HI all this is my first DNAngel ficcy. its storyline comes from Aladdin, i just love that movie. only exception is most of the story, characters and theres a prince and a thief, instead of a princess. wow that a lot of stuff. well anyhoo i hope everyone likes it okay. tell me if i should continue or not please.

Disclaimer: i sadly dont own DNAngel or the cast cuz im just a loser with huggly Daisuke plushies!

Prince Of Thieves

He ran down the street exhausted, he'd been running for a while now, twists and turns through the random ally ways that he'd somehow grown to memorize throughout the years. He came upon the abandoned building that he knew as his home and he quickly climbed up the wooden support beam up to the third story. He heard the commands being shouted to the other guards from below and ducked his head inside so they couldn't see him. After about 5 minutes he heard the voices fade away and he sighed in relief.

"Hey wiz! You up here buddy? Wiiiz?" the redheaded boy with matching eyes sat on the floor of the fairly empty room and took out one of two green apples that he'd stolen earlier. 'oh well guess he'll come back when he's hungry.' The boy peered outside the window he often used as a door and stared at the beautiful palace a few miles away. It looked absolutely breathtaking as the sunset behind it glowed a pinkish-blue, Daisuke loved this time of day, it reminded him of how things used to be, when he had a home and family.

"AWW Pop's come on, you cant be serious, who in their right mind would marry a girl like that! Did you hear her?" the purple haired prince sat down on a plush chair and sighed. " Son, please try and understand that you must be wed by the time you are 18. there are no exceptions, and the only leniency you are given is to at lest be engaged." The elder king rubbed his temples as he felt the headache his son was giving him get stronger. "but father cant you guys at least TRY and pick out a decent spouse for me? All these girls are totally insane, and don't even get me started on the guys." The prince blushed as he remembered one of the wannabe suitors try and impress him a few weeks ago. " Dark you must understand that royalty must marry royalty of a different country, I feel bad that you cant pick anyone you want, but at lest we give you a selection of princes and princesses. I could just pick one for you and be done with it." The prince gave his father a glare and got up to walk out to his balcony "Fine, whatever dad, I guess I could try harder to like one of them, just no more scary fangirls okay?" the king smiled and went to leave "Yes son, as long as you fulfill the law."

Daisuke was so lost in the sunset that he didn't even hear his furry friend enter the room. Wiz sneaked up to Daisuke and jumped up onto his bright red hair and snuggled into it. " Agh! ..oh hey Wiz, you scared me for a second there buddy." Wiz made a purry 'kyuu' squeak that he always did when he tried to communicate and snuggled more into the fluff of Daisuke's hair. "Oh that's rite, hey Wiz, ya hungry boy? I got us a couple real nice apples today while I was out, to bad they made me drop the bread when I was running away." Wiz perked up his head and hopped down from his 'bed' and happily munched on the apple that his red headed companion was holding out for him.

Daisuke took one last look at the palace before we walked across the room to a mess of blankets and rags lay on the floor. He crawled under them and let Wiz get settled onto his head. Daisuke had trouble sleeping as he kept thinking of ways to actually get a good home for him and Wiz, he sighed and continued to think ' I wish that mom and grandpa were still here, or at least that I wouldn't have to steal stuff anymore, I don't like living this way. If only we lived in there, a palace with no worries at all.' Exhausted Daisuke finally fell asleep in the corner of his abandoned home.

Dark leaned upon the railing of his balcony just thinking of how much his life sucked. 'I cant do anything fun, cant go outside the palace walls, I cant eat what I want, I cant even marry who I want! Being a prince is so over rated.' Dark sighed as he looked out upon the city, he smiled as he soon began to look forward to tomorrow. ' Heh, nobody will notice if I'm gone for a few hours rite? Yeah, then I can see what its really like to be free, even if it is only for a little while.' Dark walked in and closed his balcony doors, then plopped into his giant feathery bed and drifted off to an anxious sleep.

it was about 7 o'clock when Daisuke woke up, the shops wouldn't be open for another hour or so. He opened his eyes and stretched under the tangle of blankets he was in, Wiz lazily fell off Daisuke and onto the floor. Daisuke watched his furry friend just casually curl up in a ball after falling on his head and go back to sleep. The red head chuckled at his friend and got up to go find a shower.

The building that he and Wiz lived in wad no water supply, so he usually bathed in a nearby river on the outskirts of town. Unfortunately for him it was about a 2 mile walk there. He didn't really mind though seeing as how pretty the landscape was to look at, lots of trees and animals, it was a nice forest to walk in. He soon got to the river and looked around for a little while to make sure no one was there, when he was satisfied he got undressed and jumped in the cold river. Over the years he'd gotten used to the coolness of the river and it didn't really even effect him anymore. Daisuke was happy that his hair was once again clean, and he hummed a song as he walked back to town.

Dark had gotten up extra early today since he didn't want people to know about his escape. Nobody dared to go wake prince Dark before at least 9 o'clock in the morning, so he got up at seven. There were not many palace guards in the morning like this so he had a pretty easy escape planned. 'just gotta hop the wall and im out of here for the day.' The prince wore a smirk as he thought of what his father would do if he was caught, the smirk fell like a brick when he saw the wall he had to 'hop'. The wall was about 12 feet high and little vines scattered among it. 'aww crap, why me.' Dark sighed as he looked up at the very unnecessary tall wall. ' its always something. Oh well better get started.'

