
Author: Fraoch A'Ronaigh

Summary: AU, Semi-Cannon. It's been five years since the birth of Darth Vader. Believing his wife and unborn child were murdered by his own hand, Vader willingly cast aside the last connections of his humanity and, along side the Emperor, he became one of the most feared beings of the Galactic Empire. Will he stay this way, or are forces beyond his control about to change his destiny once again?

Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to the creative genius of George Lucas.

Rating: M. It may eventually go down to an M rating, so it's best to just rate the whole thing M..

A/N: Heavy spoilers for Episode III. Anakin/Padmè pairing. I've never actually written a fan fiction before, mainly articles about real life situations, so this is new to me. Think of this as Episode III ½ J

Padmè knew that when she asked for Vader's help, it was going to be difficult. But she didn't realize exactly how difficult it would actually be. It had been three days since Vader stormed out of her room. Three days with nothing more than a courtesy droid coming once a day to tell her that they have no leads on where Leia is yet.

She should be grateful. She knew that. And, in some small way, she was. But it didn't stop her from resenting his ability to ignore her. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but this wasn't it. He was always so hot-headed, she just assumed that he would come back to her to continue their fight. Or to beg her forgiveness. But he hadn't.

She gritted her teeth and reminded herself that this wasn't her Anakin. He may have hung on her every word and did everything he could to see that she was happy, but this was Vader. He could care less about her and had no qualms showing it.

That's not entirely true, a small voice said in the back of her mind. He wanted to try to fix things between you two. You are the one who pushed him away.

With a sigh of self-disgust she pushed the thought away. Stop it. He's not Anakin. He can never be who you love. I was right in pushing him away.

She walked over to her desk and looked at the image of her daughter. Next to it was Vader's helmet. She put it there after he stormed out of her room, thinking he would come back. Now she just looked at the two objects until she got tears in her eyes.

How can someone as beautiful as Leia come from someone like him? She picked her daughter's hologram up and ran a finger down the frame. Much like Vader, she couldn't help but notice how the light shined out of her daughter. So beautiful. My baby.

Holding back a scream of pain that wanted to rip its way through her body, she put the image down and looked over at the mask. She picked it up and held it for a closer inspection. It gleaned dully from the lights in the room and she could see that it was dented in some places.

Probably got those murdering some innocent who didn't listen to him. She bit back a disgusted sigh. Stop it. You can't know how these came to be here. For all you know he tripped and dented the helmet. Thinking of Vader tripping brought an involuntary giggle out and she had to put the mask down to cover her mouth to stop from laughing.

Unable to quell the laughter, she fell limply to the desk chair and let it out, the image of Vader falling running through her mind over and over. That's how Jamillia found her, a few moments later when she entered the room.

Her friend was laughing, almost hysterically, into her hands. It brought an involuntary smile to her own face and she asked, "What's so funny?"

Padmè gasped and sat up straight, startled out of her mirth. "Jamillia, you scared ten years off of me," she admonished.

"Sorry. I was just surprised to see you sitting there laughing." Sheepishly, Jamillia hung her head and walked further into the room to sit on the bed. "So what did you find so amusing anyway?"

Padmè smiled again and shook her head. "Sorry old friend, it was nothing more than a silly image running through my mind." She stood and walked over to Jamillia, her expression turning serious.

"Did you find anything out?"

It was Jamilla's turn to shake her head. "No. Nothing." Frustration showed openly on her face. "I've practically been everywhere on this ship and I've found nothing that will help us."

"Well." Padmè patted her leg in understanding as she sat down next to her. "We really didn't expect him to talk to anyone about what his plans are. At least we tried, right?"

Jamillia nodded, her heart heavy with failure. "I know. But, something…anything would be better than what we know now."

"I know." Thoroughly dejected the two women sat in silence, each lost in thought so deep that they didn't hear the protocol droid enter the room.

Lord Vader wishes to tell you that nothing new has been found since your last update.

Both women jumped, startled when the droid spoke. Padmè watched the droid turn and leave the room.

"That's it. That's all he's going to give us." Frustrated, she stood and began to pace in front of the bed. "No news."

"Well," replied Jamillia. "No news is good news, right?" She got a look of such disgust from Padmè in response that she turned away and shut her mouth.

"Forget this!" Fed up, Padmè turned and stalked over to the wall. She pushed a button and asked where Vader was.

"Lord Vader is in the solitary on level three," came the reply.

"Padmè, what are you doing?" Jamillia watched as her friend practically ran to the door way.

"I'm going to find out what is going on. He's not going to keep information from me anymore." She flew through the door, anger apparent in every step.

Jamillia, alone in Padmè's room, just closed her eyes and hoped that nothing horrible would come of this.