Hey everyone, this is Butterflly back with the last chapter of Mistaken Mistress, and hopefully soon I will be coming out with the sequel to this story.
Now here we go with the next and final chapter of Mistaken Mistress…
Chapter 38: Mistaken Mistress: Corrected!
Draco's POV
Right now I was sitting in the pent house starring at the wall, with a glass of butter beer by my side.
Hermione and my child were at the hospital, and Dray was with his grandparents.
Ron was still with Hermione and they were running tests on her to see if there were in fact any potions in her system. I knew they would find nothing, because even though Ron was a dim wit, I doubt that he would screw this up.
At this moment there was only one man that could help me.
I put on my cloak and headed to the fire place.
A face appeared before I could even say anything.
"So Draco, you need my help?"
Hermione's POV
"Well Hermione there appears to be nothing in your blood stream to indicate foul play."
I looked at the doctor as I picked my daughter up out of the incubator.
I knew that I should be happy that the baby was Ron's, but a part of me felt like something was wrong.
"So Hermione, we'll just keep you here for one more night and in the morning you and Izabele can head on home."
I thanked the doctor, and then she left.
I looked down at my baby.
She was so perfect, and she looked like her big brother a bit-
Wait, Ron doesn't have any kids, but Draco does. His name is…is…Dray.
I looked at Izzy again.
"Izabele who is your daddy?"
"Hermione, maybe it is Ron's, I mean before you told me that you…you hoped she was Ron's."
"Ginny, I just don't feel right about this…"
I called my doctor back in the room.
"Doctor, did you run a test to see if Ron's blood matched Izabele's?
The doctor nodded.
"Doctor, who does my family believe the father is?"
He pulled up a chair and sat down next to me.
"Well that's something else that's odd. Everyone seems to believe that the baby's Draco's."
"Well doctor, I guess you've done everything, and the baby is in fact Ron's."
He smiled then left.
Just then Dumbledore popped into my room.
"Good evening, Hermione, and little Izabele."
Izzy smiled and spit up a little.
I quickly cleaned her up and then turned my attention back to the Professor.
"Well, Hermione I came here, because I heard from a source that you do not know who your baby's father is."
I nodded, and he continued.
"Hermione, I know for a fact that Ron is not this child's father. For one thing she looks just like her father, and I know also because I can feel that you know the truth inside."
Dumbledore took out a small bottle and I recognized it as the same potion that was used to find the truth about Voldemort from Prof. Moody.
"Hermione I believe that though Mr. Weasley's plan was quite thought out, but he didn't count on this."
He told me to open my mouth and he dropped a bit of the potion on my tongue.
My body instantly felt a cooling sensation.
Next the professor took his wand, and took out a memory. A memory of my wedding, and of Ron giving me the rose.
Dumbledore: Just what I though. Rolesa Inducto. A very old potion that is very similar to the one I hold in my hand, except it makes you forget the truth, very powerful stuff. In fact I have no idea how Mr. Weasley could have gotten a hold of it…
The room was silent.
"I'm so sorry Hermione, I knew what he was doing all along! But he's my brother and, and I just felt so bad!"
Again the room was silent, and all I could do was stare at Ginny.
"Ginny, get out!"
"Please, Hermione you have to understand!"
"Ginny, get out now before I kill you!"
"But Hermione-"
"Ginny, you could have killed my child! I never want to see you again!"
Three Weeks Later…
After that episode with Ginny, the doctors knew just what to give me, and now I remember everything. While I do miss Ginny, I just can't forgive her for almost harming my daughter.
"Mummy, when is Izzy going to wake up?"
I looked down at my son pulling on my apron.
"Sweetie she should be up in about twenty minutes, about the same time when your dad will wake up."
Dray sat down at his little table pouting.
"Aww, cheer up. She'll be up-"
Just then a loud screeching noise came from Izzy's room.
"See there she is now. Why don't you go say good morning to her while I clean my hands and get her bottle."
Dray licked this idea, and ran down the hall to her room.
"Mummy, tell daddy to hand her over!"
I laughed to myself as I tested her bottle, and went down the hall.
"Okay, okay both of you will have to wait cause it's mummy's turn."
"Well, hurry up because Izzy wants to be with her daddy."
"And her brother."
I smiled at both my husband, and two children.
My life was perfect…Just Perfect.
That was the end of Mistaken Mistress, that you all have been waiting for!
Now just because that is over, doesn't mean that it's over. I am still going to do the sequel, and as a matter of fact I'm going to post the first chapter right after this one.
Well I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter, and that it was all that you had hopped for. I also hope that you all tune in to the sequel.
With Love, Butterflly
P.S. I haven't forgotten the contest winners!