Dark grabbed one of the vines and placed his foot on it, he then grabbed one with his hands and pulled himself up. He got till about half way up the wall when he heard the snapping of branches. He looked down and saw it was the vine he was standing up on, he fell all the way down into a bush and got right back up to climb it again. It took him about four tries to actually get all the way up the wall. But now he didn't know how to get down. There were no vines on this side of the wall and he wasn't willing to fall 12 feet to the bottom. 'dammit always frickin something aint it?' Dark kicked the wall he was sitting on top of and ungracefully lost his balance. Before he fell off he grabbed one of the vines and it caught him about half way down the other side of the wall. Since he was used to it already, he just jumped the other half way down and happened to land on his feet this time. 'Now that's more like it.'

Daisuke wandered around the streets for a while looking at the food stands and what they had to sell for the day, he hated doing this but he knew that for he and Wiz were to survive then he had to get them some food. He was wearing a coat with a big hood on it to hide his hair, it wouldn't be a problem if his hair wasn't so, different, but the coat also had a lot of pockets as well. He shopped around for a bit until he saw something he knew would be enough for a couple days that didn't spoil to easy, and was also easy to hide. He quickly passed the cart he stole from the other day and walked past a guard. Luckily the gauds weren't to bright in this city, so none of them paid him any attention. Daisuke saw his window of opportunity open as the bread man started talking to a customer. He had turned his back to a side of the cart and was explaining something to the woman customer. Daisuke took this moment to grab about four bread rolls from the cart and stuff them in his coat pocket.

He was walking away rather quickly looking for anyone who may have seen him when he ran into one of the guards from yesterday right in front of the mans bread stand. Daisuke fell to the ground with a thud and the guard stood over him looking suspiciously, anger rose onto the guard features and he started yelling for assistance from the other guards. Daisuke was in a state of shock while he sat there, he didn't know what he did to upset the guard when he suddenly looked down to see the bread rolls out of his pockets and the bread man yelling and glaring at him. 'oh no, this is bad. I have to get out of here now!' the redhead sat up and bolted between the tall guards legs and ran into an ally way, all he could do was curse himself for being so clumsy at a time like this. 'geeze Daisuke, your losing it, this is the second chase this week.'

Dark was having a nice time walking through the market place and the neighborhoods of his fathers city. All their lives seemed so simple compared to his, and that only made him think more about his predicament. He was 17 and he had to be either engaged or married by 18. Its really not what any 17 year old wants to hear but as a prince he was told when he was younger to expect it.

He decided to walk back over to the market place to get something to eat, so he took a shortcut through the ally. He thought he had this city figured out by now, but it was built like a maze, every turn he took for a good while was either a dead end or just lead to doors that he had no business going in. he heard footsteps coming fast and he was glad that their was now someone to help him. He waited in the middle of the ally way since he didn't know which way the person was going, but then he saw a shadow. Only a second after seeing the shadow he saw the boy with flaming red hair and eyes come running round the corner and smash into him.

The two laid in an ungraceful heap on the floor and Dark rubbed his now sore back. " Oh no, im done for now. Unless I..." was all Dark heard the redhead say before jumping up onto a pole and climbing up like a chimp. Dark wasn't mad that the boy ran into him, the boy was like nothing he'd ever seen before, but he didn't even say sorry and that was just unacceptable. "Hey man, the least you could say is sorry! I wont tolerate any disrespect!" all the boy did was keep climbing up the pole till he reached the second story window and climbed inside. 'these buildings are all mostly abandoned, I wonder what a guy like that is going in there for.' Thought the prince before he got angry at the boy again. "Hey wait you uhh... dropped some money!" Daisuke poked his head out the window " Money? What mon.. AGH!" the floor creaked and splintered as the redhead fell to the first floor of the building.

'heh I just wanted him to apologize to me, but this will do fine.' Thought the prince as he looked at the dust clear to reveal the teenaged mess under the rubble of the broken floor. A guard ran around the corner startling the prince into thinking that his father had found him already. Instead the guard ran over to the wood pile and pulled out the boy that had ran into him. The redhead was barley conscious, but still decided to fight with the guard to let him go. "Cummon it was only some bread, I'll work it off! You don't have to get the palace officials in this. I would have paid for it if I had the money I swear!" Daisuke finally realized how much bigger and stronger that the guard was than he and quit fighting. The guard tied Daisuke's hands behind his back and tossed him on the ground.

Dark only stood and watched as all his realization came to him at once. This boy was a thief, he was being chased and that's why he couldn't say anything to him. The boy didn't even notice he was the prince. Dark got and evil idea in his head at that moment. " Umm guard? Can I talk to you a moment?" the guard looked up and glared at the other boy that he hadn't even seen till now. "Yeah what kid im busy." Dark walked up to the guard and took off his hood, then stared him right in the eyes. The guard was suddenly on his knees begging the prince to forgive him, he hadn't known it was Dark since he had his hair covered. Daisuke now looked shocked as well, everyone knew that it was the royal family who had royal purple hair and eyes.

"p-please sir, just spare my job, im sorry I disgraced you but I dint know it was you sir. Please forgive me!" Dark looked disgusted with the guards pathetic display and just huffed. "Fine, your not fired. Just pick up the boy and lets go back to the palace." The guard jumped up and threw Daisuke over his shoulder then followed the prince back to the palace gates.

TBC? please RxR, thankies