I'm sorry about the very long wait, but finally, I update on Yu-Gi-Oh! Whose Line is it Anyway? I'm sure that it has been collecting dust from all this time. Anyway, what will the next game be? Read onward and find out!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. Thank you.

"Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway," Drew greeted the audience. "That show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right; the points are like my Thigh Master. They don't mean a thing. Let's go on with a game called Scenes from a Hat!" The audience cheered at this game, since it was one of their favorites. All four performers walked out, but stood opposite of each other. Yami and Joey were together, and Kaiba and Tea were together.

"In this game, the audience writes down suggestions they would like to see," Drew explained. "We take the good ones, put them in a hat, and see how many our performers can act out. Starting with: 'Confusing battle cries.'" Joey walked out onto the stage.

"Give me liberty…or a bran muffin!" he cried, the audience laughing. Joey then walked out again. "Get my brown pants!" The audience laughed harder at this saying. Then, Yami walked out.

"We are here to defend the Alamo, correct?" he asked to an invisible army. "What the hell?" He turned around, and saw that no one was there.

"What penguins are really thinking." Kaiba walked out onto the stage, flapping his arms like wings.

"Geez, it's cold!" he muttered. "Geez!" He then walked off, letting Tea walk out.

"Does this tux make me look fat?" she asked. Joey then walked out, smiling devilishly.

"One day I'll get that Batman!" he said, the audience laughing.

Things you can say about your truck, but not your girlfriend.

"Wow, you can fit four in there," Joey remarked.

"Ah, smells good when the truck goes pfft," Kaiba said, getting laughter.

"Say, you are Ram tough," Yami said, also getting laughter.


"We'll be right back, find out who the winner is!" Drew yelled over the cheers of the audience. "Don't go away!"

I'm sorry that this chapter was short. I couldn't think of anything else from the different episodes that I've seen. In the next chapter, I'll have to make up something, or whatever.
