For everyone who does not know, I've been writing this story for a long time, unaware (or just forgetful) of the fact that no one was allowed to have song fics up. Thus, I deleted Just Runaway to take out the lyrics. However...I was stupid and did not realize that I could have just replaced the chapters! Now my fic with about 60 reviews is back down to 0! cries at my lack of common sense

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho in any way. If you do not believe this…then, well, you're wrong.

Chapter 1: Runaway

The redheaded boy ran and ran. His heart was pounding in his ears. His hair flying all around him. He needed to get away from here.

He took a glance all around him. Everywhere was dark. He couldn't make anything out. It was all…black…and devoid of warmth. He inhaled what seemed to be dust, and then he coughed it back out. Markings started to appear on walls. Markings that looked like…graffiti.

His feet pounded on the path he was running on. He kept running and running and running and running.

"KURAMA!" he heard.

It's Youko! Kurama turned around. Youko was chasing after him.

"Kurama!" he hollered. "Kurama get back here!"

"NO! GO AWAY!" Kurama yelled back in fear.

"Get your ass back here now!"

"I WANNA RUN AWAY!" he screamed.


Kurama ignored Youko's pleas and ran faster. It felt like his lungs were on fire. He could only run for so long. His breathing was becoming fast and rapid. He needed to get away as fast as possible. He couldn't let Youko catch up.

He could hear the angry voices:

"You can't deny it forever Kurama!"

"You killed Karasu and Roto and plenty others!"



"Kurama, are you going to kill me now, too?"

"You killed Shiori's baby for your own selfish greed! YOUR OWN SELFISH GREED! You're no different than any of us!"

I've said for the longest time I was truly a cold-blooded killer at heart, and that I'd do something to stop it, but I never ever meant it. Even if I did, there's no way I could change the way I am.

"KURAMA! I'M NOT KIDDING!" Youko bellowed.

Kurama's emerald eyes widened. Youko was gaining on him.

Kurama shook his head. "SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE YOU!"

I'm not Youko! I'm not Youko! I'm not Youko! I'M NOT HIM!

Kurama ran faster and faster, but he was going nowhere, and Youko was just getting closer and closer. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Kurama screamed.

"Kurama! You don't understand!" Youko pleaded.

"SHUT UP! GO AWAY!" Kurama screamed.

Youko suddenly caught up to Kurama and tackled him to the ground. He looked into Kurama's eyes, which were full of fear. Kurama was still catching his breath.

Nothing seemed to move. Time seemed frozen.