A/N I wasn't originally going to post this, but what the hell. Takes place a week after Xander and the others faced those demons on the street in chapter 23.

Chapter 24


5th Level

Hell dimension

A male figure with dark hair held his head down as he was barraged with another wave of electricity, from the large green and black demons poking him with their silver rod tasers. His bare back and chest was blackened and bruised in spots as he moved around to try to keep his balance. Not being able to deal with the pain any longer he raised his head and let loose a terrified scream.

The male was Xander.

"The mighty son of Sparda." one of the demons said as he jabbed Xander again with his rod. "Finally we hear your screams." it said as Xander lowered his head once more.

This had been going on for almost five days. The demons would beat and torture him, but he refused to scream. Until now. The pain was just too unbearable. Every inch of him, even places he didn't know he had hurt now. The demons they had fought in the street were just the beginning of a wave of demons that came after them. It seemed that Lord Ahriman had a loyal group of followers and after they got word of his demise, they organized a group and came for Xander and the others.

The demons had finally beaten them back and taken them to a hell dimension. He didn't know what happened to Trish and Kendra, because on the way they had gotten seperated. But as soon as they had gotten him into their possession and taken his weapons from him, they immediately started beating him. He didn't want to imagine what happened to the others.

"Yes..." another demon hissed out. It looked like a giant shadowy reptile. "His woman and the Slayer didn't even take this long to scream."

With that said Xander whipped his head up and with the last of his strength, broke his bonds and kicked the demon in front of him in the chest, knocking it back and making the other demons jump back. Seeing a long silver bar next to him, he kicked it up with his bare feet and into his hands, twirling it expertly.

"Let's rock." he said as he spat out some blood and the first demon lunged at him.

Rocking the first one with a viscious punch, it flew backwards into some large tubes and burst into ashes as a piece of metal penetrated it's heart. Enraged the other demons attacked.

Xander backhanded a demon, kicked another one in the face, then spun around to punch another one. Then the leader ran forward with his rod taser. Seeing his charge Xander punched him in the face, took the staff and used it to stake a demon behind him. He then hit the leader in the face with the staff, dusted a demon to the left of him, punched another one, and quickly dusted three more with three quick jabs of the staff.

He then paused and faced down the one that spoke to him earlier. Showing no fear the demon ran at him, and as he flew over Xander's head he staked it, sending ash crumbling around him. Feeling someone coming up behind him, he turned and puts the staff to the throat of the last demon, who stood still looking scared.

"I'll give you a choice." Xander said weakly. It was a struggle just to hold up the metal staff he had. "Either you can try to fight me and you die or you tell me where Kendra and Trish are?"

"All...alright I'll tell you." the demon said as he shivered a little.

As Xander quickly killed the demon, he ran to where it told him Trish and Kendra would be at. And when he got to the building he almost past out from the sight that greeted him. Both Trish and Kendra were chained to the wall unconcious, wearing ragged clothes and with bruises covering almost every inch of their once beautiful bodies.

"Baby, what have they done to you?" Xander asked as he caressed Trish's lip with his thumb. Searching the huge warehouse looking room, he found the key's to their shackles and lowered them down on the floor. After a few seconds Trish came around and looked up at him.

"Xander?" Trish asked as she opened a bruised eye and looked at him.

"Yeah." Xander said as he sat her up. "Can you stand?"

"Yeah." she replied as she stood to her feet, wincing with the effort. "How long have we been here?"

"I don't know." he said as he gathered the still unconcious Kendra in his arms. Till this day it still amazed him by how light she was. "But I know the way out of here."

As they left the warehouse, Trish looked up at the red and purple sky. She had been unconcious for so long, that the light hurt her eyes. Blocking the sunlight with her hand, she saw Xander running up ahead of her towards another building. With some effort, she pushed on and followed up behind him.

"I had to beat it out of a demon, about how to get out of here." Xander said as he moved to the side so Trish could open up the door. "They have a spell book in here that'll send us back to earth." he said as he ran inside and placed Kendra on top of a table near the door. As he looked about the room, no the library, he saw tons upon tons, of books stacked neatly around him.

"What's the name of the book and don't we need some potions or something to open up the vortex?" Trish asked.

"It's actually three books and they don't have names on them." Xander informed her as he started to go through the books. "Each one has a picture of an animal on it. One is of a wolf, the other a ram, and the last one a hart. And no we don't need any potions, we just have to find the incantation and then we're home free."

"Wait, here they are." Trish said as she held up one of the books. After only a few minutes of searching through the books they found a brief incantation. Before Trish could start reading from it, they saw the door being ripped from the wall and over five reptillian like demons spilling into the room.

"I'll take care of these guys." Xander said over his shoulder to Trish. "Just get that portal open."

Quickly mumbling the greek incantation, Trish looked up at her boyfriend kicking the shit out of the demons. But looking at how slowly he was doing it, she knew he didn't have much time. Concentrating on the spell, she felt a violent wind picking up behind her. Saying the last word on the page of the third book, a blue portal opened up behind her.

"Xander, come on!" Trish yelled out as she picked up Kendra and walked towards the portal. Visciously snapping the last demon's neck, Xander ran behind them as they entered the portal and landed into a muddy area in an LA cemetery.

"We made it." Trish said with a sigh as she stood out of the mud, picking up Kendra as she went.

"Good, I got you guys back home." Xander said as he turned away from her and back to the portal.

"What do you mean, you got us back?" Trish asked.

"I mean, I'm going back to the hell dimension." Xander said as he turned around to look at her.

"The hell you are!" Trish growled angrily.

"Trish, I have too don't you understand?" Xander asked as he walked closer to her. "I have to go back and get our weapons."

"You're gonna risk your life for that?" Trish asked, giving him a look. "We can always get more weapons Xander, but there's only one you."

"Don't you remember what Matier told us a few years back when we went to help, Dante?" he asked, giving her a second to remember. "She said that in the last apocolypse of our time, that the three of us would stand tall with our weapons and push back the night."

"Xander, don't do this." Trish begged as tears formed in her eyes. She felt that this was going to be the last time she ever saw him.

"I have too." Xander told her sadly as he turned his back to her. "When, Kendra wakes up tell her I'm sorry and that...I love you both." and with that Xander dived into the portal. With a slight pop, the portal closed into nothingness, leaving a weeping Trish in it's wake.

The End