A/N- Hello everyone, I am writing this to you so that you know that I am revisiting this story and editing it further, since time and practice has enlightened me a bit to some of the flaws that interfere with the telling of this story. I will try to do you justice by making my thoughts more clear for you. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through my bad writing habits, I had no beta and tried my hardest. This was obviously my first attempt and thank you for hanging on with me. I will try to do it better this time. Let me know if I am succeeding, please, I have not received much feedback lately, and it is hard to keep your courage up without it. So, please don't be shy, let me know what you think. I sure appreciate it when you do...

I have done an unsuccessful one shot, "The letter the rose and the ring" not many people read it, and I have been writing a story that I have a beta for, the title being Fleur de Lis. I am very excited about this story, even though it is being submitted slowly. I hope the fact that I have a beta; mominator will be evident in the quality of the structure. I have the basic story all planned out, I just need the characters, many whom I have created here, to act the intricacies out for me. Erik and Christine, Raoul, Gustave, Mme Giry and Meg shall all be in it, naturally, though it takes Erik to a monastery to gain some semblance of sanity back after Populaire's demise. Christine falls into his life after almost a year. A mystery unfolds and it goes round and round from there. Hope you get a chance to check it out you might like it. Again, please let me know if you do and if you have any ideas to make it better as well. Any ideas with any of the stories is always appreciated, please do so constructively, not maliciously, though.Merci, either way, you are wonderful and have given me such courage that I never dreamt I would have, thank you. Mary.