A/N- Hey, this is my first fic-plz r&r Flames accepted-be honest but some1, out there, you must like it. However, I will keep writing no matta what you review evil laughter If you have suggestions about what you'd like to see in this story, post them.Thanks a million. I need all the help I can get. My motto is the public gets what it wants. Also, I want 2 make this story real long. Just to clue you in, I am open to any pairings you'd like to see. Keep a look out for future chappies and I promise that there will be more stories from me in the future.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Zoey 101 or any characters mentioned, though if I did, I'd be in heaven. (I wish I owned it, but if wishes were horses…) I hate disclaimers. I LOVE ZOEY 101.

Anyway, here's your story:


Setting- Zoey and Nicole are sitting at lunch table. The 3 guys come and sit down.

"Hey, Zoey, Nicole! Did you hear about the field trip? It's overnight for 6 days to a ski lodge!", Chase said.

(A/N: just so you know, my school had an overnight trip for a few days, so this IS believable, even though you may think it's not because it's a school-back to the story)

"Really?", said Nicole. "That's so awesome!"

"Yeah, Chase, that's awesome.", Zoey said. "When is it?"

"Well-" Chase was cut off by someone yelling:

"LOGAN, stop!". Everyone turned their heads toward the noise. Dana and Logan apparently had been walking towards the table (from different directions) when Logan had stopped in front of a boy about Dustin's age. Zoey and her lunch table got up and went over to where Dana and Logan were standing. Dana was holding on to Logan at an odd angle, and neither one of them was looking too happy about it. The boy was cowering and looking up at Logan with very scared eyes. "What's going on here?" Michael demanded.

Dana turned toward him and said "Logan here (looking disgustedly at Logan) wanted his report from this kid. He was paying him to write an essay for English, because he was too lazy to think for himself. But then again," she said, looking at Logan, "he never thinks for himself, so I'm really not surprised. However, that is wrong. The kid was busy with his own homework and didn't have time to finish the report, so Logan was about to beat him up. I stopped him. I-SHOULD-NOT-HAVE-HAD-TO-DO-THAT!" With each word, she twisted Logan's arms behind his back a little tighter. Logan gasped a little bit with pain and tried to break free. Finally Dana dropped him on the ground. "Run, kid", she advised the boy that had been standing there. He picked up his books from where Logan had knocked them down, and hightailed it out of there.

Logan stood up, rubbing his arms. Dana looked defiantly at him. "You know, you wouldn't have to be taught a lesson by a girl in front of your friends if you had left that kid alone", she said. Logan didn't say anything and didn't look at her either. Chase coughed behind him, and Logan jumped. "Leave me alone" he said, and left in the direction he had come from.

A/N: Sorry Logan fans, I just wanted to get back at him for all the times he was a jerk. But I do have feelings, and Dana will get what she deserves. However, just because I'm getting back at Dana doesn't mean I like Logan or anything (coughs and blushes). Ahem. Anyway, read on (if you don't think this majorly sucks):

Later that day, at the lounge, all six kids are sitting there. Dana and Logan are far away from each other, and he won't talk to her. He will however, talk to everyone else. (This is NOT what I meant about Dana getting payback.) The kids have all signed up for the fieldtrip. All of a sudden, Dustin came flying up to them. "Zoey, I need cash! Quick! I have gone without without gummy bears for 36 hours, and I'm suffering because of it! Just 20 bucks and I'll be okay!"

"Whoa," said Zoey. "Just 20 bucks? 'Cuz that sounds like more money than I have. Sorry- I'm broke." "I'll help", said Chase, pulling out his wallet. "Oh, no you won't" said Zoey, grabbing his hand. Chase looked down at his hand and started to turn red. The three girls didn't notice, but Logan elbowed Michael, who also had noticed. "Dustin, if you want money, earn it yourself. I would find some way to help you if it was an emergency, but gummy worms are not emergencies." Zoey said. "But Zoey! That's not fair! I really need them!" Dustin said. "Don't but Zoey me- I said no, and I won't change it. However, check the bulletin board across the room. People are always asking for some type of job to be done-maybe they'll hire you. Whatever you do, DON'T join one of Quinn's experiments!" Dustin frowned and then shrugged. "Bye" he said, heading to the board.

"Speak of her, and she appears!" Nicole whispered to the group. Quinn was dashing towards them with what looked like a remote control in her hands. "You guys! I think I've found a way to control people's minds!", she exclaimed happy and excited. Everyone exchanged nervous glances, eye rolls, and raised their eyebrows.

Quinn didn't notice. She was too wrapped up in her latest 'discovery'. "See, I adjust these controls here" she said, showing them the face of the remote, which was covered in dials and buttons, and had a small lever near the bottom. "Then, once I have adjusted it to the person I want to control, I switch this lever and I can use my computer to control them." She pulled her laptop out of her bag and opened it. Turning it so they could all see the screen, she opened up a program on the desktop and started typing furiously. Everyone looked confused at each other and Logan whispered to Nicole (they were sitting next to each other) "Can we control her so she'll leave us alone?". "Shhh...She'll hear you. But I wish I could." Nicole said.

Quinn turned to the group and said "With this invention, I can have people test out my other inventions. For some reason, people usually aren't too interested in doing that." Dana whispered so Quinn couldn't hear, "Gee, I wonder why. It might have something to do with the fact that she's a freak and her inventions are disasters." Quinn kept talking.

"If I could clone myself, then I wouldn't have to ask others, but I gave up that for now, because I had the brilliant idea that I could invent something to control people's minds-not only would my inventions be tested, but I could learn people's secrets. Speaking of testing inventions", ("Oh, NO!" Nicole whispered",) "who's going to test out the mind control device? If you don't volunteer, I will be forced to use it on you anyway." Everyone stood up and made excuses, then left. Everyone except Logan and Dana. They gathered up their stuff and were ready to go, but Logan grabbed Dana. She was shocked and didn't move for a second.

He held her in the same position she had been holding on to him earlier that day. When she realized what had happened, she struggled to get free, but he was ready for her. He copied her arm twisting move and she reacted the same way he had, gasping with pain, but he, unlike her, didn't let go. Quinn turned around to see the two of them still standing there. She didn't seem surprised to see Logan holding Dana like that.

He offered his explanation: "Dana is going to try out your mind control thing." "Logan, get off me! I am not gonna try that mind thing! Get off, let me go, stop it! I am not doing this! Leave me alone! What do you think you're doing! Drop me, get off! What is your problem, huh?'' She fought even harder against him, then suddenly slumped against him, tired. She had exhausted herself. He smiled. "Dana, looks like Quinn is going to take control of you now. I'll leave you two alone. No, actually I won't. I want to see what she'll do to you." Finally he let her go and she fell down like he had that morning. Suddenly she sprang up and rushed out of the room.