embarrassment to the establishment, and she should be grateful that Master Yoda hadn't killed her right then.

Somehow she made her way to her small apartment and collapsed on the couch. She sat there, staring into nothingness, trying to free herself from the emotions overwhelming her. Perhaps minutes, perhaps hours later, she heard the electronic beeping of her communicator. She stood and walked over to it. Pressing a button, a small hologram of her husband's head and upper torso appeared.

"Darling, I'm glad to see you arrived safely. Have you spoken with the council yet?" His eyes were full of concern.

"Yes, I've spoken with Master Yoda, but he must speak with the rest of the council before coming to a decision about my status. I'm to return to the temple tomorrow to hear their conclusion," she responded, calmed by her husband's voice.

"I'm sure everything will work out for the best, love. I haven't yet had a chance to enquire about leaving early – we're heading out on a big mission in a few hours, so we've all been busy. A large fleet of droid ships was found not to far from our current position, so we're going to try and wipe them out before they establish a base. It shouldn't be long, but if you don't hear from me for a few days, don't get concerned, alright?"

"Okay, darling. I'll try to contact you tomorrow when I find out what the council has decided. Good luck on the mission, though you won't need it." She stared wistfully at the hologram.

"I love you, 'Dessa," he said in almost a whisper.

"And I you." She pressed the button quickly, fearing if she didn't, she'd never be able to stop talking with him. He was her only handhold to reality, and she hated being far from him. She busied herself with unpacking and straightening up the apartment, and then went to the Jedi temple do to some research. She entered the expansive library, and saw that the place was empty, with only a few younglings studying in a corner. Sitting at a computer, she quickly started researching Jedi that had families. After long hours of reading through articles and encyclopedias, she found that the only the Sith were known for having families and being able to control the force. It confirmed what she had been dreading – there was no way she would become a Jedi Knight. She only hoped that they didn't believe her evil or dangerous enough to join the Sith. She would never do such a thing, but the council may not realize that. Exhausted, she returned home and fell into a restless sleep.

She woke early, as always, and jumped out of bed to meet her master for their morning exercises and meditation. As she stood, she realized that she was in her apartment on Coruscant, not in the Outer Rim, and that her master was still dead. A shock of emptiness shot through her body, and she almost crumpled to the floor as the events of the day before played through her mind in rapid succession. She forced herself to stay up and not let her emotions overwhelm her, telling herself that her master was still with her and he wouldn't want all the years he spent training her to disappear once he was gone. She went through her exercises, hearing her master's voice in her mind as if he was still beside her. Going through the familiar actions that she had performed every day of her life helped her feel more at peace with herself and her situation. The Jedi council may deprive her of everything she had worked for, but they couldn't take her memories from her. Once the sun was fully over the horizon, she showered and dressed for her meeting at the Jedi temple.

She entered the council's chambers with a sense of calm that she didn't believe she would have, due to the circumstances. She stood in the center of the room and greeted each master in turn. Several were looking at her with an expression of disappointment and distrust, but a few were looking at her curiously, as if they weren't entirely sure what to make of her. Master Yoda, of course, betrayed no emotion through his expression.

"Odessa Sinthea, we have considered your situation, and we have come to a conclusion on your future," Mace Windu began. Odessa swallowed. She knew she should feel more anxiety than she did, but she all she felt was a calm detachment from the situation. Her face was blank as she listened to him inform her of her fate.

"You will not be granted knighthood. However, we have granted you permission to work at the Jedi temple as a tutor for the young ones, as well as working for the library. Report to the main desk in the library as soon as you feel ready." Odessa thought she saw a brief glimpse of sympathy flash through his eyes, but it was gone as suddenly as it appeared. Odessa nodded silently, bowed to the collective council, and left.

She reported to the library right away, just to get acquainted with the staff and to receive her initial duties. A stern-looking woman behind the desk introduced herself as Merina Orven and informed her that she would be recording the recent battles into the encyclopedia, and she was to set two hours each day aside to aid the younglings, should they need her assistance. She would also be restocking shelves and helping to keep the place tidy, along with any other necessary chores for the library. Odessa saw that the library was sorely understaffed, and was more than willing to do what she could to help the temple. She looked over the massive piles of data that needed to be added to the encyclopedia and familiarized herself with the computers, so she could make a quick start on it the next day. She bid Merina farewell, and headed back to her apartment.

Mixed feelings filled her as she stared idly out of the window of her transport. She had known that there was no way she would be granted knighthood, but it still hurt to be denied what she had worked her entire life for. But she was able to still be considered a Jedi, and work within the temple. It was the best she could hope for, but she had a nagging feeling in her mind that something was still terribly wrong. She would meditate on it later, so she could figure out what was wrong and resolve the problem.

She approached her apartment, and saw a figure in a fighter uniform standing in front of her door. Believing it to be her husband, she rushed forward, but as she got closer, she saw that it was Commander Lewis.

"Commander Lewis, this is unexpected. May I help you?" She asked. He saluted her formally, and handed her a holograph disc.

"General Solo asked me to bring this to you after he had left on his mission. I'm not sure what it contains." He told her.

They entered her apartment, and she placed the disc into the projector. The head of her husband appeared, and began to speak.

"Hello darling. I hope everything went well with the Jedi Council – I'm sure they will see that you're too much of an asset to the Jedi to just banish you from their ranks. Know that whatever they decide, I am proud of you and I love you. Now, the reason for this message. I wasn't completely honest with you when describing the mission I left on. We knew that it was going to be a suicide mission going in, but it was vital that we destroy this fleet of droid ships, as they were preparing to amass a large army and attack a star system vital to the Republic. I am truly sorry that I couldn't be with you, and that I couldn't help you raise our child together. You have your role in this galaxy, and I had mine. Know that no matter where I am, I will always love you and want you to be happy. I have faith that you will be a wonderful mother and I only wish I could be there to see it. I love you, darling." The holograph faded away.

Odessa turned to Commander Lewis, her face pale. She was shaking slightly.

"Is it true? Is he really…is he dead?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. She knew the truth before Commander Lewis responded.

"Yes, it is true. He and his squadron were destroyed in the battle with the droid army. However, he was able to destroy the droids in the process. He has been awarded a medal of honor. I'm sorry, General Sinthea, I didn't realize that you two were together," He told her, his eyes full of sympathy. Odessa collapsed onto the couch, the weight of the recent events finally crushing down upon her. Commander Lewis sat next to her, placing a hand on her back.

"Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you, General Sinthea. Is there any family I should contact, either for you or for General Solo?"

Odessa shook her head. "Both…both of our families died when we were young…that's how we became so close. We…we had no one else but each other."

"I understand. I can stay for a few hours, but I must return to the battles. With General Solo gone, I have been placed in charge. Is there anyone I can call to come stay with you?"

Odessa looked up, her tearstained face streaked with red. "I…I should be fine. Thank you for everything, Commander Lewis," she said. He stood, and handed her a leather case.

"Here is his medal of honor. Since you are the only connection we've found for General Solo, I'll leave it with you. Again, I'm very sorry, General Sinthea." She took it, and Commander Lewis let himself out of the apartment. Odessa made her way to her bedroom and slowly undressed and laid down in her bed. She got very little sleep.